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Game of April 29, 2011 at 20:16, 4 players
1. yab -456
2. SuperH -589
3. GillesB -793

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. beilost   H4    74    74   betoils
 2. ??eenor   5D    74   148   reopener
 3. eeinost   4H    77   225   betonies
 4. aiklnst   N2    38   263   sneak
 5. dehirrv   O4    47   310   shiver
 6. abddipt   6F    22   332   pat
 7. dmosuwy   D4    28   360   drowsy
 8. aadilnt   3K    31   391   liana
 9. eghnott   7F    28   419   thong
10. agimnuy   8A    30   449   gyms
11. aenoruv   A5    63   512   vargueno
12. deeioqr  10F    32   544   qis
13. aillotz   C8    26   570   maillot
14. deeiorw   B6    32   602   wey
15. defiopr  11C    30   632   lepid
16. abcdoru   9G    21   653   cloud
17. aeefgir   K9    22   675   defrag
18. aaejnrt  13I    30   705   naartje
19. ceiortz  O12    69   774   zero
20. acefiuu  N13    26   800   jai
21. bcdeimx  10J    32   832   medic
22. beftuux  J12    20   852   eaux

Remaining tiles: bftu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5385 Fileyab         2 24:25  -456  396     1.5385 yab         2 24:25  -456  396 
  2.  -  FileSuperH      1 17:24  -589  263            Group: not rated
  3.  -  FileGillesB     1  3:42  -793   59     1.  -  SuperH      1 17:24  -589  263 
  4.  -  FileBucko71     0  5:08  -795   57     2.  -  GillesB     1  3:42  -793   59 
                                             3.  -  Bucko71     0  5:08  -795   57 

On 1st draw, BETOILS H4 74 --- BETOIL to weary with toil [v]
Other moves: BETOILS H2 70, BETOILS H3 70, BETOILS H6 70, BETOILS H7 70, BETOILS H8 70
BLITES H4 22 yab
BILES H4 20 SuperH

On 2nd draw, REO(P)ENE(R) 5D 74 --- REOPENER a clause in a contract for reconsideration [n]
Other tops: REO(P)ENE(D) 5D 74, (C)ON(F)EREE 5D 74, (F)ORE(S)EEN 5E 74, (M)E(Z)EREON 5E 74, (R)EO(P)ENER 5D 74
Other moves: IN(D)OR(S)EE 8H 71, I(S)O(P)RENE 8H 71, (P)E(P)ERONI 8A 71, BE(C)(K)ONER 4H 68, BE(L)ON(G)ER 4H 68
(S)E(A)BORNE 4E 16 yab

On 3rd draw, BETONIES 4H 77 --- BETONY a European herb [n]
Other moves: ONERIEST D2 68, SEROTINE D3 68, ESSONITE 10F 62, ESSONITE 10G 62, NOSELITE 9D 60
SEROTINE D3 18 yab
LOINS 9H 6 Bucko71

On 4th draw, SNEAK N2 38 --- SNEAK to move stealthily [v]
Other tops: STEAK N2 38
Other moves: SKAILS O4 30, SLINKS O4 30, STALKS O4 30, STANKS O4 30, STINKS O4 30
KISS O1 24 yab
SKINT M2 18 SuperH
STALKS 10H 12 Bucko71

On 5th draw, SHIVER O4 47 --- SHIVER to tremble with fear or cold [v]
Other moves: SHIRRED O4 44, SHIVE O4 44, SHIRED O4 41, SHIED O4 38, SHIER O4 35
DRIVER D4 22 yab

On 6th draw, PAT 6F 22 --- PAT to stroke lightly [v]
Other tops: BAT 6F 22, BIT 6F 22, PIT 6F 22
Other moves: BIPOD F2 20, BRAID D4 20, ADIT 6E 19, AID M3 19, (P)IPA G5 19
PATTED J1 15 Bucko71
BARD D3 14 SuperH
DRIP D4 14 yab

On 7th draw, DROWSY D4 28 --- DROWSY sleepy [adj]
Other moves: MENUDO I3 27, WOODSY 7G 27, WUSSY 10F 27, YOWS 7G 27, DRUSY D4 26
DROWSY D4 28 yab
MOSSY 10F 24 Bucko71

