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Game of December 10, 2013 at 07:21, 2 players
1. 274 pts mordeckhi
2. 60 pts charmz

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?cdeinv   H8    82    82   incaved
 2. bersssu  11D    86   168   surbases
 3. ahilmny   J8    74   242   hymenial
 4. aeeiorw  15J    39   281   lowrie
 5. aaaeirt   K5    20   301   retia
 6. aagnnor   L6    24   325   rang
 7. diiostx   M8    47   372   dixits
 8. deefjnr   J2    32   404   jefe
 9. ?aimnpt   O8    86   490   ptomaine
10. ahlptuz   M1    43   533   hutzpa
11. alnoorv  12A    30   563   valor
12. abdelot   G2    65   628   lobated
13. aegikoy   H1    51   679   goey
14. aaeinow   1L    42   721   whio
15. acdefnn   F3    31   752   fade
16. acennot  14A    76   828   cantoned
17. egikoru   E4    31   859   gore
18. eiloquu  B10    32   891   qua

Remaining tiles: eiklou

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.4204 Filemordeckhi   0 22:12  -617  274     1.6786 charmz      0  2:03  -831   60 
  2.6786 Filecharmz      0  2:03  -831   60            Group: not rated
                                             1.4204 mordeckhi   0 22:12  -617  274 

On 1st draw, INC(A)VED H8 82 --- INCAVE to secrete [v]
Other tops: EVINC(E)D H3 82, (E)VINCED H3 82
Other moves: EVINC(E)D H8 80, INC(A)VED H2 80, (E)VINCED H8 80, EVINC(E)D H6 78, INC(A)VED H6 78
VINED H7 18 mordeckhi

On 2nd draw, SURB(A)SES 11D 86 --- SURBASE a molding or border above the base of a structure [n]
Other tops: RUB(A)SSES 11E 86
Other moves: SUBSERES 13B 74, SUBSERES 13D 62, RUB(A)SSE 11E 32, REBUSES 13G 26, REBUSES 13C 22
BR(A)SES 11F 14 mordeckhi

On 3rd draw, HYMENIAL J8 74 --- HYMENIAL pertaining to hymenium [adj] --- HYMENIUM a layer in certain fungi [adj]
Other moves: HYMENIAL 13E 70, HAILY 10J 42, LEHAYIM 13G 40, HYLISM D7 36, LINHAY 12J 36
SHAM D11 18 mordeckhi

On 4th draw, LOWRIE 15J 39 --- LOWRIE a small parrot [n]
Other moves: HEARIE 8J 30, OARWEED 14B 26, OWRIE K5 26, WEARIED 14B 26, WERO 12A 26
LOWER 15J 12 mordeckhi

On 5th draw, RETIA K5 20 --- RETE an anatomical mesh or network [n]
Other tops: ATRIA K5 20, TIARAED 14B 20
Other moves: AAS I9 18, RADIATA 14F 17, ARISTAE D8 16, ATRESIA D7 16, RITE 12C 16
HEART 8J 9 mordeckhi

On 6th draw, RANG L6 24 --- RING to form a ring (a circular band) around [v]
Other tops: NONG L6 24, RONG L6 24
Other moves: ANGA L7 22, ARGON 12A 20, GRANA 10B 20, NAGOR 12A 20, ORGANA 10A 19
SANG D11 10 mordeckhi

On 7th draw, DIXITS M8 47 --- DIXIT a statement [n]
Other moves: OX 14M 38, DIXIT 12A 36, OXIDISER 6E 34, DIXI 12A 32, OXIDISE 13B 32
TAXIS 7K 20 mordeckhi

On 8th draw, JEFE J2 32 --- JEFE a chief [n]
Other tops: JEREED 6J 32
Other moves: DEF J4 31, JEFE M3 31, REEF J3 31, HINDER 8J 30, NEF J4 30
HINDER 8J 30 mordeckhi

On 9th draw, PT(O)MAINE O8 86 --- PTOMAINE a compound produced by the decomposition of protein [n]
Other tops: IMPAN(A)TE O8 86, IMP(A)NATE O8 86
Other moves: PITMAN(S) N2 82, IMPAN(A)TE 3C 76, IMP(A)NATE 3C 76, PT(O)MAINE 3C 76, ANTISP(A)M D7 74
SPAM D11 16 mordeckhi

On 10th draw, HUTZPA M1 43 --- HUTZPA supreme self-confidence [n]
Other moves: HUTZPA G4 38, PATH 12A 34, ZUPA M3 33, HAZEL 3G 31, HUTZPAS D5 31
HEAP 3I 13 mordeckhi

On 11th draw, VALOR 12A 30 --- VALOR courage [n]
Other moves: AZON 4L 28, LOHAN 1K 27, AZO 4L 24, JARUL 2J 24, NOO N2 23
HON 1M 18 mordeckhi

On 12th draw, LOBATED G2 65 --- LOBATED having lobes [adj]
Other tops: BLOATED G2 65
Other moves: BHAT 1L 36, BHEL 1L 36, ABVOLT A10 33, BOHEA 1K 33, BOVATE A10 33
BHAT 1L 36 charmz
VALE A12 21 mordeckhi

On 13th draw, GOEY H1 51 --- GOEY anxious to go [adj]
Other moves: KAYO H1 48, KAGO 1E 39, KAY H1 37, KAIE H1 36, YAGI 1E 36
LAKE C12 16 mordeckhi

On 14th draw, WHIO 1L 42 --- WHIO New Zealand mountain duck [n]
Other tops: WHAE 1L 42, WHEN 1L 42, WHIN 1L 42, WHOA 1L 42
Other moves: INWOVE A8 36, ANOA N1 30, VIEW A12 30, NAOI N2 29, WANE 13B 29
LAWN C12 14 mordeckhi

On 15th draw, FADE F3 31 --- FADE to lose colour or brightness [v]
Other moves: DACE 13B 29, FANE F3 29, CAAED B10 28, FACADE B9 28, ACED 13C 26
VEND A12 24 charmz
VANE A12 21 mordeckhi

On 16th draw, CANTONED 14A 76 --- CANTON to divide into cantons (districts) [v]
Other moves: CENTAVO A7 36, CONVENT A9 36, COVENT A10 33, OCTAVE A8 33, AZON 4L 28
VANE A12 21 mordeckhi

On 17th draw, GORE E4 31 --- GORE to pierce with a horn or tusk [v]
Other tops: GORI E4 31, KIR 13B 31
Other moves: GOR E4 29, OKE E5 29, VICE A12 27, KI 13B 25, KOI N13 25

On 18th draw, QUA B10 32 --- QUA in the capacity of [adv]
Other moves: VICE A12 27, EUOI 2L 19, EUOI N12 18, OE N4 17, OI N4 17
ALA B12 3 mordeckhi

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