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Game of June 10, 2011 at 17:02, 10 players
1. Ansuyah -367
2. sunshine12 -382
3. worsie -425

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. bdejnxy   H5    42    42   jynx
 2. ?deruvy   5H    36    78   jarvey
 3. aaeglot   K5    22   100   voltage
 4. eghiosw   8K    45   145   thews
 5. acdeein   7C    66   211   decennial
 6. ?aaceis  12G    84   295   ectasia
 7. ehinrtt   D1    76   371   thirteen
 8. ailortw   6F    32   403   way
 9. eefinpt  H10    30   433   pecten
10. aeeinoq   I9    25   458   qi
11. deimstu   9A    75   533   muisted
12. abfgilo   A7    36   569   gambol
13. adfgrru   4L    35   604   fard
14. adknorv   3M    39   643   koa
15. adlnruz   3C    34   677   lizard
16. eilooor   2L    29   706   loor
17. imnopsu   O8    89   795   spumonis
18. efginoo   A7    45   840   gamboling
19. befioou   2F    39   879   boeuf
20. eiortuv   M8    28   907   evirate

Remaining tiles: iou

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.  -  FileAnsuyah     2 21:42  -367  540     1.6178 sunshine12  2 21:07  -382  525 
  2.6178 Filesunshine12  2 21:07  -382  525     2.6185 cipka_616   2 17:36  -534  373 
  3.4962 Fileworsie      1 19:25  -425  482            Group: novice
  4.5401 Filesabs        0 20:15  -461  446     1.5401 sabs        0 20:15  -461  446 
  5.5320 FileBez         0 22:25  -484  423     2.5320 Bez         0 22:25  -484  423 
  6.6185 Filecipka_616   2 17:36  -534  373            Group: not rated
  7.3728 Filenarisa      0 19:05  -677  230     1.  -  Ansuyah     2 21:42  -367  540 
  8.3233 FileLosh        0  5:24  -815   92     2.4962 worsie      1 19:25  -425  482 
  9.  -  Filelunga3      0  4:53  -865   42     3.3728 narisa      0 19:05  -677  230 
 10.  -  Filestrongams   0  2:53  -881   26     4.3233 Losh        0  5:24  -815   92 
                                             5.  -  lunga3      0  4:53  -865   42 
                                             6.  -  strongams   0  2:53  -881   26 

On 1st draw, JYNX H5 42 --- JYNX the wryneck, a bird related to the woodpecker [n]
Other tops: JYNX H6 42, JYNX H7 42, JYNX H8 42
Other moves: BENDY H8 30, DEXY H5 30, DEXY H6 30, DEXY H7 30, DEXY H8 30
JYNX H5 42 worsie
BENDY H8 30 sunshine12, Bez, narisa
BENDY H4 28 cipka_616
EX H8 18 Ansuyah

On 2nd draw, J(A)RVEY 5H 36 --- JARVEY the driver of a carriage for hire [n]
Other moves: J(I)VEY 5H 34, J(A)DERY 5H 32, J(I)VY 5H 32, (A)YU I6 31, JUDY 5H 30
JURY 5H 28 Ansuyah, sunshine12, worsie
JUVE 5H 28 cipka_616
VEX 8F 13 narisa
NERVY 7H 12 Bez

On 3rd draw, VOLTAGE K5 22 --- VOLTAGE electromotive force expressed in volts [n]
Other moves: TOGA 4L 21, TOGE 4L 21, GAYAL M3 20, TAAL 4L 19, TAEL 4L 19
VOLTAGE K5 22 Ansuyah
OGLE G8 16 worsie, sunshine12
ALGAE G8 16 cipka_616
EA G7 15 sabs
GAY M3 14 Bez
TAX 8F 10 narisa

On 4th draw, THEWS 8K 45 --- THEW a well-developed muscle [n]
Other tops: THEOW 8K 45, WHOSE N2 45
Other moves: WHIGS N1 43, WHOSE 12H 42, HOWES N1 41, HEWS N2 39, HOISE N2 39
WHOSE N2 45 sunshine12
WISH N3 37 Ansuyah
WISH 12I 32 worsie, narisa
SHOW 12K 32 sabs
WHOSE L1 30 Bez
SHOWING 7C 18 strongams

On 5th draw, DECENNIAL 7C 66 --- DECENNIAL [n]
Other moves: NIECE G6 28, DACE 4L 27, HAINED L8 27, CAIRD J2 25, INCEDE L10 25
CANDY M1 22 sunshine12, Ansuyah
DANCE J9 20 sabs
ACED G8 19 cipka_616, Bez
IDEA I8 16 worsie
DANCES O3 10 narisa
DEENS O4 8 strongams

On 6th draw, EC(T)ASIA 12G 84 --- ECTASIA the lengthening of a short syllable [n]
Other moves: CA(P)IASES O1 80, EC(T)ASIAS O1 80, (F)ASCIAE 12I 80, A(L)CAIDES C2 72, ACE(D)IAS 12E 70
C(E)ASE N2 35 Ansuyah
CA(R)ES N1 31 sunshine12
CEAS(E) 12H 30 worsie
NEC(K)S G7 18 sabs
CAC(H)ES E5 18 Bez
WI(Z)ES N8 7 narisa

On 7th draw, THIRTEEN D1 76 --- THIRTEEN a number [n]
Other moves: THIRTEEN D2 74, THIRTEEN F1 71, THIRTEEN F2 65, INCHER H10 33, NICHER H10 33
HEY 6F 32 cipka_616
CHIT H12 27 worsie, Ansuyah
CHIN H12 27 sabs
HET 9M 26 sunshine12
THEY M2 20 narisa
HINTER 11B 20 Bez

