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Game of October 31, 2013 at 06:52, 1 player
1. 557 pts charmz

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?abborr   H7    24    24   earbob
 2. egjlssu  10F    32    56   jubes
 3. ?efmnrr   7G    67   123   ferrymen
 4. adiinty   L4    28   151   atimy
 5. aeeinpr   5E    90   241   aperient
 6. adenoru   4C    28   269   enduro
 7. deeglov   8L    28   297   yeed
 8. ahlnoss  13C    36   333   solahs
 9. diiorst   3B    29   362   idiot
10. acinotx  14F    55   417   xi
11. adeioot  12F    36   453   tabooed
12. acghmor  15A    59   512   morcha
13. eginott   C6    61   573   tentigos
14. aaentuy   8A    33   606   tuny
15. aelsvwz   M1    41   647   lazes
16. eefinqv   2B    48   695   qi
17. acinpuv   1C    44   739   vicuna
18. aefglnw   N7    98   837   newfangle
19. egiklpw  15H    45   882   peglike

Remaining tiles: vw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6796 Filecharmz      8  9:47  -325  557     1.6796 charmz      8  9:47  -325  557 

On 1st draw, (E)ARBOB H7 24 --- EARBOB an earring [n]
Other tops: AB(S)ORB H3 24, AB(S)ORB H7 24, BARB(E)R H4 24
Other moves: BABO(O) H4 22, BAB(O)O H4 22, BARB(E) H4 22, BARB(S) H4 22, BARB(Y) H4 22

On 2nd draw, JUBES 10F 32 --- JUBE a platform in a church [n]
Other moves: JUBE 10F 29, GUSLES 13C 26, JOUGS 11G 26, JOULES 11G 26, JESUS 13F 24

On 3rd draw, F(E)RR(Y)MEN 7G 67 --- FERRYMAN a man who operates a ferry [n]
Other moves: FERR(Y)M(E)N 7B 66, FERR(Y)MAN 8B 63, FREEM(A)N I7 37, FREEM(E)N I7 37, FR(E)EMEN I7 35
FEM(S) 13E 20 charmz

On 4th draw, ATIMY L4 28 --- ATIMY loss of honour [n]
Other moves: AMINITY L6 26, DAY 8M 26, JANTY F10 23, AYIN 6L 22, BANDY 12H 22
DAY 8M 26 charmz

On 5th draw, APERIENT 5E 90 --- APERIENT a mild laxative [n]
Other moves: PERINEA M2 29, EPEIRA 11A 25, PEREIA 11A 25, PIANO 11D 25, YEAN 8L 25
YEAR 8L 25 charmz

On 6th draw, ENDURO 4C 28 --- ENDURO a long race [n]
Other tops: YAUD 8L 28, YEAD 8L 28
Other moves: DAUNER 6B 27, ADORE 4D 26, ANODE 4D 26, DONOR 11E 25, UNDEAR 6B 25
YEAD 8L 28 charmz

On 7th draw, YEED 8L 28 --- YEED to go or proceed [v]
Other moves: DELVE 3F 27, DEVEL 3F 27, BELOVED 12H 26, DOVE 3F 26, DOE 6E 25
YEED 8L 28 charmz

On 8th draw, SOLAHS 13C 36 --- SOLAH an Indian plant [n]
Other tops: SHOALS 13H 36, SHOLAS 13H 36
Other moves: NOAHS M1 32, HALONS 13C 30, LAHS M2 30, LOHANS 13C 30, SHOALS 13C 30
SHOALS 13H 36 charmz

On 9th draw, IDIOT 3B 29 --- IDIOT a mentally deficient person [n]
Other moves: DORIS 14B 26, IRIDS M1 26, TRODS M1 26, DIRTS M1 25, DOITS M1 25
DO 14F 19 charmz

On 10th draw, XI 14F 55 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other tops: NIX 14D 55, NOX 14D 55
Other moves: ANOXIC 11F 52, AX 14E 52, OX 14E 52, TOXIN 14B 45, COAX D12 42
NOX 14D 55 charmz

On 11th draw, TABOOED 12F 36 --- TABOO to exclude or prohibit by social influence [v]
Other moves: IODATE 15A 34, EDIT 15F 32, DIOTA 15G 25, ETA 15F 25, DIOTA 12A 24
EDIT 15F 32 charmz

On 12th draw, MORCHA 15A 59 --- MORCHA (India) a hostile demonstration against the government [n]
Other moves: CHROMA 15A 53, CHAM 12A 38, CHOG 2A 38, MACHO 11K 35, MARCH 11K 35
HARM 11K 31 charmz

On 13th draw, TENTIGOS C6 61 --- TENTIGO morbid lasciviousness [n]
Other moves: GIT 2B 21, GOT 2B 21, GEIT 12A 20, GIEN 12A 20, TIG 2B 20
NOG 11K 15 charmz

On 14th draw, TUNY 8A 33 --- TUNY tuneful [adj]
Other moves: YENTA 11K 29, AUNTY 8A 27, TENNY 8A 27, TUNNY 8A 27, YATE 11K 27
TUNY 8A 33 charmz

On 15th draw, LAZES M1 41 --- LAZE to pass time lazily [v]
Other tops: ZEALS M1 41
Other moves: ZEAS M2 39, ZELS M2 39, ZAS M3 37, VAWS M2 36, WAVES 11K 35
LAZES M1 41 charmz

On 16th draw, QI 2B 48 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: FIVE 11K 33, FLEE 1L 33, VLEI 1L 33, VENAE 2J 32, QI 10B 31
QI 2B 48 charmz

On 17th draw, VICUNA 1C 44 --- VICUNA a ruminant mammal [n]
Other moves: CAPLIN 1J 39, UNCLIP 1J 39, VINCULA 1H 39, CLAP 1L 33, CLIP 1L 33
CLAP 1L 33 charmz

On 18th draw, NEWFANGLE N7 98 --- NEWFANGLE
Other moves: FLAW 1L 42, FLEW 1L 42, FLOW 12A 38, FLAG 1L 36, FLEG 1L 36
FLEW 1L 42 charmz

On 19th draw, PEGLIKE 15H 45 --- PEGLIKE resembling a peg [adj]
Other tops: KEEP 15L 45, WEEK 15L 45
Other moves: KEEL 15L 39, PEEK 15L 39, WEEP 15L 39, KELEP 15K 36, PLEW 15L 36
KEEP 15L 45 charmz

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