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Game of October 19, 2011 at 18:44, 9 players
1. 825 pts PIThompson
2. 766 pts Kenpachi
3. 726 pts raggedy01

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeeknrs   H8    82    82   sneaker
 2. ?ehiopu   8A    89   171   eohippus
 3. adegort   A1    83   254   derogate
 4. eoorstu   E3    70   324   outropes
 5. ?ainnov   1A    86   410   devonian
 6. adenrrt   4E    70   480   untarred
 7. acdiils   C7    86   566   chiliads
 8. abdeiiu  I10    29   595   abide
 9. aeflmww   2F    41   636   fleam
10. afilotz  J14    63   699   zo
11. afimsty  15D    72   771   fiats
12. aehoqux   B4    62   833   hox
13. egjlort  12A    38   871   jeat
14. bciopuy  A12    39   910   juco
15. egmrtuw   5K    27   937   mew
16. aegiqty   G7    36   973   quey
17. einprtu  15J    33  1006   orpine
18. abginwy   1J    52  1058   abying
19. giltuvw   3K    26  1084   wig

Remaining tiles: lltuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7705 FilePIThompson  7 12:14  -259  825     1.7705 PIThompson  7 12:14  -259  825 
  2.6506 FileKenpachi    5 16:38  -318  766            Group: intermediate
  3.6112 Fileraggedy01   1 19:56  -358  726     1.6506 Kenpachi    5 16:38  -318  766 
  4.6964 FileDavina      1 11:37  -541  543     2.6112 raggedy01   1 19:56  -358  726 
  5.6440 Fileiwhist      2 15:42  -552  532     3.6964 Davina      1 11:37  -541  543 
  6.  -  Filekamel       0 19:40  -743  341     4.6440 iwhist      2 15:42  -552  532 
  7.6378 Filecharmz      1  4:17  -965  119     5.6378 charmz      1  4:17  -965  119 
  8.5429 Filemagictwig   0  4:22 -1024   60            Group: novice
  9.5235 Filetonikay     0  0:20 -1068   16     1.5429 magictwig   0  4:22 -1024   60 
                                             2.5235 tonikay     0  0:20 -1068   16 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  kamel       0 19:40  -743  341 

On 1st draw, SNEAKER H8 82 --- SNEAKER one that sneaks [n]
Other moves: SNEAKER H2 74, SNEAKER H3 74, SNEAKER H4 74, SNEAKER H6 74, SNEAKER H7 74
SNEAKER H8 82 raggedy01
KERNES H4 30 PIThompson
KEENS H4 28 kamel
KANES H4 28 Kenpachi
SEEK H5 16 tonikay

On 2nd draw, EOHIP(P)US 8A 89 --- EOHIPPUS an extinct horse [n]
Other tops: EOHI(P)PUS 8A 89, (C)OPIHUES 8A 89
Other moves: POU(C)HIER 14A 78, EUPHO(B)IA 11A 74, EUPHO(N)IA 11A 74, EUPHO(R)IA 11A 74, (C)OPIHUE I4 73
HOPE(S) 15D 72 PIThompson, Kenpachi, raggedy01, Davina
HOPES 8D 14 kamel

On 3rd draw, DEROGATE A1 83 --- DEROGATE to detract [v]
Other moves: DEROGATE 13G 76, PORTAGED E8 74, DEROGATE 13A 72, ERGATOID D2 70, GARROTED 14F 66
GADE I11 24 PIThompson
DATE 9B 21 Kenpachi
PAGED E8 18 Davina
GO I11 12 iwhist
AGED 13F 10 kamel

On 4th draw, OUTROPES E3 70 --- OUTROPE an auction sale [n]
Other tops: PORTEOUS E8 70
Other moves: OUTRO(P)ES F3 61, (P)ORTEOUS F8 61, OUTERS 15C 57, OUTROS 15C 57, ROUTES 15C 57
ROUTES 15C 57 Davina, raggedy01
SOUTER 15H 57 PIThompson
OUTERS 15C 57 iwhist
STORE 15H 54 Kenpachi
RESTO 15F 51 kamel

On 5th draw, D(E)VONIAN 1A 86 --- DEVONIAN relating to a type of rock formed in the fourth period of the Palaeozoic era. [adj]
Other moves: VENA(T)ION 13G 80, (D)EVONIAN 13G 78, (P)AVONINE 13A 72, INNOVA(T)E 13A 70, NONRIVA(L) 14E 70
AVION(S) 15C 69 PIThompson
VINA(S) 15D 66 Kenpachi
VINO(S) 15D 66 raggedy01
SNEAKER(S) H8 33 kamel

On 6th draw, UNTARRED 4E 70 --- UNTARRED not tarred [adj]
Other moves: NARRATED 11G 68, TRADER I10 26, TRADE I10 25, KNARRED 12H 24, DEARN 2F 23
DEARN 2F 23 PIThompson
RADE I11 22 Kenpachi
DARER I11 21 raggedy01
RATER 14H 7 kamel

On 7th draw, CHILIADS C7 86 --- CHILIAD a group of one thousand [n]
Other moves: LAICISED 13B 78, CADIS 15D 69, CAIDS 15D 69, CLADS 15D 69, SILICA 15H 69
CAIDS 15D 69 PIThompson
CADIS 15D 69 Kenpachi
CLADS 15D 69 raggedy01
ACIDS 15D 63 kamel
SAIL 15H 48 iwhist

