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Game of August 31, 2012 at 19:18, 3 players
1. 621 pts musdrive
2. 448 pts Davina
3. 19 pts SQUAW1

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeeinsy   H4    24    24   yeans
 2. aeklnoq   G4    25    49   kola
 3. aeeeqrt   4D    24    73   reeky
 4. adehlot   3A    29   102   daleth
 5. abbgopr   A1    33   135   bodrag
 6. bgiopsv   B1    22   157   oba
 7. eeimrtw   5E    31   188   twoer
 8. ?ceeijr   F7    68   256   rejoice
 9. ceegiru   2F    37   293   cierge
10. aeelsvw  11B    78   371   alewives
11. ?addntu   1H    93   464   daunted
12. finooqt  B10    32   496   qat
13. gimnosu   8H    86   582   soumings
14. ainoptu  12I    72   654   opuntia
15. afinrsv  14B    40   694   invars
16. ahiptux  O11    51   745   hapax
17. deeilmt  15G    35   780   itemed
18. iilnouy   8A    39   819   lunyie
19. ffiiooz  N14    53   872   zo

Remaining tiles: ffiioo

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7379 Filemusdrive    7 14:37  -251  621     1.7379 musdrive    7 14:37  -251  621 
  2.7009 FileDavina      4 13:41  -424  448     2.7009 Davina      4 13:41  -424  448 
  3.6613 FileSQUAW1      0  1:18  -853   19            Group: intermediate
                                             1.6613 SQUAW1      0  1:18  -853   19 

On 1st draw, YEANS H4 24 --- YEAN to bear young [v]
Other moves: AYINS H4 18, AYINS H8 18, SAYNE H4 18, SAYNE H8 18, SEYEN H4 18
YEANS H4 24 musdrive, Davina

On 2nd draw, KOLA G4 25 --- KOLA a carbonated beverage [n]
Other tops: KALE G4 25, KANE G4 25, KENO G4 25
Other moves: LANKY 4D 24, LEAKY 4D 24, YOKEL 4H 24, OAKEN G2 23, KALE I3 22
KALE G4 25 musdrive
LEAKY 4D 24 Davina

On 3rd draw, REEKY 4D 24 --- REEKY reeking [adj]
Other tops: TRANQ 7E 24
Other moves: ARETE F6 17, RATE F5 17, TARE F5 17, RAT F5 16, TAE F5 16
REEKY 4D 24 musdrive
RATE F5 17 Davina

On 4th draw, DALETH 3A 29 --- DALETH the fourth letter of the Hebrew alphabet [n]
Other moves: DEATH 3B 27, DOETH 3B 27, HALOED 3A 27, AHOLD F6 26, HALED 5A 26
DEATH 3B 27 musdrive
HOLED 5A 26 Davina

On 5th draw, BODRAG A1 33 --- BODRAG a hostile attack [n]
Other moves: BAP 2B 29, GABBRO B2 26, BRAG 5B 25, BAG 5C 23, OBA 2A 23
BAP 2B 29 musdrive
BRAG 5B 25 Davina

On 6th draw, OBA B1 22 --- OBA a hereditary chief in Benin and Nigeria [n]
Other tops: BIOGS I6 22
Other moves: BIOG I6 21, SOV 7A 21, SPIV 7A 21, SPIV F7 20, BIGOS B5 19
OBA B1 22 musdrive, Davina

On 7th draw, TWOER 5E 31 --- TWOER the score of two [n]
Other tops: MEW 5C 31
Other moves: REW 5C 27, TEW 5C 27, ARMET 5A 23, METIER I6 21, WEE 5C 21
MEW 5C 31 musdrive, Davina

On 8th draw, REJ(O)ICE F7 68 --- REJOICE to feel joyful [v]
Other moves: BOER(T)JIE 1A 51, JEE(S) J2 34, CEI(L)ER 2F 33, (S)CREE 2E 33, CER(C)I 2F 32
JEE(S) J2 34 musdrive
CI(T)ER 2F 32 Davina

On 9th draw, CIERGE 2F 37 --- CIERGE a type of candle [n]
Other moves: CERGE 2F 34, CURIE 2F 33, GRIECE 14E 31, CERE 2F 30, CIERGE 8A 30
CREE 14E 26 musdrive

On 10th draw, ALEWIVES 11B 78 --- ALEWIFE a woman who sells ale [n]
Other moves: WAVELESS 8A 54, WEAVES 14A 46, WAVES 14B 44, WAVES 1K 41, WEAVE 1K 41
WEAVES 14A 46 musdrive

On 11th draw, DAUNT(E)D 1H 93 --- DAUNT to intimidate [v]
Other moves: UNDAT(E)D 14D 87, DAUNT(E)D 14F 85, ADDU(C)ENT D6 72, ADDU(C)ENT 13A 70, DAUNT(E)D 10H 69
DAUNT(E)D 1H 43 musdrive

On 12th draw, QAT B10 32 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other tops: FAINT B10 32
Other moves: FOOTIE 8A 30, IF 10A 26, OF 10A 26, FOLIO C9 24, TRANQ 7E 24
FAINT B10 32 musdrive

On 13th draw, SOUMINGS 8H 86 --- SOUMING the act of souming [n]
Other tops: SMOUSING 8H 86
Other moves: MOUSING 12H 85, SOUMING 14F 82, MOUSING 14C 80, SOUMING 12H 77, MOUSING 10H 72
MUNGOS 14A 40 musdrive
MOUSING 14C 30 Davina

On 14th draw, OPUNTIA 12I 72 --- OPUNTIA an American cactus [n]
Other moves: OPUNTIA 10I 69, UTOPIAN 10I 65, PTOMAIN K5 44, PILAO C9 33, PILAU C9 33
PILAU C9 33 musdrive
PILOT C9 33 Davina

On 15th draw, INVARS 14B 40 --- INVAR an iron-nickel alloy with very little heat expansion [n]
Other tops: INVARS 14A 40, RAVINS 14A 40
Other moves: FAINS 14B 38, FAIRS 14B 38, FIARS 14B 38, FIRNS 14B 38, INVAR 14B 38
FAINS 14B 38 musdrive, Davina

On 16th draw, HAPAX O11 51 --- HAPAX a word that occurs only once [n]
Other moves: EAUX 13F 41, TAX 12B 40, TIX 12B 40, XI 13I 39, XI 11K 38
TAX 12B 40 musdrive
XI 13I 39 Davina

On 17th draw, ITEMED 15G 35 --- ITEM to set down the particulars of [v]
Other moves: MEITH 11K 34, DELETIVE D8 30, DELIME 8A 30, TEMED 15G 26, TIMED 15G 26
ME N14 25 musdrive, Davina

On 18th draw, LUNYIE 8A 39 --- LUNYIE the loin [n]
Other moves: YO N14 29, YIN 13I 26, YON 13I 26, YOU 11K 26, LOY 15A 25
YO N14 29 musdrive, Davina

On 19th draw, ZO N14 53 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: FIZ 10H 43, FIZ 2M 40, ZOO 15A 40, FIZ 3K 36, ZO 15A 35
ZO N14 53 Davina, musdrive

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