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Game of January 21, 2012 at 06:48, 3 players
1. 36 pts yab
2. 13 pts fatcat
3. 12 pts jimbo

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. bdeiorw   H4    30    30   browed
 2. fikorss   5G    26    56   frisks
 3. adfimno   L1    28    84   foams
 4. adeglnr   8H    83   167   enlarged
 5. acgmnou   1H    27   194   ganof
 6. ?eeinqu   O1   104   298   sequined
 7. aahlmoy   2G    40   338   homy
 8. ?dgnstu   K8    68   406   adusting
 9. eilopry  11E    76   482   pyrolise
10. adeiltt  15H    30   512   taigled
11. bhilnor  12K    36   548   throb
12. aeiirtz   E8    69   617   trapezii
13. aacnstv  15A    45   662   atavic
14. eiiotwx   8A    69   731   twixt
15. aeinopu  13C    38   769   unzip
16. aaeeent   7B    21   790   ate
17. ceinosu   9C    31   821   corned
18. eelorsv   3A    78   899   resolve

Remaining tiles: aeiju

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7084 Fileyab         0  1:07  -863   36     1.7084 yab         0  1:07  -863   36 
  2.5460 Filefatcat      0  1:42  -886   13            Group: novice
  3.5896 Filejimbo       0  1:21  -887   12     1.5460 fatcat      0  1:42  -886   13 
                                             2.5896 jimbo       0  1:21  -887   12 

On 1st draw, BROWED H4 30 --- BROW the forehead [adj] --- BROWED having a brow [adj]
Other moves: BOWED H4 28, BROWED H7 28, WEIRDO H4 28, BOWED H8 26, BOWER H4 26

On 2nd draw, FRISKS 5G 26 --- FRISK to move or leap about playfully [v]
Other moves: BRISKS 4H 24, FRISK 5G 24, BIRKS 4H 22, BISKS 4H 22, BORKS 4H 22

On 3rd draw, FOAMS L1 28 --- FOAM to form foam (a light, bubbly, gas and liquid mass) [v]
Other tops: DAIMON I3 28
Other moves: FADOS L1 26, FANDS L1 26, FIDOS L1 26, FINDS L1 26, FOIDS L1 26

On 4th draw, ENLARGED 8H 83 --- ENLARGE to make or become larger [v]
Other moves: DANGLER G8 68, DANGLER I8 68, WRANGLED 7H 65, ENLARGED 8B 61, LANGERED 8B 61

On 5th draw, GANOF 1H 27 --- GANOF a thief [n]
Other tops: FOAM 1L 27
Other moves: CAMAN 3I 24, FANG 1L 24, FUNG 1L 24, MNA M2 22, NAM M2 22

On 6th draw, (S)EQUINED O1 104 --- SEQUIN a shiny ornamental disk [adj] --- SEQUIN to affix sequins (shiny ornamental disks) to [v] --- SEQUINED having sequins [adj]
Other tops: ENQUI(R)ED O1 104, INQUE(R)ED O1 104
Other moves: ENQUI(R)E 2D 95, QUEENIE(R) N6 88, QUEENIE(S) N6 88, QUEENI(T)E N6 88, QUEENIE(R) N2 86

On 7th draw, HOMY 2G 40 --- HOMY homelike [adj]
Other moves: HOMELY N5 37, HOLY 2G 36, MOLY 2G 35, HAY M2 34, MHO M2 34

On 8th draw, ADUST(I)NG K8 68 --- ADUST to scorch [v]
Other tops: TRUDG(E)NS L7 68
Other moves: SUD M1 26, S(E)D M1 23, S(E)G M1 23, S(O)D M1 23, S(O)G M1 23

On 9th draw, PYROLISE 11E 76 --- PYROLISE to decompose by heating [v]
Other moves: PORGY 15H 45, ELOGY 15H 39, GILPY 15K 36, GRIPY 15K 36, GRYPE 15K 36

On 10th draw, TAIGLED 15H 30 --- TAIGLE to entangle [v]
Other tops: LIGATED 15I 30
Other moves: TALAQ 3K 28, DEALT M11 27, DELTA M11 27, DITAL M11 27, IDEAL M10 27

On 11th draw, THROB 12K 36 --- THROB to pulsate [v]
Other moves: HUB 10J 33, HI 6J 32, HO 6J 32, HOB 10D 31, BUHL 10J 30

On 12th draw, TRAPEZII E8 69 --- TRAPEZIUS a triangular muscle on the back [n]
Other moves: ZAIRE 12A 52, ZERIBA 4D 41, RITZY F7 37, AZOTED N10 36, ZAIRE 3C 36
ZAIRE 3C 36 yab

On 13th draw, ATAVIC 15A 45 --- ATAVIC pertaining to a remote ancestor [adj]
Other moves: ATAVIC 14A 34, SANCTA 8A 33, VATIC 14B 32, STANZA 13A 30, ANTICS 14B 28

On 14th draw, TWIXT 8A 69 --- TWIXT between [prep]
Other moves: XI J10 50, XU 10J 50, EXO M2 44, XI M3 40, EXO 12G 39

On 15th draw, UNZIP 13C 38 --- UNZIP to open the zipper of [v]
Other tops: EPIZOAN 13B 38
Other moves: EPIZOA 13B 36, PIEZO 13B 32, PONZU 13B 32, PIONED N10 30, PIZE 13C 30
PINE 3D 13 fatcat

On 16th draw, ATE 7B 21 --- ATE blind impulse or reckless ambition that drives one to ruin [n]
Other moves: ANTAE 3C 18, ATONED N10 18, ENATE 3C 18, NANA 14K 18, NANE 14K 18

On 17th draw, CORNED 9C 31 --- CORN to preserve with salt [v]
Other moves: SINE M1 28, SONE M1 28, CORE 9C 27, CORN 9C 27, CORS 9C 27

On 18th draw, RESOLVE 3A 78 --- RESOLVE to make a firm decision about [v]
Other moves: EVE 6A 37, EVO 6A 37, OVERSAW B2 30, SELE M1 28, SERE M1 28
ROSED N11 12 jimbo

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