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Game of December 2, 2013 at 08:30, 2 players
1. 358 pts fatcat
2. 357 pts charmz

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. abgiiot   H4    22    22   bigot
 2. acdenru   8A    86   108   underact
 3. einopru   B1    74   182   preunion
 4. ?acdgis   E4    94   276   disgrace
 5. abeenrt  11D    68   344   tenebrae
 6. aalnors   6H    63   407   granolas
 7. ?afilop   J8    64   471   parafoil
 8. eekrtuv   O1    51   522   kerves
 9. defiost  12A    43   565   fetid
10. aeimntz   8J    81   646   pezant
11. eehiosy  15H    45   691   holey
12. elmmost   2A    64   755   trommels
13. adiotvw   1H    39   794   avoid
14. aegoruw   1A    38   832   upgo
15. aeeilsw   9L    35   867   awee
16. hiilstw  B10    38   905   whets
17. iiinrxy   3B    40   945   ex
18. ijlnquy  13I    62  1007   jonquil

Remaining tiles: iiry

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6488 Filefatcat      1  7:55  -649  358     1.6488 fatcat      1  7:55  -649  358 
  2.6891 Filecharmz      1  6:20  -650  357     2.6891 charmz      1  6:20  -650  357 

On 1st draw, BIGOT H4 22 --- BIGOT a prejudiced person [n]
Other moves: BIOTA H4 20, BIGOT H8 18, BIGOT H5 16, BIGOT H6 16, BIGOT H7 16

On 2nd draw, UNDERACT 8A 86 --- UNDERACT to act subtly and with restraint [v]
Other moves: UNBRACED 4F 76, DURANCE I5 73, DURANCE G7 71, UNGRACED 6F 66, UNRACED G8 64

On 3rd draw, PREUNION B1 74 --- PREUNION a union beforehand [n]
Other tops: INPOURED C1 74
Other moves: PREUNION B4 64, RIPIENO 5E 36, PROINED C2 22, UNROPED C2 22, UPBORNE 4F 22

On 4th draw, DISGRAC(E) E4 94 --- DISGRACE to bring shame or discredit upon [v]
Other tops: DIGICA(M)S 5E 94
Other moves: DISCAG(E)D C8 76, DISG(R)ACE D1 76, CADGIES(T) D3 72, CARDI(N)GS E6 72, DIGICA(M)S 5G 72
SPACI(N)G 1A 42 charmz

On 5th draw, T(E)NEBRAE 11D 68 --- TENEBRAE a religious service [n]
Other moves: CABERNET 10E 66, CABERNET G8 64, TEN(E)BRAE 11B 59, BERATE D1 32, BARNET 12C 30

On 6th draw, GRANOLAS 6H 63 --- GRANOLA a breakfast cereal [n]
Other moves: ORONASAL 7H 60, LORAN 12C 30, NARAS 12C 30, NASAL 12C 30, PARASOL 1B 30

On 7th draw, PA(R)AFOIL J8 64 --- PARAFOIL a fabric device that resembles a parachute [n]
Other tops: PA(R)AFOIL N3 64, PA(R)AFOIL N5 64
Other moves: PAPIL(I)O 1B 39, PAP(I)LIO 1B 39, P*oF 10G 38, PO(U)F 10G 38, Po*F 10G 38

On 8th draw, KERVES O1 51 --- KERVE to form by cutting [v]
Other moves: VESTURE O4 42, PERUKE 8J 39, TURVES O1 39, BURKE H11 36, KEVEL 15F 36
SEEK O6 24 fatcat

On 9th draw, FETID 12A 43 --- FETID having an offensive odor [adj]
Other moves: FIDOS 12A 42, LIFTED 15J 42, LOFTED 15J 42, FIDOS 12C 39, SPIF 1A 39
LIFTED 15J 42 fatcat
FOLDS 15H 30 charmz

On 10th draw, PEZANT 8J 81 --- PEZANT a peasant [n]
Other moves: MILTZ 15H 78, ZATI D1 52, ZETA D1 52, ZINE D1 52, ZITE D1 52
FAZE A12 48 fatcat, charmz

On 11th draw, HOLEY 15H 45 --- HOLEY full of holes [adj]
Other moves: AHOY 9J 39, HOYLES 15G 39, HEROISE I9 37, HYLES 15H 36, OHIAS F5 36
HOLEY 15H 45 charmz
HOLY 15H 30 fatcat

On 12th draw, TROMMELS 2A 64 --- TROMMEL a screen used for sifting rock, ore, or coal [n]
Other moves: POMMELS 1B 48, HOLEYEST 15H 42, MEMOS D1 32, MOMES D1 32, MOME 5J 30
SPELT 1A 24 charmz
FEST A12 21 fatcat

On 13th draw, AVOID 1H 39 --- AVOID to keep away from [v]
Other moves: WAID 1F 37, AVOW 1H 36, ADAW 9J 35, WAIT 1F 34, WOOTZ L4 34
AVOID 1H 39 fatcat
WAID 1F 37 charmz

On 14th draw, UPGO 1A 38 --- UPGO to go up [v]
Other moves: AROW 9J 33, AWE 9L 32, OWE 9L 32, WOE 2J 32, FROW A12 30
FROW A12 30 charmz, fatcat

On 15th draw, AWEE 9L 35 --- AWEE awhile [adv]
Other moves: AWE 9L 32, WEELS B10 32, WIELS B10 32, FAWS A12 30, FLAW A12 30
FLEW A12 30 charmz
FLAW A12 30 fatcat

On 16th draw, WHETS B10 38 --- WHET to sharpen by friction [v]
Other moves: LATHS 9D 36, SHIAI F5 36, WHOLIST 13H 34, ISH F4 32, THOWLS 13H 32
FISH A12 30 fatcat

On 17th draw, EX 3B 40 --- EX the letter X [n] --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other tops: GOX C1 40
Other moves: XI A4 36, TIX 13B 34, NIXY 14L 33, DIXY L1 30, NIXIE 2K 29
XI A4 36 charmz, fatcat

On 18th draw, JONQUIL 13I 62 --- JONQUIL a species of narcissus [n]
Other moves: JIN 5J 35, JUN 5J 35, BUNJY 4H 34, QUILL M2 28, QUIN K3 26
JUN 5J 35 charmz
QUILL M2 28 fatcat

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