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Game of September 8, 2011 at 20:19, 9 players
1. 573 pts Davina
2. 541 pts TwoFold
3. 204 pts soul735

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aackrsu   H4    28    28   karas
 2. ?eefitt   5A    70    98   feterita
 3. adeilrs   B2    72   170   sidereal
 4. adeinoy   A5    54   224   foyned
 5. elmpsty   C7    37   261   tymps
 6. ?egiilt   6F    68   329   tireling
 7. belorwz   K1    94   423   blowzier
 8. celnort  10C    70   493   plectron
 9. aeinoov  H10    39   532   ravine
10. abcimop   8H    45   577   saprobic
11. deijnrt   A1    34   611   jet
12. adeorsu   O8    86   697   caroused
13. egiinow   2I    36   733   owling
14. aefinqu   D1    48   781   quine
15. aaefino  N12    31   812   nife
16. aehooux  11C    40   852   sax
17. admooru   1D    48   900   qorma
18. adeghuv  M10    38   938   vugh

Remaining tiles: adehou

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6885 FileDavina      4 16:14  -365  573     1.7046 Stranger    0  1:58  -914   24 
  2.6413 FileTwoFold     2 13:49  -397  541            Group: intermediate
  3.  -  Filesoul735     1  8:09  -734  204     1.6885 Davina      4 16:14  -365  573 
  4.  -  FileNormaJean   1  6:18  -772  166     2.6413 TwoFold     2 13:49  -397  541 
  5.6651 Filesunshine12  0  7:08  -816  122     3.6651 sunshine12  0  7:08  -816  122 
  6.6598 Filern.roselle  1  2:49  -857   81     4.6598 rn.roselle  1  2:49  -857   81 
  7.5909 Fileritavanl    0  1:42  -910   28     5.6277 Faeythe     0  1:30  -912   26 
  8.6277 FileFaeythe     0  1:30  -912   26            Group: novice
  9.7046 FileStranger    0  1:58  -914   24     1.5909 ritavanl    0  1:42  -910   28 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  soul735     1  8:09  -734  204 
                                             2.  -  NormaJean   1  6:18  -772  166 

On 1st draw, KARAS H4 28 --- KARA a Sikh's bangle [n]
Other tops: CARKS H4 28, CAUKS H4 28
Other moves: CARKS H8 24, CAUKS H8 24, RACKS H4 24, RACKS H8 24, RUCKS H4 24
CARKS H4 28 Davina
KARAS H4 28 rn.roselle
RACKS H4 24 TwoFold, Stranger
ARKS H5 16 soul735

On 2nd draw, FETE(R)ITA 5A 70 --- FETERITA a cereal grass [n]
Other tops: REFITTE(D) 6H 70
Other moves: FETERIT(A) 6D 64, (H)EFTIEST 8B 64, FETE(R)ITA 7A 62, FRETTIE(R) 6G 62, FRI(S)ETTE 6G 62
FEET G7 23 TwoFold, rn.roselle
FIT G7 22 Davina

On 3rd draw, SIDEREAL B2 72 --- SIDEREAL pertaining to the stars [adj]
Other tops: REDTAILS C2 72
Other moves: DILATERS C1 70, REALISED D4 70, RESAILED D4 70, SIDEREAL D2 70, DERAILS G7 69
FLARED A5 30 rn.roselle
FAILED A5 30 Davina
DIS I3 23 TwoFold

On 4th draw, FOYNED A5 54 --- FOYNE to thrust with a spear or sword [v]
Other tops: FAYNED A5 54
Other moves: FADY A5 53, DENAY A8 50, FAYNE A5 48, FOYNE A5 48, NYED A7 43
FADY A5 53 Davina
DYE A7 41 TwoFold
AYE A7 37 soul735
DEAN A7 26 Faeythe

On 5th draw, TYMPS C7 37 --- TYMP the plate on a blast-furnace [n]
Other moves: LIMPSEY 3A 36, TYMP C7 36, MELTY C9 34, EMYS I2 32, KEMPY 4H 32
MELTY C9 34 Davina, TwoFold

On 6th draw, TIRELI(N)G 6F 68 --- TIRELING a tired animal [n]
Other moves: LIG(N)ITE G7 66, LIG(N)ITE I7 66, LEGITI(M) G7 65, (R)ETILI(N)G E5 64, LIGATI(V)E 7E 61
GI(S) I3 21 TwoFold
(S)ITE D9 17 Davina

