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Game of August 23, 2011 at 13:54, 8 players
1. 470 pts raggedy01
2. 369 pts ginalee
3. 312 pts strykyster

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. acilory   H7    30    30   racily
 2. ?iilstw  11D    90   120   twillies
 3. ?aggnnr   D7    70   190   granting
 4. aenortu   8H    77   267   aeronaut
 5. aeimorr   G1    66   333   armoire
 6. dfmnopy   1D    42   375   dynamo
 7. bdefiou   8A    36   411   fibred
 8. eehsstv   5E    52   463   thieves
 9. adeeiln   C3    85   548   deniable
10. einopvz  B10    55   603   piezo
11. aacdqrs  10F    70   673   qaid
12. aaekosu   B4    37   710   euk
13. aeijntu   M7    46   756   jauntie
14. aabeghs   A1    43   799   abash
15. efirstx   6J    53   852   xis
16. aeoprtv   2I    92   944   overapt
17. efgootu   1M    33   977   fou
18. ceglotw   3L    37  1014   ewt

Remaining tiles: cgloo

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5646 Fileraggedy01   2 17:59  -544  470     1.6470 GLOBEMAN    2  6:31  -781  233 
  2.4749 Fileginalee     0 24:39  -645  369            Group: novice
  3.4095 Filestrykyster  0 19:06  -702  312     1.5646 raggedy01   2 17:59  -544  470 
  4.5958 Filejonb5       0  7:51  -752  262     2.5958 jonb5       0  7:51  -752  262 
  5.6470 FileGLOBEMAN    2  6:31  -781  233            Group: not rated
  6.4760 Filecailah      0 13:46  -781  233     1.4749 ginalee     0 24:39  -645  369 
  7.4706 Fileleobill     0  1:14  -983   31     2.4095 strykyster  0 19:06  -702  312 
  8.3581 Filekp10        0  0:19  -988   26     3.4760 cailah      0 13:46  -781  233 
                                             4.4706 leobill     0  1:14  -983   31 
                                             5.3581 kp10        0  0:19  -988   26 

On 1st draw, RACILY H7 30 --- RACILY in a racy manner [adv]
Other tops: CALORY H7 30
Other moves: CALORY H4 28, CLARY H8 28, COALY H8 28, ORACY H8 28, YARCO H4 28
CALORY H7 30 raggedy01
CLAY H5 18 strykyster
CRAY H6 18 ginalee

On 2nd draw, TWILLI(E)S 11D 90 --- TWILLY a willowing machine [n]
Other tops: TWILLI(E)S 11E 90
Other moves: TWI(B)ILLS 11B 70, TWI(B)ILLS 11C 70, WAITLIS(T) 8G 61, WAI(T)LIST 8G 61, WILLI(E)S 11E 36
WILL(E)ST 11E 36 raggedy01
WILLS 11E 16 ginalee
WRIST 7G 13 strykyster

On 3rd draw, GRANT(I)NG D7 70 --- GRANT to bestow upon [v]
Other moves: RANG(I)NGS K4 68, GNA(R)RING F6 65, GRA(I)NING F6 65, GR(O)ANING F6 65, RA(U)NGING F6 65
RAG(I)NG 10J 16 cailah
NAGG(E)R J7 11 raggedy01
(S)TAG D10 8 ginalee
WAG(E)R E11 8 strykyster

On 4th draw, AERONAUT 8H 77 --- AERONAUT one who operates an airship [n]
Other moves: OUTEARNS K4 66, COURANTE 9H 62, NEGATOR 14B 20, ARGENT 14B 18, ARGUTE 14B 18
OUTRAN 10J 15 cailah
ATONERS K5 14 raggedy01
TENOR 13B 10 ginalee
ONE 12K 8 strykyster

On 5th draw, ARMOIRE G1 66 --- ARMOIRE a large, ornate cabinet [n]
Other moves: CREMOR 9H 26, MAIRE 10J 26, MAROR 10J 26, MARRI 10J 26, MOIRA 10J 26
ROAMER J3 14 raggedy01
MAN 10B 11 ginalee
MOE E6 10 strykyster
ORATE O5 5 cailah

On 6th draw, DYNAMO 1D 42 --- DYNAMO a generator [n]
Other moves: DAMPY 1F 39, FOAMY 1E 39, NOMADY 1D 39, FANDOM 1F 36, FADY 1F 33
FOAMY 1E 39 raggedy01
MANY 1F 27 ginalee
PAY 1F 24 strykyster
AMP 1G 21 cailah