On 8th draw, LIANA 3K 31 --- LIANA a tropical vine [n]
Other moves: ANA 3M 23, AID M3 19, ALIDAD 4A 17, AIA M3 16, AIL M3 16
TIDS 8A 15 yab
NY 9C 6 SuperH

On 9th draw, THONG 7F 28 --- THONG a narrow strip of leather used for binding [n]
Other moves: GHEST 8A 27, GHOST 8A 27, THON 7F 26, HOGEN 7G 24, HOGS 8A 24
THOSE 8A 24 yab
HOST 10F 15 SuperH

On 10th draw, GYMS 8A 30 --- GYM a room for athletic activities [n]
Other moves: MAYS 8A 27, YAMS 8A 27, AGISM 8A 24, GAYS 8A 24, GUYS 8A 24
MUGS 8A 21 yab

On 11th draw, VARGUENO A5 63 --- VARGUENO a cabinet or desk [n]
Other moves: MAUVER C8 30, AMOVE C7 24, MANURE C8 24, MOANER C8 24, MONERA C8 24
VANS 10E 9 SuperH

On 12th draw, QIS 10F 32 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: MOERED C8 26, MOIDER C8 26, DEY B6 20, EYRE B7 17, DOM C6 16
QIS 10F 32 yab

On 13th draw, MAILLOT C8 26 --- MAILLOT a woman's one-piece bathing suit [n]
Other moves: AZOLE 8K 24, AZOTE 8K 24, LOZEN I1 24, MALOTI C8 24, MALTOL C8 24
LAZE 8L 14 yab

On 14th draw, WEY B6 32 --- WEY a measure or weight for dry goods [n]
Other moves: LWEI 11C 25, LOWERED 12C 24, LEWDER 12C 22, RETIED 14A 22, DEY B6 20
WITED 14A 18 SuperH
LOW 12C 12 yab

On 15th draw, LEPID 11C 30 --- LEPID pleasant [adj]
Other moves: LEPORID 12C 22, PLIED 9G 19, DOTIER 14A 18, FETID 14A 18, PLED 9G 18
LEPORID 12C 22 yab
POTED 14A 16 SuperH

On 16th draw, CLOUD 9G 21 --- CLOUD to cover with clouds (masses of visible vapor) [v]
Other tops: BLAUD 9G 21, BLOC 9G 21, CLUB 9G 21
Other moves: BLAD 9G 20, CLAD 9G 20, CLARO 9G 20, CLOD 9G 20, CLOUR 9G 20
BLUR 9G 19 SuperH
BAT 14A 10 yab

On 17th draw, DEFRAG K9 22 --- DEFRAG to defragment (to reorganize computer files into contiguous blocks) [v]
Other moves: DEAFER K9 20, DEFIER K9 20, DEIFER K9 20, FARS 2K 19, DEFER K9 18
FIT 14A 12 yab
ART 14A 6 SuperH

On 18th draw, NAARTJE 13I 30 --- NAARTJE a small sweet orange [n]
Other tops: NAARTJE 12H 30
Other moves: GANJA 14K 26, JARTA 12I 24, JARTA 13J 24, AJAR 13K 22, JANE 13J 22
JANE 13J 22 yab
JET 14A 20 SuperH

On 19th draw, ZERO O12 69 --- ZERO to aim at the exact center of a target [v]
Other moves: JIZ N13 38, TREZ 14C 33, CERE O12 27, CERO O12 27, CERT O12 27
ZERO O12 69 SuperH
JIZ N13 38 yab

On 20th draw, JAI N13 26 --- JAI onward to victory (Indian) [interj]
Other tops: EAR 14M 26
Other moves: ERIC L12 25, FRAE 12J 25, FRAU 12J 25, AR 14N 22, JA N13 22
JAI N13 26 GillesB
FATE 14A 14 SuperH
FACE 8L 13 yab

On 21th draw, MEDIC 10J 32 --- MEDIC one engaged in medical work [n]
Other moves: ERIC L12 25, GEUM J7 23, MEED 10J 23, BREI 12J 22, MED 10J 22
CITED 14A 16 GillesB
BE 8N 4 yab

On 22th draw, EAUX J12 20 --- EAU a river or water [n]
Other moves: EXIT M8 19, BRU 12J 18, BEFIT M7 17, FIX M9 17, XI M9 17
EXIT M8 19 SuperH
FIX M9 17 GillesB
FOX 13B 13 yab

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