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Game of September 29, 2011 at 20:03, 6 players - after 14 words played
1. 349 pts Thuwal
2. 332 pts danmarcy
3. 329 pts Suzette

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?afnoop   H8    26    26   spoof
 2. ?efnoox  12H    36    62   forfex
 3. aadeeer  11K    31    93   ered
 4. eilnsst  13B    76   169   listens
 5. eiorrst   8H    74   243   sorriest
 6. aadeijn  B10    60   303   jailed
 7. aaemnnt  14B    32   335   entame
 8. aeilqtw  10K    37   372   tawie
 9. aeghiku  15G    61   433   kiaugh
10. ainoprw   C7    28   461   powan
11. abcgilo   8A    33   494   globi
12. adehnrv  13L    49   543   deva
13. beinnsu   F5    72   615   bunnies
14. anqrttu   E3    32   647   qua


Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6169 FileThuwal      1 11:40  -298  349     1.7592 ste11a      1  2:53  -560   87 
  2.6409 Filedanmarcy    0 13:52  -315  332            Group: intermediate
  3.4655 FileSuzette     1 11:49  -318  329     1.6169 Thuwal      1 11:40  -298  349 
  4.6079 Fileraggedy01   0  9:01  -370  277     2.6409 danmarcy    0 13:52  -315  332 
  5.7592 Fileste11a      1  2:53  -560   87     3.6079 raggedy01   0  9:01  -370  277 
  6.6830 Fileimmy        1  1:09  -612   35     4.6830 immy        1  1:09  -612   35 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4655 Suzette     1 11:49  -318  329 

On 1st draw, (S)POOF H8 26 --- SPOOF to ridicule in fun [v]
Other tops: P(R)OOF H8 26
Other moves: P**Fs H4 24, P**Fy H4 24, P(R)OOF H4 24, A(L)OOF H8 22, FANO(N) H4 22
(S)POOF H8 26 immy
(S)NOOP H8 18 Suzette
FOP H7 16 Thuwal

On 2nd draw, FO(R)FEX 12H 36 --- FORFEX the pincers of an earwig [n]
Other moves: FOX(Y) 13E 30, F(A)X I11 29, FOXE(D) 11G 28, FOXE(D) 12H 28, FOXE(S) 11G 28
FOXE(S) 12H 28 Suzette
OX I9 24 danmarcy
OXEN 11H 22 Thuwal
(S)POOF(S) H8 9 immy

On 3rd draw, ERED 11K 31 --- ERE to plough [v]
Other moves: ERA 11K 27, ERE 11K 27, RAXED M10 26, AXED M11 24, EXED M11 24
ERED 11K 31 Thuwal
RAXED M10 26 Suzette, danmarcy

On 4th draw, LISTENS 13B 76 --- LISTEN to make conscious use of the sense of hearing [v]
Other tops: ENLISTS 13B 76, SILENTS 13B 76, TINSELS 13B 76
Other moves: PLENISTS 9H 62, STILES 10J 34, STILE 10J 33, NELIS 10K 31, NITES 10K 31
SEXIST M10 26 Thuwal
TEXES M10 24 Suzette
EXITS M11 24 danmarcy

On 5th draw, (S)ORRIEST 8H 74 --- SORRY feeling grief or penitence [adj]
Other tops: ROISTER(S) 8A 74
Other moves: ROISTERS D6 68, SORRIEST D7 68, ROISTER I4 67, RORTIEST E6 66, SPORTIER 9G 63
SEXIER M10 26 Suzette, Thuwal
EXITS M11 24 danmarcy

On 6th draw, JAILED B10 60 --- JAIL to put in jail (a place of confinement) [v]
Other moves: JADE 12A 49, JEDI 12A 49, JA 7I 36, JERID J6 33, NADA 10K 32
JA 7I 36 danmarcy, raggedy01
JAR J6 26 Thuwal
JADES D9 26 Suzette

On 7th draw, ENTAME 14B 32 --- ENTAME to tame [v]
Other moves: MANNITE C9 30, TAME 14D 28, ADMAN 15A 27, ADMEN 15A 27, EXAM M11 26
EXAM M11 26 Thuwal, raggedy01
MA A14 25 Suzette, danmarcy

On 8th draw, TAWIE 10K 37 --- TAWIE docile [adj]
Other moves: WETA 15E 35, QAT C9 33, QIS N6 32, TELIA 10K 31, WILE 12A 31
QAT C9 33 raggedy01
WAITE 15G 30 Thuwal
WAIT 15G 27 danmarcy
WEX M10 13 Suzette

On 9th draw, KIAUGH 15G 61 --- KIAUGH care or trouble [n]
Other moves: KAUGH 7I 49, KUEH 15E 48, KAUGH 15G 46, HIKE 12A 43, KEHUA 15G 43
KEG 15G 31 Thuwal
KA 15G 25 danmarcy
HIKER K4 24 raggedy01
HIKES N4 22 Suzette

On 10th draw, POWAN C7 28 --- POWAN a species of whitefish [n]
Other tops: INWRAPS N2 28, PAWNORS N2 28, PIR 12D 28
Other moves: PAW C9 25, POW C9 25, PAWNOR C6 24, POWNIE M3 24, PROW C8 24
POW C9 25 danmarcy
WARP J6 17 Thuwal, Suzette
PAIR K5 12 raggedy01

On 11th draw, GLOBI 8A 33 --- GLOBUS any spherelike structure [n]
Other tops: BLOC 8A 33
Other moves: BOG D8 32, BOI D8 30, CALIGO B2 30, GLOB 8A 30, CALIGOS N2 28
BLOC 8A 33 Suzette
GLOB 8A 30 Thuwal, raggedy01
BLOG 8A 27 danmarcy

On 12th draw, DEVA 13L 49 --- DEVA a Hindu god [n]
Other tops: DERV 13L 49
Other moves: DEV 13L 47, RAVINED E5 44, DEAN 13L 43, DEAR 13L 43, DERN 13L 43
HAVEN F4 28 raggedy01
HEAD 7I 28 ste11a
HANDERS N2 26 Suzette
HA 7M 20 danmarcy
HE 7M 20 Thuwal

On 13th draw, BUNNIES F5 72 --- BUNNY a rabbit [n]
Other moves: UNBEINGS A2 64, BANE O12 27, BANI O12 27, BANS O12 27, BASE O12 27
UNBEINGS A2 64 raggedy01
BANS O12 27 ste11a, danmarcy
BANE O12 27 Thuwal
NABS O12 21 Suzette

On 14th draw, QUA E3 32 --- QUA in the capacity of [adv]
Other tops: QUARTE M3 32, QUATRE M3 32
Other moves: QANATS 11A 30, QUAT G3 29, QUA G3 26, QUARTO I3 26, QUANT O4 24
QUA E3 32 ste11a
QUART O4 24 raggedy01, Suzette
QAT O12 22 danmarcy
QI 12A 21 Thuwal

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