On 7th draw, BLOWZIER K1 94 --- BLOWZY blowsy [adj]
Other moves: BEZ 4D 49, REZ 4D 41, ZEL A1 40, ZOL A1 40, PREZ 10C 35
REZ 4D 41 Davina
ZO A1 35 TwoFold, soul735

On 8th draw, PLECTRON 10C 70 --- PLECTRON a small pointed object for plucking guitar strings [n]
Other moves: CORBEL 1H 33, BONCE 1K 30, BRONC 1K 30, CORBE 1H 30, NEO(N) L3 29
CLONER 2J 28 soul735, Davina
CAR 7G 20 TwoFold

On 9th draw, RAVINE H10 39 --- RAVINE a narrow, steep-sided valley [n]
Other moves: BAVIN 1K 33, RENVOI H10 30, AINE L1 29, EOA(N) L3 29, NEO(N) L3 29
RAVINE H10 39 TwoFold
RIVEN 8K 27 Davina
BONIE 1K 24 soul735

On 10th draw, SAPROBIC 8H 45 --- SAPROBE an organism that derives its nourishment from decaying organic matter [adj] --- SAPROBIC pertaining to saprobe [adj]
Other moves: BROMIC 8J 39, CRAMBO 8J 39, APLOMB 2I 36, BAMBI 1H 36, BAMBI 1K 36
BIMBO 1K 36 Davina
COMB 1H 30 TwoFold, soul735

On 11th draw, JET A1 34 --- JET to spurt forth in a stream [v]
Other moves: JILTED 2I 32, JEDI D4 31, JILTER 2I 30, JINNE 14F 30, DJINN 14E 29
JET A1 34 Davina, TwoFold, soul735

On 12th draw, CAROUSED O8 86 --- CAROUSE to engage in a carousal [v]
Other moves: SAVOURED 12F 74, ROULADES 2H 72, DAUBERS 1H 33, EARBUDS 1H 33, OBDURE 1J 33
ABODES 1J 30 Davina
BEARD 1K 27 TwoFold

On 13th draw, OWLING 2I 36 --- OWL to smuggle wool or sheep [v]
Other tops: BEWIG 1K 36
Other moves: WIENIE 14J 34, BOWIE 1K 33, BOWNE 1K 33, GNOW N11 33, OBIING 1J 30
OWE L2 29 Davina
OWE N13 27 TwoFold
BEGIN 1K 27 NormaJean

On 14th draw, QUINE D1 48 --- QUINE a worthless woman [n]
Other moves: QUA G13 47, QI G13 44, QUEAN 1E 44, FIQUE D1 42, QUAI 1F 41
QUINE D1 48 Davina
QUA G13 47 TwoFold, NormaJean
QUEEN E8 28 ritavanl

On 15th draw, NIFE N12 31 --- NIFE the earth's hypothetical core of nickel and iron [n]
Other moves: EF H1 29, IF H1 29, OF H1 29, AINE L1 27, INFE(R) E1 27
FAIN 1F 23 Davina
FOE I13 23 TwoFold
FIN 1G 20 sunshine12
FINED 15K 10 NormaJean

On 16th draw, SAX 11C 40 --- SAX a saxophone [n]
Other tops: SOX 11C 40
Other moves: XU G13 36, CHOUX F10 33, EXO 1G 32, HOAX 11F 32, OXO 1G 32
SAX 11C 40 Davina, NormaJean
XU G13 36 TwoFold
OXO 1G 32 sunshine12

On 17th draw, QORMA 1D 48 --- QORMA (India) a mild curry [n]
Other moves: QUOAD 1D 45, MOORVA 12D 42, ADOBO 1H 38, DOORMAN 14B 32, MOD 12D 32
QUOAD 1D 45 sunshine12
MOD 12D 32 TwoFold
DOOM 1F 25 Davina
QUAD 1D 14 NormaJean

On 18th draw, VUGH M10 38 --- VUGH a small cavity in a rock [n]
Other moves: EUGH M10 32, WAUGH 4K 32, AIDE L1 30, UGH M11 30, WAVED 4K 28
WAVED 4K 28 NormaJean, Davina
HAD G13 25 TwoFold, sunshine12

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