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Game of November 25, 2013 at 05:54, 1 player
1. 53 pts charmz

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eginsuw   H3    28    28   swinge
 2. elmoruy   3C    30    58   muleys
 3. ?emorrr   9G    73   131   armorer
 4. dehintx   K5    60   191   dextrin
 5. aahinpt   8A    93   284   aphanite
 6. aehqswy   8K    65   349   thewy
 7. ?afgioq   J2    60   409   quoif
 8. aaefgpr  10I    42   451   afire
 9. abeinop   H1    39   490   inswinger
10. dloostt  12K    32   522   stood
11. abgijst   N6    39   561   jaws
12. aelnruv  11C    75   636   venular
13. bcdeils  H11    33   669   abide
14. biiorst  15B    63   732   orbities
15. adginoo   E1    72   804   onloading
16. ceekopu   D1    51   855   pouke
17. aceeglt   O1    33   888   telega
18. aceluvz  14B    56   944   zeal
19. acctuuv  O12    21   965   duct

Remaining tiles: acuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6917 Filecharmz      0  2:00  -912   53     1.6917 charmz      0  2:00  -912   53 

On 1st draw, SWINGE H3 28 --- SWINGE to flog [v]
Other tops: WINGES H4 28
Other moves: WINGE H4 26, WINGS H4 26, SEWING H7 24, SINEW H8 24, SWINGE H8 24

On 2nd draw, MULEYS 3C 30 --- MULEY a hornless cow [n]
Other moves: SMOYLE 3H 28, WORMY 4H 26, OLEUM G4 25, LOURY 9E 24, MONEY 6F 24

On 3rd draw, (A)RMORER 9G 73 --- ARMORER one that makes or repairs armor [n]
Other moves: (A)RMORER 9B 71, (A)RMORER 9D 71, RUMO(U)RER D2 70, MIRRORE(D) 5G 68, (A)RMORER G7 66

On 4th draw, DEXTRIN K5 60 --- DEXTRIN a substance used as an adhesive [n]
Other moves: EX 10I 54, HEID 8L 47, HEND 8L 47, HEX 10J 45, HENT 8L 44

On 5th draw, APHANITE 8A 93 --- APHANITE an igneous rock [n]
Other moves: HANAP 2B 50, THANA 8K 47, TAHA J4 40, AHA J5 39, INSWINGER H1 39

On 6th draw, THEWY 8K 65 --- THEWY muscular [adj]
Other tops: THAWY 8K 65
Other moves: THAWS 8K 56, THEWS 8K 56, TWAYS 8K 56, TWAES 8K 47, HAWSE 12H 46

On 7th draw, Q(U)OIF J2 60 --- QUOIF to dress to hair [v]
Other moves: Q(U)AG 4A 56, AQ(U)IFER M3 44, QI(S) 10F 44, Q(U)OIF L2 40, (S)OFA J4 39

On 8th draw, AFIRE 10I 42 --- AFIRE being on fire [adj]
Other moves: FRAP 4A 38, PAGER 12H 38, FIRE 10J 37, GAPER 12H 36, FRAG 4A 34

On 9th draw, INSWINGER H1 39 --- INSWINGER
Other moves: BOEP 4A 34, BOEP 12I 32, PEBA 12J 32, BEANO 12J 30, BEANO 4A 30

On 10th draw, STOOD 12K 32 --- STAND to assume or maintain an upright position [v]
Other moves: SOLDO 12K 30, SLOOT 12K 28, SOTOL 12K 28, STOOL 12K 28, DOST 12I 26

On 11th draw, JAWS N6 39 --- JAW to jabber [v]
Other moves: HIJABS C8 38, JAG 4B 32, JIG 4B 32, JABS L2 30, JEATS F2 30
JAG 4B 32 charmz

On 12th draw, VENULAR 11C 75 --- VENULAR pertaining to a venule [adj] --- VENULE a small vein [adj]
Other tops: UNRAVEL 11C 75
Other moves: VENULAR 10A 66, QUAVER 2J 36, VALUER L1 36, PARVENU B8 28, QUALE 2J 28
VARY O5 21 charmz

On 13th draw, ABIDE H11 33 --- ABIDE to accept without objection [v]
Other tops: ABLED H11 33, ACIDS H11 33
Other moves: SLICED L1 31, ABIES H11 30, ABLES H11 30, BICES L1 28, BICES L2 28

On 14th draw, ORBITIES 15B 63 --- ORBITY bereavement [n]
Other moves: BISTRO O1 36, BIOS 4A 26, BIROS 4B 26, BITOS 4B 26, BOIS 4A 26

On 15th draw, ONLOADING E1 72 --- ONLOAD to load a vehicle or container [v]
Other moves: GONAD 2B 37, GOONDA O1 36, DADOING 14H 30, AGOOD 14A 29, ADDING O10 27

On 16th draw, POUKE D1 51 --- POUKE a goblin [n]
Other moves: POUK D1 47, COUPEE L1 36, PECKE L1 36, DECK O12 33, DOCK O12 33

On 17th draw, TELEGA O1 33 --- TELEGA a Russian wagon [n]
Other moves: GEDACT O10 30, ALGETIC 13C 28, CLEAT 14A 26, EAGLET L1 26, CLEG L3 25

On 18th draw, ZEAL 14B 56 --- ZEAL enthusiastic devotion [n]
Other moves: ZEA 14B 52, ZA 14B 46, L*Z L4 43, DAZE O12 42, DAZE 14H 36

On 19th draw, DUCT O12 21 --- DUCT to convey through a duct (a tubular passage) [v]
Other moves: CAVE 2L 18, CAVE 4L 18, COACT N11 18, CAPUT B6 17, COCA N11 16

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