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Game of July 10, 2011 at 20:44, 16 players
1. 541 pts PIThompson
2. 452 pts arlo805
3. 431 pts slebbarc

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeimost   H3    74    74   amosite
 2. acinost   8H    83   157   tactions
 3. ?alrstv   3F    80   237   travails
 4. ?adiior   O8    77   314   sporidia
 5. aadegrs  N10    41   355   gades
 6. cdeltty   L1    30   385   ycled
 7. belntuy   9A    65   450   butylene
 8. aimnruw   8A    45   495   amin
 9. aeeoopt   1J    33   528   peyote
10. aefotuv   6D    74   602   voutsafe
11. aeehior   7B    35   637   ahi
12. ehiiorw   G3    33   670   rowth
13. eefgnxz  13J    38   708   feezed
14. eginnrw   F8    66   774   renewing
15. abeikpr  11E    52   826   peakier
16. bejloru   2A    38   864   objure
17. dglnoru  H11    33   897   klong
18. dilqrux   A1    60   957   doux

Remaining tiles: ilqr

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7402 FilePIThompson  1 16:42  -416  541     1.7402 PIThompson  1 16:42  -416  541 
  2.6131 Filearlo805     1 17:05  -505  452            Group: intermediate
  3.5440 Fileslebbarc    0 19:51  -526  431     1.6131 arlo805     1 17:05  -505  452 
  4.5389 Filenaomiari    0 20:40  -583  374     2.6713 jeff        0  6:44  -763  194 
  5.5442 FileBouncingS   0 12:25  -687  270     3.6754 sunshine12  0  6:36  -781  176 
  6.4038 Filegmills0     0  9:59  -704  253     4.6676 SuperH      0  0:31  -931   26 
  7.4707 Filetonikay     0 12:12  -735  222            Group: novice
  8.6713 Filejeff        0  6:44  -763  194     1.5440 slebbarc    0 19:51  -526  431 
  9.6754 Filesunshine12  0  6:36  -781  176     2.5389 naomiari    0 20:40  -583  374 
 10.5534 Filenarisa      0  7:23  -855  102     3.5442 BouncingS   0 12:25  -687  270 
 11.3532 Filekp10        0  9:34  -883   74     4.5534 narisa      0  7:23  -855  102 
 12.4553 Filepattycake   0  5:12  -884   73     5.5645 sherrymoon  0  3:50  -889   68 
 13.5645 Filesherrymoon  0  3:50  -889   68     6.5421 neyetifu    0  1:19  -937   20 
 14.6676 FileSuperH      0  0:31  -931   26            Group: not rated
 15.2729 Filejuliswa     0  2:04  -933   24     1.4038 gmills0     0  9:59  -704  253 
 16.5421 Fileneyetifu    0  1:19  -937   20     2.4707 tonikay     0 12:12  -735  222 
                                             3.3532 kp10        0  9:34  -883   74 
                                             4.4553 pattycake   0  5:12  -884   73 
                                             5.2729 juliswa     0  2:04  -933   24 

On 1st draw, AMOSITE H3 74 --- AMOSITE a type of asbestos [n]
Other tops: OSMIATE H2 74
Other moves: AMOSITE H2 70, AMOSITE H4 70, AMOSITE H6 70, AMOSITE H7 70, AMOSITE H8 70
AMOSITE H3 24 PIThompson, BouncingS
MATIES H4 22 jeff
MOIST H4 20 naomiari, arlo805, narisa
MEATS H4 20 slebbarc
MATES H4 20 neyetifu

On 2nd draw, TACTIONS 8H 83 --- TACTION the act of touching [n]
Other tops: OSCITANT 8A 83
Other moves: MONASTIC 4H 80, CATIONS 10B 77, ACTIONS 10B 73, ATONICS 10B 73, ATONICS G8 68
MONASTIC 4H 30 BouncingS
CASINO 10F 26 SuperH, PIThompson
COST 10F 22 naomiari, jeff
CAST 10F 22 narisa, arlo805
MANICS 4H 20 slebbarc
TOAST 8D 6 kp10