On 8th draw, WAY 6F 32 --- WAY a method of doing something [n] --- WAY to journey [v]
Other moves: WAIL 4L 31, WAIR 4L 31, WAIT 4L 31, WALI 4L 31, WART 4L 31
WAY 6F 32 cipka_616
WAIT 4L 31 sabs
CROW H12 27 sunshine12, Ansuyah
COWL H12 27 worsie
TRAWL 1D 24 Bez
WAIT 1A 21 narisa

On 9th draw, PECTEN H10 30 --- PECTEN a comblike anatomical part [n]
Other tops: INCEPT H10 30, PECTIN H10 30, PICENE H10 30
Other moves: FET 9M 26, NAIF 9J 25, CEPE H12 24, EFT 4L 24, FEEN 8A 24
INCEPT H10 30 cipka_616, Ansuyah
PICENE H10 30 sunshine12
FEEN 8A 24 sabs
PITH 2A 18 Bez
PENT 1A 18 narisa
FEINT 3B 16 worsie

On 10th draw, QI I9 25 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other tops: AINEE E1 25
Other moves: QI 3C 22, EOAN 4L 19, NAOI 4L 19, NIX 8F 19, ONIE 4L 19
QI 3C 22 Ansuyah, Bez, sunshine12, cipka_616, sabs, worsie
NEON 8A 15 narisa

On 11th draw, MUISTED 9A 75 --- MUIST to powder [v]
Other moves: HUMIDEST 2D 72, MISTUNED 15C 62, DEISM N2 47, TUISM N2 45, DEMIST N1 41
DIMES N1 35 sunshine12
MISTED 1A 27 sabs, Bez, narisa, worsie
EM C2 21 cipka_616
MUSTY M1 20 Ansuyah
MISSED O5 9 lunga3

On 12th draw, GAMBOL A7 36 --- GAMBOL to leap about playfully [v]
Other tops: GIMBAL A7 36
Other moves: FAB 4L 31, FAIL 4L 31, FOAL 4L 31, FOB 4L 31, FOIL 4L 31
OF 10E 28 cipka_616, Ansuyah
FILM A6 27 sabs, narisa
GIFT 1A 24 worsie
FLAT 1A 21 sunshine12
LOAM A6 18 Bez
GAOL M11 10 lunga3

On 13th draw, FARD 4L 35 --- FARD to paint with cosmetics [v]
Other moves: FARRED L1 31, FAUR 4L 31, FURRED L1 31, FURDER L1 30, FAD 4L 29
FAG 4L 29 Ansuyah, sabs
DAFT 1A 24 worsie
FA 7M 23 cipka_616
FRAT 1A 21 sunshine12
GAUDY M1 20 Bez

On 14th draw, KOA 3M 39 --- KOA a timber tree [n]
Other moves: KA 3M 34, KO 3M 34, OKA C2 33, KOA C3 30, KOND O1 27
KA 3M 34 cipka_616, Ansuyah
KOND O1 27 sabs
KNOT 1A 24 Bez
KIND 3C 18 worsie
DRAT 1A 15 sunshine12
RAN M11 6 lunga3

On 15th draw, LIZARD 3C 34 --- LIZARD any of a suborder of reptiles [n]
Other moves: ADZ J12 33, ADZ 13M 30, AZURE 11D 30, IZARD C9 30, ADZ B12 28
ZED 11J 27 sabs
ADZ M12 26 Ansuyah, Bez
RIZ 3C 24 sunshine12
DAZE 14E 16 worsie
DAL 13M 14 cipka_616
SAD O8 4 Losh

On 16th draw, LOOR 2L 29 --- LOOR beloved [adj]
Other moves: OOR 2M 27, LOO 2L 23, ROO 2L 23, OOZE E1 22, LOADER O1 21
OOZE E1 22 Ansuyah, cipka_616
LOADER O1 21 worsie, sabs
ROLE 4D 19 sunshine12
ORIOLE 14C 8 Bez
ADORES O3 7 Losh
SOIL O8 4 lunga3

On 17th draw, SPUMONIS O8 89 --- SPUMONI an Italian ice cream [n]
Other moves: MO 1N 33, PO 1N 33, UTOPISM 1C 33, MOPING 10F 32, MUONS 2F 30
MOPING 10F 32 Ansuyah
TIMPS 1D 27 sunshine12
PRADS O1 24 cipka_616
PUS I1 24 worsie
PRAD O1 21 sabs
SIMP B11 20 Bez
LIZARDS 3C 18 Losh
MAP F2 13 lunga3

On 18th draw, GAMBOLING A7 45 --- GAMBOL to leap about playfully [v]
Other moves: FEIGN 2F 37, FOEN 2F 33, FOGIE 1H 33, FOIN 2F 33, FOOTING 1A 33
FOOTING 1A 33 Bez, sabs, worsie, sunshine12
OF 10E 28 Ansuyah
GRADE O1 21 Losh

On 19th draw, BOEUF 2F 39 --- BOEUF as in boeuf bourguignon, a casserole of beef, herbs etc cooked in red wine. [adj]
Other moves: BO 1N 33, FOE 2F 32, EF 10E 28, FE 2F 28, IF 10E 28
FOE 2F 32 Ansuyah, sunshine12
FOOTIE 1A 27 sabs
BOOTIE 1A 24 Bez
BRAD O1 21 Losh
FED H1 21 worsie

On 20th draw, EVIRATE M8 28 --- EVIRATE to castrate [v]
Other tops: ROE 1H 28, TOE 1H 28
Other moves: CUTOVER E7 26, VERTU 1A 24, VIRTU 1A 24, VIRTUE 5A 24, OUVERT 13C 23
TRADER O1 21 Losh, Ansuyah
VERT 1A 21 sunshine12
QUAI 9I 18 worsie
ROTE B11 18 sabs
OVERT 11A 16 Bez

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