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Game of May 21, 2013 at 15:09, 1 player
1. 22 pts lezaryne

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adeflrs   H4    80    80   fardels
 2. ?ainrrt   5D    78   158   trimaran
 3. ?egiopr   8A    83   241   perigone
 4. aaenosv   L1    32   273   vanes
 5. emnortu   B2    74   347   routemen
 6. eeinqst  10F    32   379   qis
 7. aekosuw   A1    38   417   wok
 8. eeghims   C1    40   457   mesh
 9. aglltyy   C6    28   485   lyra
10. aeginos   K4    70   555   anginose
11. aefinux  L11    48   603   enfix
12. bcdeipu   1H    36   639   updive
13. abcnotu  15H    42   681   unbox
14. aciorty  13I    34   715   crafty
15. ellotwz   F2    39   754   zowie
16. adehotu   8J    42   796   unhead
17. degilot   N1    34   830   diglot
18. abeijlt  11D    31   861   jai
19. aceilot  12A    40   901   cital

Remaining tiles: beeotv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.3778 Filelezaryne    0  1:05  -879   22     1.3778 lezaryne    0  1:05  -879   22 

On 1st draw, FARDELS H4 80 --- FARDEL a bundle [n]
Other moves: FARDELS H2 74, FARDELS H3 74, FARDELS H6 74, FARDELS H7 74, FARDELS H8 74

On 2nd draw, TRI(M)ARAN 5D 78 --- TRIMARAN a sailing vessel [n]
Other moves: TRAN(S)IRE 8A 74, TRI(M)ARAN 5B 64, R(E)STRAIN 10F 61, STARRIN(G) 10H 61, TARRIN(G)S 10A 61

On 3rd draw, PERIGO(N)E 8A 83 --- PERIGONE a structure in some flowers [n]
Other moves: PORTIG(U)E D2 70, PROGERI(A) E4 70, (S)ERPIGO L5 69, GO(S)SIPER 10E 68, POR(R)IDGE 7C 67

On 4th draw, VANES L1 32 --- VANE a device for showing the direction of the wind [n]
Other moves: AREAS I4 28, AVENS L1 26, NAVES L1 26, NOVAS L1 26, OAVES L1 26
VANS L2 22 lezaryne

On 5th draw, ROUTEMEN B2 74 --- ROUTEMAN a man who conducts business on a customary course [n]
Other moves: TENTORIUM D2 72, MONTURES 10A 64, MOUNTERS 10A 64, REMOUNTS 10A 64, ROUTEMAN 2F 64

On 6th draw, QIS 10F 32 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: NEREIS I3 30, TENSIVE 1G 30, ENVIES 1J 27, INVEST 1J 27, SEINE A1 27

On 7th draw, WOK A1 38 --- WOK a pan used in Chinese cookery [n]
Other moves: KAW A1 37, KOW A1 37, AVOWS 1K 33, AREW 6G 31, AWAKES 2J 30

On 8th draw, MESH C1 40 --- MESH to entangle [v]
Other moves: HEAME 2J 36, VEHM 1L 36, SIM C2 31, MIGHTS D1 30, GHIS 11D 29

On 9th draw, LYRA C6 28 --- LYRA part of phrase LYRA VIOL, an old musical instrument of the lute family (no plural) [n]
Other tops: YA 6J 28
Other moves: ARYL C7 26, ARY C7 25, GAYLY 2K 24, AY M2 22, GYNY 3J 22

On 10th draw, ANGINOSE K4 70 --- ANGINA a disease marked by spasmodic attacks of intense pain [adj] --- ANGINOSE relating to angina [adj]
Other moves: DIAGNOSE 7H 62, MANGOES 1C 33, MEASING 1C 33, MISGONE 1C 33, GANEVS 1H 30

On 11th draw, ENFIX L11 48 --- ENFIX to fix in [v]
Other moves: ENFIX J10 39, UNFINE 8J 39, UNFIX J10 39, AUXIN 11C 37, FAUX J4 36

On 12th draw, UPDIVE 1H 36 --- UPDIVE to spring upward [v]
Other moves: CEBID 11C 34, CUPID 11C 34, INDUCE 8J 33, PUBIC J7 32, BIPED J7 30

On 13th draw, UNBOX 15H 42 --- UNBOX to remove from a box [v]
Other moves: UNTAX 15H 36, CONFAB 13I 32, AUCTION 14H 30, ACTION 14I 28, BACON J9 24

On 14th draw, CRAFTY 13I 34 --- CRAFTY skillful in deceiving [adj]
Other moves: OTARY 2J 29, AY M12 28, OY M12 28, YO M13 28, NITRY 8K 27

On 15th draw, ZOWIE F2 39 --- ZOWIE used to express surprise or pleasure [interj]
Other moves: WIZ F4 35, TOZE J7 34, DZO J1 33, L*Z J9 32, OYEZ N12 32

On 16th draw, UNHEAD 8J 42 --- UNHEAD to decapitate [v]
Other moves: DEATH N1 32, DOETH N1 32, HO(M)A G3 31, DOTH N1 30, UNEATH 8J 30

On 17th draw, DIGLOT N1 34 --- DIGLOT a bilingual book or edition [n]
Other moves: IODATE 2I 32, DOGIE N1 28, GELID 11C 28, GEOID 11C 28, GOODIE 9J 28

On 18th draw, JAI 11D 31 --- JAI onward to victory (Indian) [interj]
Other moves: ALBEIT 11B 29, JEBEL M7 28, AB G2 25, BAIT 11D 25, BALTI 11B 25

On 19th draw, CITAL 12A 40 --- CITAL a summons to appear [n]
Other tops: CLEAT 12A 40
Other moves: CALO 12A 36, CIAO 12A 36, CITO 12A 36, COLA 12A 36, ECLAT 12A 36

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