On 3rd draw, TRAVA(I)LS 3F 80 --- TRAVAIL to toil [v]
Other moves: V(E)STRAL 10F 79, OV(E)RSALT M8 78, VARL(E)TS 10B 77, L(E)VATORS M3 74, TRAV(E)LS 10B 71
VALO(U)RS 5E 36 PIThompson
V(E)STAL 10F 28 slebbarc
VAST(E)R 10F 26 naomiari
SAV(E)R 10H 25 arlo805
VAST 10F 25 narisa, jeff
TRA(I)LS K8 10 BouncingS
ST(E)AL K7 8 kp10

On 4th draw, S(P)ORIDIA O8 77 --- SPORIDIUM a spore [n]
Other moves: TAR(S)IOID K8 66, TA(P)IROID K8 66, CARDIOI(D) J8 64, CAR(D)IOID J8 64, COR(M)IDIA J8 64
(S)ODA 10H 17 jeff, narisa
DA(E) 2J 16 naomiari
RAID(S) 10D 16 slebbarc
RADIO 4B 14 PIThompson
D(I)ARI(S)T K2 12 BouncingS
COD J8 10 arlo805
LAD L3 8 kp10

On 5th draw, GADES N10 41 --- GADE a spear [n]
Other tops: DEGAS N10 41
Other moves: GASTREA K5 32, ADAGE N11 30, AGED N11 26, DOGEARS M7 26, EGAD N11 26
GRADES 10C 22 PIThompson, slebbarc
DEARS 2K 18 arlo805
GRADED 13J 18 kp10
GAS 10F 18 naomiari, narisa
SEAR 10H 16 pattycake

On 6th draw, YCLED L1 30 --- CLOTHE to provide with clothing [v]
Other moves: YCLED G9 26, DYE 7L 25, CATTY J2 24, CLOYED 5F 24, COLEY M7 24
CATTY J2 24 pattycake
YELD L1 24 PIThompson
DEY 9G 22 slebbarc
YET G9 19 arlo805, naomiari
LET L3 6 kp10

On 7th draw, BUTYLENE 9A 65 --- BUTYLENE a gaseous hydrocarbon [n]
Other moves: UNBOLTED 5E 44, NEBULY 1G 33, BENTY 1H 30, BLUEY 1H 30, BUNTY 1H 30
BUNTY 1H 30 PIThompson, arlo805
YET G9 19 slebbarc
BLEED 13K 16 gmills0
YA J2 13 naomiari
BED 13M 12 pattycake
SET 6H 5 kp10

On 8th draw, AMIN 8A 45 --- AMIN a type of chemical compound [n]
Other moves: AWMRY 1H 39, ABRIM A8 36, RUNWAY 1G 36, UNWARY 1G 36, AMI 8A 33
AMIN 8A 45 PIThompson
RUNWAY 1G 36 BouncingS
WARB A6 27 naomiari
RAINY 1H 24 arlo805, slebbarc
YARN 1L 21 pattycake
RUB A7 15 kp10
TRAIN K8 10 gmills0

On 9th draw, PEYOTE 1J 33 --- PEYOTE a hallucinogen derived from cactus [n]
Other tops: PTOOEY 1G 33, TEAPOY 1G 33, TEPA 7A 33
Other moves: ATOPY 1H 30, PEATY 1H 30, PEEOY 1H 30, TEPOY 1H 30, APO 7B 27
TEPA 7A 33 arlo805
PEATY 1H 30 slebbarc
YOOP 1L 27 PIThompson, naomiari
TAPED 13K 16 gmills0
POA 7L 15 tonikay
PIT C7 8 kp10

On 10th draw, VOUTSAFE 6D 74 --- VOUTSAFE to condescend to grant [v]
Other moves: TUFA 7A 37, FOVEATED 13H 32, FETA 7A 31, UFO 7B 31, FAUVE 2B 30
FETA 7A 31 arlo805
FAVE 7C 30 slebbarc, PIThompson
FA I7 18 tonikay
CAFE J8 17 gmills0
FAST 6F 15 naomiari
MUTE B8 8 juliswa

