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Game of June 2, 2011 at 13:25, 13 players
1. rn.roselle -256
2. toutflou -259
3. Davina -286

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aegjllo   H4    40    40   jello
 2. ?iopuxy   6E    36    76   oxslip
 3. ?egmory   E1    76   152   merogony
 4. aefgnos   8A    42   194   fogeys
 5. adeiiru   A4    63   257   aurified
 6. dehinsv  B10    56   313   hived
 7. abeiopt   1C    39   352   bampot
 8. inostuu  13A    68   420   tenuious
 9. iklnoqr  D10    32   452   liquor
10. eegnnos   I1    29   481   sego
11. aaefnrs   K1    33   514   afears
12. adennrt   L1    30   544   darn
13. acdemnv   2B    38   582   demean
14. acehltu  15C    89   671   archlute
15. acenrwy  14J    53   724   yawner
16. beikntw  O12    45   769   kerb
17. aiinntw   M2    32   801   wait
18. ceinttv  12H    25   826   evict

Remaining tiles: inntz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6009 Filern.roselle  2 20:51  -256  570     1.7022 kellybelly  2  7:19  -453  373 
  2.  -  Filetoutflou    1 19:22  -259  567            Group: intermediate
  3.6361 FileDavina      1 11:31  -286  540     1.6009 rn.roselle  2 20:51  -256  570 
  4.4110 Filebmurf84     1 18:59  -399  427     2.6361 Davina      1 11:31  -286  540 
  5.6488 Filemonthree    2 14:17  -441  385     3.6488 monthree    2 14:17  -441  385 
  6.4672 Filenaomiari    0 19:27  -449  377     4.6528 ceosickey   0 10:19  -558  268 
  7.7022 Filekellybelly  2  7:19  -453  373     5.6058 sunshine12  1  8:24  -567  259 
  8.3817 FileGrace_Tjie  0 20:43  -511  315            Group: novice
  9.6528 Fileceosickey   0 10:19  -558  268     1.5188 annelhynz   0 12:53  -562  264 
 10.5188 Fileannelhynz   0 12:53  -562  264            Group: not rated
 11.6058 Filesunshine12  1  8:24  -567  259     1.  -  toutflou    1 19:22  -259  567 
 12.4914 Fileworsie      0  8:10  -656  170     2.4110 bmurf84     1 18:59  -399  427 
 13.4759 Filelamlam      1  9:34  -675  151     3.4672 naomiari    0 19:27  -449  377 
                                             4.3817 Grace_Tjie  0 20:43  -511  315 
                                             5.4914 worsie      0  8:10  -656  170 
                                             6.4759 lamlam      1  9:34  -675  151 

On 1st draw, JELLO H4 40 --- JELLO a gelatin dessert usually with the flavor and color of fruit -- a trademark [n]
Other moves: JELLO H8 26, GAJO H5 24, GAJO H6 24, GAJO H7 24, GAJO H8 24
JELLO H4 40 rn.roselle, bmurf84
GAJO H5 24 toutflou
JOLL H8 22 Grace_Tjie

On 2nd draw, OX(S)LIP 6E 36 --- OXSLIP a flower [n]
Other moves: P(H)LOX 6F 35, EPOXY 5H 34, EXPI(R)Y 5H 34, PE(R)OXY 5G 34, PYXIE 5D 34
POX I3 33 Davina, toutflou, rn.roselle
P(A)X I3 31 bmurf84

On 3rd draw, MEROGO(N)Y E1 76 --- MEROGONY the artificial production of an embryo [n]
Other tops: MEROGO(N)Y E3 76
Other moves: MO(N)GERY G8 68, MO(N)GERY I8 68, MEROGO(N)Y 8E 67, MEROGO(N)Y 8C 64, MO(N)GERY E5 48
GYM(S) K3 32 toutflou
GR(I)ME 5B 31 Davina
G(A)ME 5C 29 rn.roselle
ME(M)ORY E3 20 bmurf84
YO I3 18 naomiari
R(A)Y I8 7 Grace_Tjie

