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Game of September 27, 2013 at 07:58, 1 player
1. 73 pts charmz

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aefllnr   H4    26    26   faller
 2. eiotuvw   5G    22    48   waive
 3. adgiimr   L1    35    83   marid
 4. deinnrs  10B    74   157   dinners
 5. ?aemnov   8A    86   243   overname
 6. ?egiino   1H   140   383   ignomies
 7. degijrt   3I    44   427   jerrid
 8. egnoopt   C8    26   453   epigone
 9. aaefhlt  D12    42   495   haaf
10. ceoprsz  15D    51   546   froze
11. celopty   K5    28   574   ecotype
12. aeinotu  I11    24   598   oaten
13. aegikot   E4    52   650   tokening
14. aeiltux  J12    55   705   tax
15. bilrsuw   8K    36   741   twirl
16. aloqssu   D1    54   795   quass
17. dehituy  H12    36   831   hide
18. bclotuy   N6    26   857   corby
19. abeltuu  B12    29   886   bale

Remaining tiles: sttuuu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6782 Filecharmz      0  2:26  -813   73     1.6782 charmz      0  2:26  -813   73 

On 1st draw, FALLER H4 26 --- FALLER one that falls [n]
Other tops: FALLEN H4 26
Other moves: FARLE H4 24, FELLA H4 24, FERAL H4 24, FLARE H4 24, FRENA H4 24

On 2nd draw, WAIVE 5G 22 --- WAIVE to give up intentionally [v]
Other tops: VAWTE 5G 22
Other moves: VIEW I2 21, WOLVE 6F 21, AVOW 5H 20, OUTLIVE 6E 20, VETO I3 20
WOVE G8 19 charmz

On 3rd draw, MARID L1 35 --- MARID a powerful jinn [n]
Other moves: MIDAIR L3 33, RIGID L1 29, DIRAM L3 28, MARID L3 28, AMID L2 27
MARD L2 27 charmz

On 4th draw, DINNERS 10B 74 --- DINNER the main meal of the day [n] --- DINNER to dine [v]
Other moves: ENDRINS 10B 72, INSNARED 2H 72, ENDRINS G9 63, ENDRINS I9 63, SINNERED 8B 60
REMIND 1J 27 charmz

On 5th draw, OVE(R)NAME 8A 86 --- OVERNAME to repeat the names of [v]
Other moves: OVE(R)NAME F8 68, OVE(R)NAME 8F 65, EMMOV(E) 1J 36, VOMI(C)AE C7 36, (E)MMOVE 1J 36

On 6th draw, IGNOMIE(S) 1H 140 --- IGNOMY loss of one's good name [n]
Other moves: EN(J)OINING E3 86, I(B)OGAINE 2H 70, ELOI(N)ING 7G 66, (S)IGNO(R)INE D3 66, ELOINI(N)G 7G 65

On 7th draw, JERRID 3I 44 --- JERRID a wooden javelin [n]
Other moves: JIRRE 3I 40, JEDI 2F 34, GIDJEE C3 32, JIVED B6 32, TERNING E5 32

On 8th draw, EPIGONE C8 26 --- EPIGONE an inferior imitator [n]
Other moves: EPIGON C8 24, GONOF 4D 23, PORGE 9F 22, GORP 9F 21, PEON 7C 21

On 9th draw, HAAF D12 42 --- HAAF a deep sea fishing region [n]
Other tops: HALF D12 42
Other moves: HAFT D12 39, HEFT D12 39, HAFT B12 37, HEFT B12 37, FAH D12 35

On 10th draw, FROZE 15D 51 --- FREEZE to turn into a solid by lowering the temperature, pa p FROZEN [v]
Other tops: FORZE 15D 51
Other moves: ZO B14 46, FORCEPS 15D 42, SEZ 6L 41, ZELS 6F 40, ZOLS 6F 40

On 11th draw, ECOTYPE K5 28 --- ECOTYPE a subspecies adapted to specific environmental conditions [n]
Other moves: PLECT(R)ON D3 26, PYCNON E5 26, CORY 9F 25, PORY 9F 25, YORP 9F 25

On 12th draw, OATEN I11 24 --- OATEN pertaining to oats [adj]
Other tops: TAUON I11 24
Other moves: AEON I12 23, AUNTIE J9 23, EOAN I12 23, TAIN I12 23, TOUN I12 23

On 13th draw, TOKENING E4 52 --- TOKEN to be a sign or mark of [v]
Other moves: OAK B12 37, ATONING E5 32, AKE B13 31, KETE H12 28, KITE H12 28

On 14th draw, TAX J12 55 --- TAX to place a tax (a charge imposed by authority for public purposes) on [v]
Other tops: LAX J12 55, LEX J12 55, TEX J12 55, TIX J12 55
Other moves: AX J13 52, EX J13 52, LATEX L11 42, AXILE L10 37, AXITE L10 37

On 15th draw, TWIRL 8K 36 --- TWIRL to rotate rapidly [v]
Other moves: WILE H12 34, WIRE H12 34, WISE H12 34, BILE H12 30, BISE H12 30

On 16th draw, QUASS D1 54 --- QUASS a Russian beer [n]
Other moves: QUA 7M 47, SQUALLS O3 41, SQUALL O3 40, QATS 12H 38, QUA F2 34

On 17th draw, HIDE H12 36 --- HIDE to conceal [v] --- HIDE to flog [v]
Other moves: HETE H12 34, YEA F6 33, HEID C3 32, DEITY L11 29, TEAED 14B 29

On 18th draw, CORBY N6 26 --- CORBY a raven, a crow [n]
Other moves: BEAUT 14B 24, BORTY N6 24, BURLY N6 24, CURLY N6 24, OY C2 22

On 19th draw, BALE B12 29 --- BALE to form into tightly compressed bundles [v]
Other tops: BALU B12 29, BATE B12 29
Other moves: BAL B12 27, BAT B12 27, BEAUT 14B 24, BEAUT M10 21, BLATE M10 21

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