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Game of January 6, 2012 at 04:33, 2 players
1. 561 pts Gypsylady
2. 540 pts kellybelly

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeinssw   H3    26    26   swines
 2. adeghlr   5E    36    62   glaired
 3. aabhnrw   6J    33    95   haw
 4. aejnppt   3B    28   123   petnaps
 5. ?cdeeft   8A    89   212   deflects
 6. aadeino   4A    30   242   danio
 7. eijortu   2F    54   296   jo
 8. ehiouyz   1G    53   349   oyez
 9. eeimosv   2I    43   392   movies
10. ?aeehln   L6    78   470   whalemen
11. cegiiov  13G    36   506   voicing
12. eiilrtt   N2    60   566   slittier
13. noqrrsu   8J    45   611   quarer
14. abdlnor  H11    33   644   abord
15. eikmnou   M1    30   674   meek
16. afgnotu   6B    29   703   fungo
17. benorsu  15A    86   789   suborned
18. aailoty   C8    26   815   floaty
19. aaiitux  D10    42   857   ixia

Remaining tiles: atu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6837 FileGypsylady   4 19:14  -296  561     1.7280 kellybelly  5 15:23  -317  540 
  2.7280 Filekellybelly  5 15:23  -317  540            Group: intermediate
                                             1.6837 Gypsylady   4 19:14  -296  561 

On 1st draw, SWINES H3 26 --- SWINE a domestic pig [n]
Other tops: SINEWS H8 26, SWAINS H3 26
Other moves: SINEW H8 24, WAINS H4 24, WANES H4 24, WASES H4 24, WEANS H4 24

On 2nd draw, GLAIRED 5E 36 --- GLAIRE to coat with egg white [v]
Other moves: RAHED I1 30, AHED I2 29, GERAHS 3C 28, SHADER 3H 28, SHALED 3H 28
HEARD G7 25 Gypsylady

On 3rd draw, HAW 6J 33 --- HAW to turn left [v]
Other moves: BHAWANS 3B 32, HAAR 6J 31, HARN 6J 31, HAN 6J 30, BWANA 4A 29
HAW 6J 33 Gypsylady, kellybelly

On 4th draw, PETNAPS 3B 28 --- PETNAP to steal a pet for profit [v]
Other tops: SEJANT 3H 28
Other moves: TAJ G7 24, PAPE G7 23, PETNAP G7 23, JANTEE 7C 22, JAPES 8D 22
PAP G7 22 Gypsylady
JAPES 8D 22 kellybelly

On 5th draw, DEF(L)ECTS 8A 89 --- DEFLECT to turn aside [v]
Other moves: F(A)CETED G7 81, FETC(H)ED G7 80, DEF(L)ECT G7 76, DEFECT(S) G7 75, EF(F)ECTED 7B 70
F(A)CETED G7 81 Gypsylady
DE(A)F 2C 34 kellybelly

On 6th draw, DANIO 4A 30 --- DANIO an aquarium fish [n]
Other moves: IDEA 4B 25, ODEA 2B 25, ODEA 4B 25, APAID B2 24, DENI 4A 24
DINE 4A 24 kellybelly
DONE 2A 22 Gypsylady

On 7th draw, JO 2F 54 --- JO a Scottish sweetheart [n]
Other moves: JUPATI B1 34, ROJI 4J 32, EEJIT B8 28, JEER B6 27, JEE B6 26
JO 2F 54 Gypsylady, kellybelly

On 8th draw, OYEZ 1G 53 --- OYEZ a cry used to introduce the opening of a court of law [n]
Other moves: COZEY F8 39, COZY F8 38, COZIE F8 36, OYEZ 4K 36, COZE F8 35
COZY F8 38 kellybelly, Gypsylady

On 9th draw, MOVIES 2I 43 --- MOVIE a motion picture [n]
Other moves: EMOVES M1 32, MIEVES M1 32, MOVIES M1 32, IMPAVE B1 30, MEVES M2 30
MOVIES 2I 43 Gypsylady, kellybelly

On 10th draw, WHALE(M)EN L6 78 --- WHALEMAN a whaler [n]
Other tops: WHEEL(M)AN L6 78
Other moves: HAEN 1L 46, HEAL 1L 46, HEEL 1L 46, HAE(D) 1L 43, HAE(M) 1L 43
HEAL 1L 46 kellybelly

On 11th draw, VOICING 13G 36 --- VOICE to express or utter [v] --- VOICING the tonal quality of an instrument in an ensemble [n]
Other moves: CAVIE 8K 30, COVING 13H 26, VICE L1 26, VICING 13H 26, CIVE L1 24
VOICING 13G 36 kellybelly
CAVIE 8K 30 Gypsylady

On 12th draw, SLITTIER N2 60 --- SLITTY of an opening, long and narrow [adj]
Other tops: STILTIER N2 60
Other moves: LIPARITE B1 24, FIRELIT C8 22, FITLIER C8 22, FLITTER C8 22, LEIR 1L 22
STILTIER N2 60 Gypsylady
LEIR 1L 22 kellybelly

On 13th draw, QUARER 8J 45 --- QUARE queer [adj]
Other moves: SUQ N13 38, QUERNS B6 37, QUERN B6 36, ROQUES 10H 35, ROQUE 10H 34
ROQUES 10H 35 Gypsylady
QUIN 4L 28 kellybelly

On 14th draw, ABORD H11 33 --- ABORD to accost [v]
Other moves: ABOON H11 30, ADOBO H11 30, BOLD H12 30, BOND H12 30, BORD H12 30
BOND H12 30 kellybelly
BOLD H12 30 Gypsylady

On 15th draw, MEEK M1 30 --- MEEK having a mild and gentle temper [adj]
Other moves: KINE L1 26, KINO L1 26, MIKE L1 26, MINK L1 26, EEK M2 24
KI 9I 22 kellybelly
KI L1 11 Gypsylady

On 16th draw, FUNGO 6B 29 --- FUNGO a fly ball hit to a fielder for practice in baseball [n]
Other tops: FANGO 6B 29, FATING K10 29
Other moves: FA O4 25, FANG 6B 22, FUGATO C8 22, FUNG 6B 22, FUGATO 11E 20
FATING K10 29 kellybelly
QAT J8 14 Gypsylady

On 17th draw, SUBORNED 15A 86 --- SUBORN to induce to commit perjury [v]
Other moves: BOUNDERS 15D 64, REBOUNDS 15B 64, BOSUN N11 28, BONIER K10 24, BURIES K10 24
SOB N13 24 kellybelly
REBORN O8 11 Gypsylady

On 18th draw, FLOATY C8 26 --- FLOATY tending to float [adj]
Other moves: YA 14B 24, YO 14B 24, AY 9B 23, AY 14A 22, OY 14A 22
LACY J11 17 kellybelly
QAT J8 14 Gypsylady

On 19th draw, IXIA D10 42 --- IXIA a flowering plant [n]
Other moves: AX 14A 38, XI D11 31, XI 9I 28, ATAXIA 11A 26, ATAXIA 11C 26
AX 14A 38 kellybelly, Gypsylady

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