On 4th draw, FOGEYS 8A 42 --- FOGEY a person with an old-fashioned outlook [n]
Other moves: FANGOS D8 40, FOGEY 8A 39, FANGO D8 38, FANGS D8 38, FANES D8 36
FANGS K2 33 toutflou, rn.roselle
FANES K2 31 Davina
GENOMS 1A 30 Grace_Tjie
MAGES 1E 24 bmurf84
FAS 9F 20 naomiari

On 5th draw, AURIFIED A4 63 --- AURIFY to turn into gold [v]
Other moves: ADMIRE 1C 33, MUDIRIA 1E 30, REMUDA 1C 30, JURIED 4H 28, AMIDE 1D 27
ADMIRE 1C 33 Davina, naomiari
DREAM 1A 27 rn.roselle, toutflou, annelhynz
MADE 1E 21 bmurf84, Grace_Tjie

On 6th draw, HIVED B10 56 --- HIVE to cause to enter a hive (a bee's nest) [v]
Other moves: HIVES B10 54, HEIDS B10 50, HENDS B10 50, HIDES B10 50, HINDS B10 50
HIVED B10 56 Davina, toutflou
HIVES B10 54 rn.roselle
SHINED K6 35 monthree, worsie
JIVED 4H 32 naomiari
MIND 1E 21 Grace_Tjie
ENVIES D8 18 bmurf84

On 7th draw, BAMPOT 1C 39 --- BAMPOT a fool [n]
Other moves: OPTIMA 1A 33, OPTIME 1A 33, PEBA D2 33, ATOP D1 31, AMBIT 1D 30
ABET D1 29 rn.roselle
BOP A13 28 toutflou, kellybelly, Davina
MOPE 1E 24 monthree, naomiari
PIT A13 22 bmurf84
MATE 1E 18 Grace_Tjie, annelhynz
AMP 1D 8 worsie

On 8th draw, TENUIOUS 13A 68 --- TENUIOUS slender [adj]
Other moves: OUTSIN K3 27, UNSUIT K4 27, USTION K5 27, JOINTS 4H 26, JOTUNS 4H 26
JOINTS 4H 26 kellybelly, monthree
TONUS K2 25 toutflou
JOINT 4H 24 annelhynz
JUNTO 4H 24 ceosickey
TONS K3 23 Davina, rn.roselle
BOUTS C1 14 worsie
TIN A13 14 bmurf84
PISTON J6 10 naomiari
SON 4D 6 Grace_Tjie

On 9th draw, LIQUOR D10 32 --- LIQUOR to intoxicate with liquor (an alcoholic beverage) [v]
Other moves: QUIN D12 28, LUNK D12 26, LURK D12 26, OULK D12 26, QI 2B 26
QUIN D12 28 Davina, kellybelly, Grace_Tjie, sunshine12, worsie, monthree, rn.roselle, ceosickey, naomiari, bmurf84
LUNK D12 26 toutflou
QI E12 11 annelhynz

On 10th draw, SEGO I1 29 --- SEGO a perennial herb [n]
Other tops: ENNOGS K1 29
Other moves: GENES K2 27, NONGS K2 27, OGEES K2 27, JONGS 4H 26, EGOS K3 25
GENES K2 27 kellybelly, Davina, rn.roselle, toutflou
JONGS 4H 26 monthree
NOGS K3 25 worsie, ceosickey
JONES 4H 24 naomiari
SONG K6 20 sunshine12
SONG 14G 13 annelhynz
EGO 5D 13 bmurf84
NOSE I8 7 Grace_Tjie

On 11th draw, AFEARS K1 33 --- AFEAR to frighten [v]
Other tops: FAENAS K1 33
Other moves: AFARS K2 31, FANES K2 31, FARES K2 31, FARSE K3 31, FEARS K2 31
FEARS K2 31 kellybelly
FARES K2 31 toutflou, sunshine12, rn.roselle
FANES K2 31 Davina
SAFER 9H 22 naomiari
SEARE 2A 16 bmurf84
FRENA I8 14 ceosickey
OF F13 13 annelhynz
EF 2I 13 monthree, Grace_Tjie
FOR 4D 12 lamlam