On 11th draw, AHI 7B 35 --- AHI a Hawaiian fish (yellowfin tuna or bigeye) [n]
Other moves: HIE 7C 32, CHAR 2L 30, CHER 2L 30, CHIA 2L 30, HI 7C 29
HIE 7C 32 PIThompson, slebbarc
EH 7B 24 arlo805
HO 5E 22 naomiari, tonikay
HIRED 13K 18 gmills0
THEIR K8 16 juliswa

On 12th draw, ROWTH G3 33 --- ROWTH an abundance [n]
Other tops: REWTH G3 33
Other moves: CHER 2L 30, HOWRE 2B 30, WHORE 2B 30, HE 10F 28, HO 10F 28
WHORE 2B 30 PIThompson
OH 10E 28 naomiari
THROW K8 22 gmills0
WO 7M 20 arlo805
HO 7M 20 tonikay
HIRED 13K 18 slebbarc

On 13th draw, FEEZED 13J 38 --- FEEZE to unsettle [v]
Other moves: FEZ F8 35, ZEX F8 35, NEEZED 13J 32, EX 2N 31, FE 10F 28
ZEX F8 35 PIThompson, naomiari
FEZ F8 35 arlo805
ZONE M7 28 sherrymoon
ZED 13M 26 slebbarc, sunshine12
EXED 13L 24 gmills0
ZO M7 21 tonikay

On 14th draw, RENEWING F8 66 --- RENEW to make new or as if new again [v] --- RENEWING the act of renewing [n]
Other moves: GWINE 12H 33, WINGER 14F 29, WINNER 14F 28, INDEW 5J 27, GWINE 2B 26
WINGER 14F 29 PIThompson
WINNER 14F 28 naomiari
RIG 2E 23 arlo805
WREN 14H 18 tonikay
WEEN L12 16 gmills0
WERE L12 16 sherrymoon
WEN N6 14 sunshine12
GRIN 12H 14 slebbarc

On 15th draw, PEAKIER 11E 52 --- PEAKY sickly [adj]
Other tops: BEAKIER 11E 52
Other moves: GARPIKE 15F 45, BAKE E11 41, KERB 12I 35, KAPA I5 34, BAGIE 15D 33
GARPIKE 15F 45 BouncingS
BAKE E11 41 PIThompson, sunshine12
BREAK L11 32 arlo805
GRIKE 15F 30 slebbarc
GRAPE 15F 24 sherrymoon, tonikay
BEAKER 11E 24 gmills0

On 16th draw, OBJURE 2A 38 --- OBJURE to swear [v]
Other moves: BUGLER 15D 36, JO 7M 36, JOWL 12D 34, BOGLE 15D 33, BUGLE 15D 33
JO 7M 36 sunshine12, PIThompson, slebbarc, jeff, arlo805, tonikay
JUN N6 26 BouncingS
JOG 15D 19 naomiari
GRUEL 15F 18 gmills0

On 17th draw, KLONG H11 33 --- KLONG a canal [n]
Other tops: DUGONG 15D 33, GUNDOG 15A 33
Other moves: DUGONG 15A 30, GOLDURN 15F 30, KNURL H11 30, KORUN H11 30, GUNDOG 15F 27
GOLDURN 15F 30 BouncingS
GOLD A1 24 gmills0
OR 3C 24 PIThompson, slebbarc, arlo805
GROUND 15F 24 jeff
ON 3C 24 naomiari
ROD 12J 23 sunshine12
GOLD 15F 18 tonikay

On 18th draw, DOUX A1 60 --- DOUX very sweet -- used of champagne [adj]
Other moves: ROUX A1 57, QUID D1 48, XU 1D 36, LUX 1F 33, LOX A1 30
ROUX A1 57 BouncingS
QUID D1 48 gmills0, jeff
XU 1D 36 PIThompson, sunshine12
LOX A1 30 tonikay
QI 7L 26 arlo805
REX L12 20 slebbarc
FIX J13 15 naomiari

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