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Game of February 9, 2012 at 04:14, 4 players
1. 377 pts kellybelly
2. 311 pts Gypsylady
3. 100 pts rebeccasf

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. abeglos   H4    24    24   belgas
 2. ??hptwy   9A    72    96   pathways
 3. afginoo   A7    33   129   ooping
 4. eiimnsv   C3    84   213   minivets
 5. aailrsu   5E    82   295   aurelias
 6. adfghtu   D1    42   337   hauf
 7. ceeorsu   B1    37   374   coures
 8. adknotz   L1    56   430   zonks
 9. gnorttu   1D    30   460   hognut
10. aabeorv   1L    39   499   zoea
11. adeenrt   2J    27   526   atoned
12. eelmorr   D8    35   561   mhorr
13. deefitt  11D    98   659   refitted
14. deijlqt  J10    28   687   jedi
15. abdelry   7E    68   755   badgerly
16. aeiloqv  I13    42   797   qi
17. aeeiopr   3I    30   827   piano
18. aeeertx  12J    33   860   dexter
19. aceilnw   O7    33   893   wincer

Remaining tiles: aelv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7445 Filekellybelly  4 10:31  -516  377     1.7445 kellybelly  4 10:31  -516  377 
  2.6850 FileGypsylady   3 13:01  -582  311            Group: intermediate
  3.  -  Filerebeccasf   0  7:58  -793  100     1.6850 Gypsylady   3 13:01  -582  311 
  4.5737 Filetonikay     0  3:14  -858   35            Group: novice
                                             1.5737 tonikay     0  3:14  -858   35 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  rebeccasf   0  7:58  -793  100 

On 1st draw, BELGAS H4 24 --- BELGA a former currency unit of Belgium [n]
Other tops: BAGELS H4 24, BOGLES H4 24
Other moves: BAGEL H4 22, BELGA H4 22, BLAGS H4 22, BLOGS H4 22, BOGLE H4 22
GLOBES H4 22 tonikay

On 2nd draw, P(A)THW(A)YS 9A 72 --- PATHWAY a path [n]
Other moves: P(A)THW(A)Y G8 71, PATHW(A)Y(S) 8G 67, P(A)THWAY(S) 8C 67, WH(I)P(P)Y I8 37, WH(I)(P)PY I8 37
SW(E)PT 9H 13 tonikay

On 3rd draw, OOPING A7 33 --- OOP to bind with thread [v]
Other tops: POGONIA A9 33
Other moves: HOOFING D9 32, OF 8A 31, APING A8 30, OPING A8 30, WOOFING E9 28

On 4th draw, MINIVETS C3 84 --- MINIVET a brightly coloured shrike-like bird [n]
Other moves: MISGIVEN 7E 66, MINIVET C3 32, VIN(A)S B6 25, EM 10E 24, INMESH D4 24

On 5th draw, AURELIAS 5E 82 --- AURELIA a jellyfish [n]
Other moves: BALISAUR 4H 72, AURELIA 5E 28, URALIS B1 28, AULAS B2 26, SHIUR D8 23

On 6th draw, HAUF D1 42 --- HAUF (Scots) half [n]
Other moves: FAUGH 4K 41, FAH 6J 37, GHAUT B2 37, FAITH 4A 35, HAUD D1 34

On 7th draw, COURES B1 37 --- COURE to cower [v]
Other moves: CHEEROS 1C 36, CHOREES 1C 36, CHOREUS 1C 36, CHOUSER 1C 36, COHERES 1B 36

On 8th draw, ZONKS L1 56 --- ZONK to stupefy [v]
Other moves: ZONK 4K 49, ZONDA 4K 47, DZO 4J 44, AZON 4J 43, AZO 4J 41
AZO 4J 41 kellybelly

On 9th draw, HOGNUT 1D 30 --- HOGNUT a hickory nut [n]
Other moves: THONG D8 25, THORN D8 23, GROTTO 2J 22, HOGNUT D9 22, GROUT 2J 20
THONG D8 25 kellybelly

On 10th draw, ZOEA 1L 39 --- ZOEA a larval form of certain crustaceans [n]
Other tops: ZERO 1L 39
Other moves: AREA M1 31, OBA 10E 30, OBE 10E 30, ABA M1 29, *B* M1 29
ZERO 1L 39 Gypsylady
OBA 10E 30 kellybelly
BR(A)VE F7 17 rebeccasf

On 11th draw, ATONED 2J 27 --- ATONE to make amends or reparation [v]
Other moves: DRONE 2J 26, RELAND 6F 26, SEED 10C 25, ATONER 2J 24, RELATE 6F 24
DRONE 2J 26 kellybelly

On 12th draw, MHORR D8 35 --- MHORR a West African gazelle [n]
Other moves: SEEM 10C 31, EME 10E 30, EMO 10E 30, SMORE 10C 29, EM 10E 24
SEEM 10C 31 kellybelly, Gypsylady

On 13th draw, REFITTED 11D 98 --- REFIT to prepare and equip for additional use [v]
Other moves: REFITTED 12D 63, LIFE 6H 32, LIFT 6H 32, FE 6J 28, DIENE 3I 26
REFITTED 12D 63 Gypsylady
LIFE 6H 32 kellybelly
F(A)TED F8 10 rebeccasf

On 14th draw, JEDI J10 28 --- JEDI a follower of Jedi philosophy (Star Wars film) [n]
Other tops: JEED J10 28
Other moves: JEEL J10 27, JETE J10 27, JEE J10 26, JET J10 26, QI 3I 23
JETE J10 27 kellybelly
JET J10 26 Gypsylady
JILTED J4 16 rebeccasf

On 15th draw, BADGERLY 7E 68 --- BADGERLY like a badger [adj]
Other moves: ADENYL 3I 42, BEANY 3I 42, TYRED H11 39, TYLER H11 36, LEANY 3I 34
TEARY H11 27 kellybelly
DERBY 12J 25 Gypsylady

On 16th draw, QI I13 42 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: VALE 6F 36, VALI 6F 36, VILE 6F 36, VOLE 6F 36, VOL 6F 32
QI I13 42 kellybelly, Gypsylady
EVIL 8L 30 rebeccasf

On 17th draw, PIANO 3I 30 --- PIANO a musical instrument with a keyboard [n]
Other tops: PRONE 3I 30
Other moves: APER 8L 27, AERIE 8K 26, DIAPER 12J 23, DOPIER 12J 23, ARENE 3I 22
PRONE 3I 30 kellybelly
APER 8L 27 rebeccasf, Gypsylady

On 18th draw, DEXTER 12J 33 --- DEXTER a small breed of Kerry cattle [n] --- DEXTER situated on the right [adj]
Other moves: AX H14 29, RAX 8G 26, DEX 12J 25, AXE C12 22, ARET 8L 21
DEXTER 12J 33 kellybelly
DEX 12J 25 Gypsylady

On 19th draw, WINCER O7 33 --- WINCER one that winces [n]
Other tops: CLAWER O7 33
Other moves: ALEW 8L 30, ANEW 8L 30, CRAWL O11 30, LAWNIER O6 30, ACNE 8L 27
WINCER O7 33 Gypsylady, kellybelly

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