On 7th draw, FIBRED 8A 36 --- FIBRED having fibre [adj]
Other moves: BOEUF 10J 35, BUFO 7K 30, FEOD 10J 30, FEUD 10J 30, FIB 10J 30
BUD 10J 23 cailah
FOUR 8A 21 raggedy01
FOND 13B 16 ginalee
FOE 2C 14 strykyster

On 8th draw, THIEVES 5E 52 --- THIEVE to steal [v]
Other moves: HEIST 10F 38, SHEETS 2I 36, ETCHES 9F 32, HESTS 10J 32, HETES 10J 32
SHEETS J1 32 cailah, jonb5
HAVES M7 19 strykyster
SH*TS 5E 16 ginalee

On 9th draw, DENIABLE C3 85 --- DENIABLE capable of being denied [adj]
Other moves: RENAILED 2G 78, ENDEMIAL 3C 74, DELAINE 2I 73, ENFILADE A6 64, DATELINE O6 60
DEAN 10J 17 cailah
DEAL 4J 15 raggedy01
LINED 13B 12 ginalee

On 10th draw, PIEZO B10 55 --- PIEZO produced by piezoelectricity (straining a crystal) [adj]
Other moves: POZ 7K 51, AZIONE M8 50, ZO 7M 44, EPIZOAN M3 40, PIEZO 4J 38
ZO 7M 44 jonb5
PRIZ(E) J7 35 raggedy01
ZAP M7 27 ginalee
PIG 14B 12 strykyster

On 11th draw, QAID 10F 70 --- QAID a Muslim leader [n]
Other moves: QIS F10 32, SCARED J1 32, QI 6B 31, QI F10 31, AZANS 13A 28
QAID 10F 70 raggedy01
QIS F10 32 jonb5
QI 6B 31 ginalee
QUAD N7 18 strykyster

On 12th draw, EUK B4 37 --- EUK to itch [v]
Other tops: AUK B4 37, OAK B4 37, OUK B4 37
Other moves: ZONKS 13B 36, ZONK 13B 34, SKA J1 30, EVOKE I4 29, AZANS 13A 28
ZONES 13B 28 raggedy01
S(E)EK J10 26 jonb5
KO A14 24 ginalee
AUKS 4K 18 strykyster

On 13th draw, JAUNTIE M7 46 --- JAUNTIE a naval master-at-arms [n]
Other tops: JAUNT A1 46
Other moves: TINAJA M3 42, JEAN A1 40, JEAT A1 40, TAJ 7K 39, JA A14 36
JA A14 36 ginalee, jonb5
JAUNT N6 30 raggedy01
JET 7K 25 cailah
JET J4 12 strykyster

On 14th draw, ABASH A1 43 --- ABASH to make ashamed or embarrassed [v]
Other moves: ABASH 14J 39, BAGH L12 38, BASH L12 36, SHAG A1 36, ABASE 14J 33
ABASH 14J 39 jonb5
BASH 14K 33 ginalee
HAGS A1 31 strykyster, raggedy01
HAGS 14J 31 leobill
SAG 14M 23 cailah

On 15th draw, XIS 6J 53 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: XI 6J 52, FIXERS 14I 51, FEIST 14J 47, FIERS 14J 47, FIEST 14J 47
SIX 14M 35 strykyster
S(E)X J10 28 cailah
ZINS 13B 26 raggedy01
FIX 12L 26 ginalee
EX J5 25 jonb5

On 16th draw, OVERAPT 2I 92 --- OVERAPT excessively apt [adj]
Other moves: PEART 14J 41, PERV L12 36, AVERT 14J 35, OVERT 14J 35, PAREV 14K 35
ZONER 13B 28 strykyster, GLOBEMAN
GAVE 14D 16 raggedy01
RIPE 12L 14 ginalee

On 17th draw, FOU 1M 33 --- FOU a bushel [n] --- FOU drunk [adj]
Other tops: FOE 1M 33
Other moves: GOOF L12 32, OZONE 13A 28, FEG 3K 27, OOF A10 27, ZONE 13B 26
OZONE 13A 28 raggedy01, cailah
FROG L1 24 strykyster
GIFT 12L 18 ginalee

On 18th draw, EWT 3L 37 --- EWT a small salamander [n]
Other moves: LEW 3K 34, TEW 3K 34, WE 3M 33, COW 4F 28, GOWL L12 26
COW 4F 28 jonb5
ZONE 13B 26 raggedy01, kp10, ginalee
WO A14 20 GLOBEMAN, strykyster

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