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Game of September 10, 2011 at 08:27, 6 players
1. 583 pts PIThompson
2. 417 pts woofy1
3. 333 pts Faeythe

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. deimnrs   H2    76    76   reminds
 2. ?hnortw   8A    92   168   unworths
 3. ?acprrz   3C    38   206   zarape
 4. adinoqw   4A    41   247   woad
 5. abceort   2D    36   283   taborer
 6. aegiotu   E5    32   315   outrage
 7. abdeilt  11D    72   387   delibate
 8. cdeotuy   L7    45   432   cytode
 9. acegijr  H11    45   477   bajri
10. eeilmrs   6B    71   548   relumines
11. afgiksy  12A    41   589   yagis
12. aeeistv  14E    71   660   evirates
13. eeklnuu   8L    33   693   yelk
14. acehnpu  15A    50   743   punch
15. eilnnou  13A    25   768   onie
16. afilnoq  15K    35   803   final
17. efinouv   A1    30   833   view
18. fnooquu   O4    28   861   quonk

Remaining tiles: fgoux

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7635 FilePIThompson  5 14:28  -278  583     1.7635 PIThompson  5 14:28  -278  583 
  2.6785 Filewoofy1      3 17:51  -444  417     2.7037 SuperH      0  2:42  -759  102 
  3.6277 FileFaeythe     1 11:22  -528  333            Group: intermediate
  4.4593 Filebadspeller  0  7:51  -735  126     1.6785 woofy1      3 17:51  -444  417 
  5.7037 FileSuperH      0  2:42  -759  102     2.6277 Faeythe     1 11:22  -528  333 
  6.5036 Filegmills0     1  2:00  -792   69            Group: novice
                                             1.5036 gmills0     1  2:00  -792   69 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4593 badspeller  0  7:51  -735  126 

On 1st draw, REMINDS H2 76 --- REMIND to cause to remember [v]
Other tops: MINDERS H4 76
Other moves: REMINDS H7 74, MINDERS H2 72, MINDERS H3 72, MINDERS H6 72, MINDERS H7 72
MINDERS H4 26 PIThompson
REMINDS H7 24 badspeller

On 2nd draw, (U)NWORTHS 8A 92 --- UNWORTH lack of worth [n]
Other tops: HORNW(O)RT 2B 92, H(O)RNWORT 2B 92
Other moves: HORNW(O)RT 2F 79, H(O)RNWORT 2F 79, IN(G)ROWTH 5H 76, THROWIN(G) 5C 76, WORTHIN(G) 5C 76
WHO(A) G3 32 PIThompson
WORTH 2F 27 badspeller

On 3rd draw, ZAR(A)PE 3C 38 --- ZARAPE a woollen riding blanket [n]
Other tops: Z(A)RAPE 3C 38
Other moves: CAPIZ 5E 36, CRAZ(I)ER 3C 36, CRAZ(E) 2G 35, CRAZ(Y) 2G 35, CZAR 2E 35
CRAZ(Y) 2G 35 badspeller, PIThompson
ZAN(Y) 6F 32 Faeythe

On 4th draw, WOAD 4A 41 --- WOAD a blue dye [n]
Other moves: ANOW 4A 37, DAW 4B 35, DOW 4B 35, NAW 4B 33, NOW 4B 33
WOAD 4A 41 PIThompson
Q(A)ID F2 33 Faeythe
QADI 5E 28 badspeller

On 5th draw, TABORER 2D 36 --- TABORER one that tabors [n]
Other tops: ABORTER E5 36
Other moves: CROWEA A1 33, ABORTER 2E 32, TABOR 2D 32, CAB 2D 30, COB 2D 30
BORATE 2F 29 PIThompson
BROW A1 27 Faeythe
BRAW A1 27 woofy1
CANT B6 12 badspeller

On 6th draw, OUTRAGE E5 32 --- OUTRAGE to arouse anger or resentment in [v]
Other moves: AUGITE 1J 29, AGOUTI 1J 26, OUTAGE 1J 26, AGUE 7C 19, GEAT 7A 18
AGOUTI 1J 26 PIThompson
AGE 7C 16 Faeythe, woofy1