On 12th draw, DARN L1 30 --- DARN to mend with interlacing stitches [v]
Other tops: DANT L1 30, DARE L1 30, DART L1 30, DATE L1 30, DEAN L1 30, DEAR L1 30, DENT L1 30, DERN L1 30, RATEEN 2B 30
Other moves: EARD L1 28, NARD L1 28, NERD L1 28, RAND L1 28, RAT J2 28
DENT L1 30 monthree, lamlam
DATE L1 30 kellybelly, sunshine12
RANTED 15D 21 Davina, naomiari
RASED H11 21 rn.roselle
ANTED 1K 21 annelhynz
ARDENT 15C 21 toutflou
TEADE 2A 19 bmurf84
TSAR H12 15 worsie
SAD H13 12 Grace_Tjie

On 13th draw, DEMEAN 2B 38 --- DEMEAN to conduct oneself in a particular manner [v]
Other moves: CRAVED 15C 36, CADEE 2B 33, CRAVEN 15C 33, DANCE M2 32, DEAN M1 30
CRAVED 15C 36 Davina, toutflou, ceosickey
CASED H11 27 sunshine12, kellybelly, worsie, monthree, rn.roselle, bmurf84
ADMEN 1K 24 annelhynz
RAVEN 15D 24 Grace_Tjie
FAVE 2K 20 lamlam

On 14th draw, ARCHLUTE 15C 89 --- ARCHLUTE a large lute [n]
Other tops: TRAUCHLE 15C 89
Other moves: ARCHLET 15C 36, CHASTE H10 36, TRACHLE 15C 36, TEACH M2 35, RACHET 15D 33
CHASTE H10 36 naomiari, monthree, toutflou
TEACH M2 35 bmurf84
HATE M2 32 rn.roselle
REACH 15D 30 kellybelly, Davina
RUCHE 15D 30 ceosickey
ADULT 1K 18 worsie
SHE H13 18 Grace_Tjie
OH F13 13 lamlam, sunshine12

On 15th draw, YAWNER 14J 53 --- YAWNER one that yawns [n]
Other moves: WANEY 14J 51, WEARY 14J 51, YEARN 14J 45, WANEY M2 40, WEARY M2 40
WEARY 14J 51 kellybelly, ceosickey, annelhynz, monthree, rn.roselle, naomiari
WANEY 14J 51 Davina
YEARN 14J 45 toutflou
WRY 14J 30 sunshine12, Grace_Tjie
RAY M2 30 lamlam
TEW A13 21 bmurf84

On 16th draw, KERB O12 45 --- KERB to provide a street with a concrete border [v]
Other moves: BERK O12 39, BIRK O12 39, KERN O12 39, KIRN O12 39, KNEW M3 39
KERB O12 45 monthree
BERK O12 39 Davina, kellybelly, sunshine12
KNEW M3 39 bmurf84
KERN O12 39 toutflou, ceosickey
BIRK O12 39 Grace_Tjie
TWIRE O11 36 rn.roselle
WIRE O12 33 annelhynz
BIKER O10 16 naomiari
KA K13 6 lamlam

On 17th draw, WAIT M2 32 --- WAIT to stay in expectation of [v]
Other tops: WAIN M2 32, WANT M2 32
Other moves: WAI M2 30, WAN M2 30, WAT M2 30, TARN 3C 28, TWANK 12K 24
WANT M2 32 kellybelly
WAIT M2 32 rn.roselle
WAT M2 30 lamlam
TWINK 12K 24 monthree, toutflou
WINK 12L 22 naomiari
W*NK 12L 22 Davina
AWE 13M 21 sunshine12
NAN M2 21 bmurf84
NAW M3 21 ceosickey
LAW 10D 14 annelhynz
WIN M12 12 Grace_Tjie

On 18th draw, EVICT 12H 25 --- EVICT to expel by legal process [v]
Other moves: EN N1 24, IN N1 24, VINEW L10 22, DIVINE 11A 20, EVICT N5 20
IN N1 24 kellybelly, toutflou
VIEW L11 20 sunshine12, monthree
TICK 12L 20 Davina, naomiari
TEC A13 18 bmurf84
ET 3B 17 rn.roselle
LIVE 10D 15 annelhynz
ICE 11D 10 lamlam
OVEN 8H 7 Grace_Tjie

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