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Game of November 22, 2013 at 06:38, 1 player
1. 120 pts charmz

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. beinoor   H4    22    22   booner
 2. deeenst   I2    74    96   steened
 3. ccgnoos   8A    98   194   cognosced
 4. ?eilmuw   2I    32   226   swiler
 5. deiortv   M1    26   252   revoted
 6. agjlnow   L4    51   303   jaw
 7. aeelnry   N4    44   347   ley
 8. aefilst   O6    93   440   sealift
 9. aeggoru  N10    38   478   gouger
10. aeiinpz  15K    45   523   zaire
11. abfinru  13I    28   551   faring
12. ?inottu   E4    78   629   outpoint
13. aalmory  14D    81   710   mayoral
14. eimntux  15A    59   769   unmix
15. adikpsu   D1    38   807   paik
16. abdeehs  11C    64   871   bethesda
17. adiqruv  12A    58   929   quid
18. ahiprtv  13E    38   967   pah

Remaining tiles: irtv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6916 Filecharmz      1  3:06  -847  120     1.6916 charmz      1  3:06  -847  120 

On 1st draw, BOONER H4 22 --- BOONER a young working class person from Canberra [n]
Other tops: BONIER H4 22
Other moves: BINER H4 20, BONER H4 20, BONIE H4 20, BORNE H4 20, BORON H4 20

On 2nd draw, STEENED I2 74 --- STEEN to line with stone [v]
Other moves: STEENED 10H 73, RENESTED 9H 61, RESENTED 9H 61, DENOTES 5E 32, NEESED I3 23

On 3rd draw, COGNOSCED 8A 98 --- COGNOSCE to examine [v]
Other moves: SCOOGS 2I 30, COGONS G6 28, COGON G6 27, COCOS 10D 24, COONS J1 23

On 4th draw, SWILE(R) 2I 32 --- SWILER (Canada) a seal hunter [n]
Other tops: SWI(P)LE 2I 32, SWI(V)EL 2I 32
Other moves: SMILE(D) 2I 26, SMILE(R) 2I 26, SMILE(S) 2I 26, SMILE(T) 2I 26, SMILE(Y) 2I 26

On 5th draw, REVOTED M1 26 --- REVOTE to vote again [v]
Other tops: OVERBED 4D 26, VERTIGO C3 26
Other moves: DEV 1M 25, DOVE G3 24, DROVE G2 24, EVITED M2 24, GROVED C8 24

On 6th draw, JAW L4 51 --- JAW to jabber [v]
Other moves: JA L4 38, JOW G3 32, RAJ 1M 31, JOWL 4L 30, WILJA K1 30
JAW L4 51 charmz

On 7th draw, LEY N4 44 --- LEY a meadow [n]
Other moves: EYEN N5 38, EYER N5 38, YEARN N6 38, EYE N5 37, YALE N6 35
EYER N5 38 charmz

On 8th draw, SEALIFT O6 93 --- SEALIFT to transport (military personnel and equipment) by ship [v]
Other moves: SEALIFT K6 80, FETIALS 10B 79, FOLIATES B7 76, SEALIFT 10H 73, FOLIATES E7 72
SAFE O6 31 charmz

On 9th draw, GOUGER N10 38 --- GOUGER one that gouges [n]
Other moves: GOUGE N10 36, GOURA N10 34, GEAR N10 23, GOER N10 23, AGE N9 22

On 10th draw, ZAIRE 15K 45 --- ZAIRE a monetary unit of central Africa [n]
Other moves: PIZING 13I 42, PEAZING 13H 40, PEAZING C2 40, PEIZING 13H 40, PEIZING C2 40

On 11th draw, FARING 13I 28 --- FARE to get on or succeed [v]
Other tops: BARFING 13H 28, BARFING C2 28
Other moves: BANI M12 25, RABI M12 25, BARING 13I 24, FARING C3 22, FIAR 9B 21

On 12th draw, OUT(P)OINT E4 78 --- OUTPOINT to score more points than [v]
Other moves: TU(I)TION 12D 71, TUIT(I)ON 12D 69, OUTNIG(H)T C3 68, OUT(P)OINT B8 68, TUTO(R)ING C1 68

On 13th draw, MAYORAL 14D 81 --- MAYOR the chief executive official of a city or borough [adj] --- MAYORAL pertaining to the mayor [adj]
Other moves: MORAY 14F 42, LOAMY D1 35, MARLY D1 35, MARY D1 34, MAY 14H 34

On 14th draw, UNMIX 15A 59 --- UNMIX to separate from a mixture [v]
Other moves: MIXEN 15A 52, MUX 12J 49, EX 15H 46, UNMIX D1 43, NIXE 15A 41

On 15th draw, PAIK D1 38 --- PAIK to beat or strike [v]
Other tops: KADIS 12A 38, KAIDS 12A 38
Other moves: PIKAS 13A 37, KUIAS 12A 36, PAIKS 12A 36, PIKAS 12A 36, DIKAS 13A 35

On 16th draw, BETHESDA 11C 64 --- BETHESDA a chapel [n]
Other moves: BEDASH 2A 40, HARED 1K 39, BEDASH 12A 38, ABASH 2B 36, BASHED 12C 36

On 17th draw, QUID 12A 58 --- QUID a portion of something to be chewed [n]
Other tops: QAID 12A 58, QUAD 12A 58
Other moves: QUIP 1A 45, QUA F2 39, QUOAD B6 39, QUOD B6 34, PAVID 1D 33

On 18th draw, PAH 13E 38 --- PAH a Maori settlement [n] --- PAH used as an exclamation of disgust [interj]
Other moves: RAH 13E 34, AHI 10I 30, HAVARTI 2A 30, RAP 13E 30, TAP 13E 30

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