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Game of November 12, 2013 at 02:08, 1 player
1. 33 pts tonikay

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. bdlnsuy   H8    30    30   bundy
 2. ?eforrs  12A    84   114   forestry
 3. eglnoss   E5    86   200   songless
 4. aeeiist   5D    66   266   aseities
 5. aeipruw   H1    39   305   wrapt
 6. ?ehiloz   3E    80   385   thiazole
 7. aeinruy   2J    49   434   yearn
 8. abeeikp   1L    61   495   keep
 9. abdeenw   4L    42   537   deaw
10. aioqrtu  B10    68   605   quota
11. begnotx   6D    57   662   box
12. ghlortu   9G    66   728   turlough
13. acdenoo   4A    32   760   cond
14. adeeloo  A12    29   789   fado
15. aeimtvv   C9    39   828   mitre
16. eiilmot  10L    30   858   time
17. cefiitu   O4    33   891   wifie
18. gilnoov   H8    45   936   bundying
19. acnortu   J7    64  1000   calutron
20. aaijlov   3B    31  1031   ja

Remaining tiles: ailovv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6132 Filetonikay     0  1:40  -998   33     1.6132 tonikay     0  1:40  -998   33 

On 1st draw, BUNDY H8 30 --- BUNDY to clock on or clock off work [v]
Other tops: BLUDY H8 30
Other moves: BLUDY H4 28, BUNDY H4 28, BLUDY H5 22, BLUDY H6 22, BLUDY H7 22

On 2nd draw, FORES(T)RY 12A 84 --- FORESTRY the science of planting and managing forests [n]
Other moves: FOR(A)YERS 12D 76, F(U)RORES I3 72, FORER(U)NS 10B 70, FER(V)OURS 9C 66, FORERU(N)S 9C 65

On 3rd draw, SONGLESS E5 86 --- SONGLESS incapable of singing [adj]
Other moves: SONGLESS E6 68, LONGNESS 10D 63, LONGNESS 10F 63, GONEFS A8 30, GONEF A8 27

On 4th draw, ASEITIES 5D 66 --- ASEITY self-origination [n]
Other moves: FAST A12 21, FATE A12 21, FATS A12 21, FEAT A12 21, FEES A12 21

On 5th draw, WRAPT H1 39 --- WRAP to enclose in something wound or folded about [v]
Other moves: WARP 4A 34, WRAP 4A 34, PEWIT H1 33, ERUPT H1 30, PREIF A8 30

On 6th draw, (T)HIAZOLE 3E 80 --- THIAZOLE a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: ZHO(M)O B10 72, ZOOE(A)L B10 68, ZOOIE(R) B10 68, ZLO(T)E B10 66, ZOOE(A) B10 66

On 7th draw, YEARN 2J 49 --- YEARN to have a strong or deep desire [v]
Other moves: REUNIFY A7 39, AERIFY A8 36, AURIFY A8 36, ANERGY 8A 33, YARE 2J 32

On 8th draw, KEEP 1L 61 --- KEEP to retain in ones possession [v]
Other moves: KAIE 1L 55, BEAK 4A 38, KEEP 4A 38, PAIK 4A 38, PEAK 4A 38

On 9th draw, DEAW 4L 42 --- DEAW dew [n]
Other moves: DAWN 4L 36, DEBE 4L 34, AWED 13A 33, DWANG 8A 33, BAWD 4A 32

On 10th draw, QUOTA B10 68 --- QUOTA a proportional part or share [n]
Other tops: QUOIT B10 68
Other moves: QUOIF A8 51, QUARTO C9 50, QUAT 4A 50, QUIT 4A 50, QUART C9 48

On 11th draw, BOX 6D 57 --- BOX to put in a box (a rectangular container) [v]
Other moves: GOX 6D 55, EXO F5 53, NOX 6D 53, OXO 6E 53, OX 6I 52
REX C12 33 tonikay

On 12th draw, TURLOUGH 9G 66 --- TURLOUGH a pond that dries up in summer [n]
Other moves: WROUGHT O4 42, THUGGO 8A 39, GROUGH 8A 36, TROUGH 8A 33, WHORL O4 33

On 13th draw, COND 4A 32 --- CON to study carefully [v]
Other tops: COED 4A 32
Other moves: DECOR 2D 30, NOODGE 8A 30, FADE A12 29, FADO A12 29, ACED 4A 28

On 14th draw, FADO A12 29 --- FADO a Portuguese folk song [n]
Other tops: FADE A12 29
Other moves: FEED A12 28, COALED A4 27, COLEAD A4 27, COOEED A4 27, COOLED A4 27

On 15th draw, MITRE C9 39 --- MITRE to raise to the rank of a bishop [v]
Other moves: ACTIVE A3 33, WAIVE O4 33, MAVIE 2B 32, ACMITE A3 30, CAVIE A4 30

On 16th draw, TIME 10L 30 --- TIME to determine the speed or duration of [v]
Other tops: TOME 10L 30
Other moves: T*M 10L 29, MOTILE 6J 28, CELOM A4 27, CLIME A4 27, COMET A4 27

On 17th draw, WIFIE O4 33 --- WIFIE an endearment for wife [n]
Other moves: FICE 6J 32, FI(T)TE F10 32, FIE 6J 29, FIT 6J 29, FI(T)T F10 29

On 18th draw, BUNDYING H8 45 --- BUNDY to clock on or clock off work [v]
Other moves: COVING A4 36, CONVO A4 30, COVIN A4 30, LOCOING A2 30, COOING A4 27

On 19th draw, CALUTRON J7 64 --- CALUTRON a device used for separating isotopes [n]
Other moves: ACCOUNT A2 33, ACCOUNT A3 33, ACCOURT A2 33, ACCOURT A3 33, CONCUR A1 30

On 20th draw, JA 3B 31 --- JA yes (from German) [interj]
Other tops: AJIVA 2A 31, JO 3B 31
Other moves: CAVIL A4 30, CLAVI A4 30, JAVA 2B 29, JIN 14F 26, JATO G7 25

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