On 7th draw, DELIBATE 11D 72 --- DELIBATE to sip [v]
Other tops: EDITABLE 11E 72
Other moves: D(U)TIABLE A7 63, BLAWED A1 36, ALBEIT 1J 35, ALBITE 1J 35, BALED 12A 32
BALED 12A 32 PIThompson
BATED 12A 32 woofy1
ABED D10 21 Faeythe

On 8th draw, CYTODE L7 45 --- CYTODE a protoplasm body without nucleus [n]
Other moves: COYED 12A 44, DECOY L11 43, COTED 12A 38, DOTY 12E 37, BOYED H11 36
COYED 12A 44 woofy1
DECOY L11 43 PIThompson
DYE 12G 27 Faeythe

On 9th draw, BAJRI H11 45 --- BAJRI a type of millet [n]
Other moves: BARIC H11 30, BRACE H11 30, EARWIG A1 30, JIAO 10I 28, AYGRE 8K 27
BRACE H11 30 Faeythe, PIThompson
JA 12C 24 woofy1

On 10th draw, RELUMINES 6B 71 --- RELUMINE to light again [v]
Other moves: LEMURINES 6B 67, ELMIER 1J 35, MERES 12A 35, MERIS 12A 35, MILES 12A 35
SMITE F5 29 PIThompson
SEEM 13L 25 woofy1
MERE 14F 12 Faeythe

On 11th draw, YAGIS 12A 41 --- YAGI a type of shortwave antenna [n]
Other tops: SKYF 13L 41
Other moves: GASIFY 13J 39, SKYF K2 38, FAKEY K8 36, FISK 13J 35, FIKY M12 33
YAKS 8L 33 PIThompson, Faeythe, woofy1, SuperH

On 12th draw, EVIRATES 14E 71 --- EVIRATE to castrate [v]
Other moves: EVITATES J8 65, ESTIVATES J5 64, STIEVER 14B 36, VIEWS A1 33, EVITES 1J 32
VIEWS A1 33 SuperH
YEVE 8L 30 PIThompson
JIVES 13H 29 woofy1
YEST 8L 21 Faeythe

On 13th draw, YELK 8L 33 --- YELK the yellow part of a bird or reptile [n]
Other tops: KNEW A1 33, YELK A12 33, YEUK 8L 33, YEUK A12 33, YLKE 8L 33, YLKE A12 33, YUKE 8L 33, YUKE A12 33
Other moves: KNEEL 15A 32, KENO 10I 22, ENEW A1 21, KUNE K8 21, NUKE K8 21
YUKE 8L 33 PIThompson, woofy1
YELK 8L 33 Faeythe
YELK A12 33 gmills0

On 14th draw, PUNCH 15A 50 --- PUNCH to perforate with a type of tool [v]
Other tops: PEACH 15A 50
Other moves: HAPU 15L 48, HEAP 15L 48, CHAPE 15A 47, PENUCHE M2 47, NACHE 15A 44
PEACH 15A 50 woofy1
HEAP 15L 48 Faeythe, PIThompson
PHEW A1 36 SuperH
CHEW A1 36 gmills0

On 15th draw, ONIE 13A 25 --- ONIE any (Scots) [adj]
Other moves: LINEN 15K 23, LOUIE 15K 23, NOULE 15K 23, ONLINE 1J 23, UNLINE 1J 23
LINEN 15K 23 woofy1
NOULE 15K 23 PIThompson

On 16th draw, FINAL 15K 35 --- FINAL the last examination of an academic course [n]
Other tops: FOLIA 15K 35
Other moves: FLAWN A1 33, FLOWN A1 33, FLAW A1 30, FLOW A1 30, INFO 15L 27
FINAL 15K 35 PIThompson, woofy1

On 17th draw, VIEW A1 30 --- VIEW to look at [v]
Other moves: FE 14N 22, FOVEA N11 22, OAF I13 22, ENOW A1 21, FINO 10I 20
VIEW A1 30 PIThompson
FE 14N 22 woofy1

On 18th draw, QUONK O4 28 --- QUONK to make an accidental disturbing noise [v]
Other moves: QUA N13 24, OAF I13 22, QI 5G 22, QI G5 22, QUA I9 22
QUONK O4 28 PIThompson
QUA N13 24 woofy1

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