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Game of February 17, 2012 at 19:31, 3 players
1. 88 pts argomearns
2. 56 pts victor
3. 11 pts moliere

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. delmnru   H4    24    24   murled
 2. aeprtuy   6F    26    50   partyer
 3. aelnqsw   K5    40    90   weanels
 4. ?aeinoo   L3    26   116   alerion
 5. ?adeilt   8A    77   193   editable
 6. aaeitvw   B4    69   262   viewdata
 7. aagjlnu  A11    65   327   ajuga
 8. eeiknos   M9    78   405   eikones
 9. cdhiott  15H    39   444   dichts
10. deoostx  N12    45   489   dex
11. cghorsu   O7    44   533   coughs
12. ennortv  L12    31   564   tort
13. efnopqt   3K    24   588   qat
14. aeiilmu   4A    26   614   mvule
15. ginoors   N1    35   649   rosing
16. abefpyz   1L    78   727   zarf
17. iiioopr   A1    29   756   primo
18. efinory  14A    30   786   gryfon
19. bbeinov  13C    39   825   bonie

Remaining tiles: beiv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5721 Fileargomearns  0  5:01  -737   88     1.5721 argomearns  0  5:01  -737   88 
  2.5388 Filevictor      0  2:05  -769   56     2.5388 victor      0  2:05  -769   56 
  3.  -  Filemoliere     0  1:15  -814   11            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  moliere     0  1:15  -814   11 

On 1st draw, MURLED H4 24 --- MURL to crumble [v]
Other moves: LEDUM H8 22, MULED H4 22, MURED H4 22, MURLED H7 22, DEMUR H4 20
MULED H4 22 argomearns

On 2nd draw, PARTYER 6F 26 --- PARTYER one that parties [n]
Other tops: PARTYER 6B 26
Other moves: PARRY 6F 24, PARTY 6F 24, PERRY 6F 24, PETARY G8 24, PURTY 6F 24

On 3rd draw, WEANELS K5 40 --- WEANEL a weanling [n]
Other moves: AWES 5J 31, ALEWS M2 29, AWE 5J 29, LAWNS M2 29, WALES M2 29

On 4th draw, A(L)ERION L3 26 --- ALERION in heraldry, an eagle displayed without feet or beak [n]
Other moves: (C)ORNEA L4 24, (M)ORION L4 24, NORIA(S) L4 23, OORIA(L) L4 23, OORIE(R) L4 23

On 5th draw, EDITA(B)LE 8A 77 --- EDIT to correct and prepare for publication [adj] --- EDITABLE able to be edited [adj]
Other tops: DATELI(N)E 8A 77, DELI(B)ATE 8A 77, DELI(C)ATE 8A 77, DE(P)ILATE 8A 77
Other moves: DELTAI(C) M8 74, DELTAI(C) M9 74, DETAIL(S) M8 74, DETAIL(S) M9 74, DIALE(C)T M9 74

On 6th draw, VIEWDATA B4 69 --- VIEWDATA a videotex [n]
Other moves: TAWIE M1 33, TWAE M2 31, WAE M3 29, WAT M3 29, WIT M3 29

On 7th draw, AJUGA A11 65 --- AJUGA a flowering plant [n]
Other moves: JUGAL A11 51, JUGAL 3I 42, GANJA M9 36, JAGA M1 31, JUGA M1 31
JAG A11 21 argomearns

On 8th draw, EIKONES M9 78 --- EIKON an icon [n]
Other moves: EIKONES I9 67, SNOEK M6 35, EONS M3 32, IONS M3 32, NIES M3 32
NOOKS 8K 27 argomearns

On 9th draw, DICHTS 15H 39 --- DICHT to wipe [v]
Other moves: CHID M2 38, CHOTTS 15H 36, COTTIDS 15G 36, GOTHIC 14A 36, CHIT M2 35

On 10th draw, DEX N12 45 --- DEX a sulfate used as a central nervous system stimulant [n]
Other moves: DETOX M1 44, DOEST M3 44, OXES N11 43, SEX N12 42, SOX N12 42

On 11th draw, COUGHS O7 44 --- COUGH to expel air from the lungs noisily [v]
Other moves: CHOGS O8 41, CHORUS O7 41, CHUGS O8 41, HOST L12 41, GROUCH 14A 40

On 12th draw, TORT L12 31 --- TORT a civil wrong [n]
Other tops: NETT L12 31, NOTT L12 31
Other moves: VENATOR 3I 28, VORANT 3I 26, VROT M2 25, GOVERN 14A 24, GROVET 14A 24

On 13th draw, QAT 3K 24 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: FOIN C6 23, PEON M2 23, TOFU 5E 23, PONEY J2 22, POT B13 22

On 14th draw, MVULE 4A 26 --- MVULE an African tree [n]
Other moves: MULLA 7E 24, MIL B13 22, MAILE J9 21, MAIL J9 20, MAUL J9 20

On 15th draw, ROSING N1 35 --- ROSE to make the color of a rose (a reddish flower) [v]
Other moves: GISMO A1 26, GORINGS 14A 26, GORMS A1 26, ROTONS M1 26, GORING 14A 24
ROOMS A1 23 victor

On 16th draw, ZARF 1L 78 --- ZARF a metal holder for a coffee cup [n]
Other moves: AZYM A1 54, ZEBRA 1K 51, APERY 1K 39, BARF 1L 36, BYRE 1L 36
YARE 1L 33 victor

On 17th draw, PRIMO A1 29 --- PRIMO the main part in a musical piece [n]
Other tops: PROMO A1 29
Other moves: PRIM A1 24, PROM A1 24, PIR B13 22, POI B13 22, PI B13 18
PI I3 11 moliere

On 18th draw, GRYFON 14A 30 --- GRYFON a fabled animal part lion and part eagle [n]
Other moves: AFIRE 9B 26, AFORE 9B 26, FY O4 26, INTROFY D6 26, YEN 3C 26

On 19th draw, BONIE 13C 39 --- BONIE pretty or healthy [adj]
Other moves: BIB 13C 37, BOB 13C 37, BENI 13C 35, BINE 13C 35, BONE 13C 35
IVY C12 18 argomearns

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