On 8th draw, ABIDE I10 29 --- ABIDE to accept without objection [v]
Other moves: DIB B4 28, DUB B4 28, ABID I10 26, BADE I11 26, BIDE I11 26
ABIDE I10 29 Kenpachi
DIB B4 28 PIThompson
BADE I11 26 iwhist
BEAD B12 25 raggedy01
BARED J2 18 kamel

On 9th draw, FLEAM 2F 41 --- FLEAM a lancet for bleeding horses [n]
Other moves: FLAME 2F 37, FLAW 2F 35, FLEW 2F 35, FLAM 2F 34, FEMAL 5K 33
FLAME 2F 37 PIThompson
FLEW 2F 35 Davina
FAE 2F 31 Kenpachi
FLAW 12A 28 charmz
WAW G13 27 iwhist
MAW 3K 23 raggedy01
FLEW K2 20 kamel

On 10th draw, ZO J14 63 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other tops: ZA J14 63
Other moves: ZIT G13 48, ZOA G13 48, ZOL G13 48, ZA G13 47, ZO G13 47
ZO J14 63 PIThompson, charmz
ZA J14 63 iwhist
ZIT G13 48 Davina, Kenpachi
ZOA G13 48 raggedy01
ZED 13G 23 kamel

On 11th draw, FIATS 15D 72 --- FIAT an authoritative order [n] --- FIAT to sanction [v]
Other moves: FAYS 15E 66, MAYS 15E 63, YAMS 15E 63, TAMIS 15D 60, FATS 15E 57
FAYS 15E 66 iwhist, Davina, Kenpachi, raggedy01, PIThompson
FAYS 3K 28 charmz
SOFT 15I 17 kamel

On 12th draw, HOX B4 62 --- HOX to hock [v]
Other moves: OX B5 53, CHOUX 7C 48, EXO 5J 43, HOAX 5K 41, HOAX B12 40
HOX B4 62 PIThompson, Davina, iwhist, Kenpachi
EX 5J 38 raggedy01
EX K4 18 kamel

On 13th draw, JEAT 12A 38 --- JEAT a spout [n]
Other moves: JOE B12 36, JOE C3 30, JOR C3 30, JOT C3 30, JABOT 11G 28
JEAT 12A 38 PIThompson
JOE B12 36 iwhist, raggedy01
JOT C3 30 Davina
JAGER 12B 26 Kenpachi
JET K3 20 magictwig
JAR 12B 20 kamel

On 14th draw, JUCO A12 39 --- JUCO a junior college [n]
Other moves: BY 14E 32, BOY C3 29, COY C3 29, CABBY 11G 28, OY 14E 28
JUCO A12 39 Kenpachi
BY 14E 32 Davina
BOY C3 29 PIThompson
OY 14E 28 iwhist
BOY 3K 23 magictwig
YOU 3K 20 raggedy01
OY 15J 5 kamel

On 15th draw, MEW 5K 27 --- MEW a place of retirement or concealment [n] --- MEW to confine (one pl MEAWES) [v]
Other moves: WEM 3K 24, MEG 5K 23, MEW 3K 23, WERT 3K 22, MET 5K 21
MEW 5K 27 PIThompson, Kenpachi
WEM 3K 24 iwhist
MEW 3K 23 Davina
KITER 12H 18 raggedy01
WERT K3 14 kamel
WEAR 10G 9 magictwig

On 16th draw, QUEY G7 36 --- QUEY a young cow [n]
Other tops: QUAY G7 36
Other moves: QUAT G7 30, QUIT G7 30, GAIETY J6 29, AY 14E 28, QUA G7 26
QUAY G7 36 PIThompson
AY 14E 28 Davina, Kenpachi, iwhist
QAT J8 19 raggedy01
ABY 11H 8 magictwig

On 17th draw, ORPINE 15J 33 --- ORPINE a perennial herb [n]
Other moves: UNRIPE 1J 31, PERI B11 30, UNITER 1J 25, PURIN J6 24, NABE 11G 23
ORPINE 15J 33 PIThompson
UNRIPE 1J 31 Davina
UNITER 1J 25 iwhist
RIPEN 3K 23 Kenpachi, raggedy01

On 18th draw, ABYING 1J 52 --- ABY to pay the penalty for [v] --- ABYE to pay the penalty [v]
Other moves: BEDAWIN 13G 44, WINGY 3K 36, AWING 3J 35, BY 14E 32, EMBAYING K4 32
WINGY 3K 36 PIThompson
BAY 14M 29 Kenpachi
AY 14E 28 Davina
WAYING M5 18 raggedy01, iwhist

On 19th draw, WIG 3K 26 --- WIG to provide with a wig (an artificial covering of hair for the head) [v]
Other tops: WILT 3K 26
Other moves: VUG 6J 25, WIT 3K 24, GUV 6J 23, GILT 3K 20, LUV 6J 20
WIG 3K 26 PIThompson, Kenpachi
VUG 6J 25 raggedy01
LIVED 13E 13 Davina
WIN N13 12 iwhist

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