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Game of February 3, 2014 at 06:58, 2 players
1. 620 pts fatcat
2. 62 pts charmz

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. acehrtt   H8    82    82   ratchet
 2. aadeeoq  10F    32   114   qat
 3. eiknotw  11E    33   147   wince
 4. adeknpx  13H    48   195   expend
 5. aberstv  15C   128   323   bravest
 6. ?ijtuuv  N10    42   365   juts
 7. ?aciptu   O6    97   462   chupati
 8. eginory  J10    34   496   gripy
 9. aeenoss   8A    77   573   seasoner
10. elmmrsu   A1    95   668   slummers
11. aeklort   7C    30   698   kola
12. aeilnou   C7    24   722   kaoline
13. aefruyz  12A    52   774   zany
14. addeirv  A10    57   831   vizard
15. bgiootu   6F    27   858   bigot
16. effhilo   B5    30   888   of
17. adeeiln   5H    73   961   aliened
18. deiinor   4J    32   993   roined
19. eghioow   4D    43  1036   weigh

Remaining tiles: foou

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6526 Filefatcat      3 14:58  -416  620     1.6526 fatcat      3 14:58  -416  620 
  2.6723 Filecharmz      0  1:52  -974   62     2.6723 charmz      0  1:52  -974   62 

On 1st draw, RATCHET H8 82 --- RATCHET a mechanism which allows motion in one direction only [n] --- RATCHET to move by a mechanism which allows motion in one direction only [v]
Other tops: CHATTER H3 82
Other moves: CHATTER H4 80, CHATTER H2 76, CHATTER H6 76, CHATTER H7 76, CHATTER H8 76
TEACH H8 28 fatcat

On 2nd draw, QAT 10F 32 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other tops: QAT 14F 32
Other moves: ODEA G12 19, ODEA I12 19, ADO I12 18, HOAED 12H 18, ODA G12 18
QAT 14F 32 fatcat

On 3rd draw, WINCE 11E 33 --- WINCE to flinch [v]
Other tops: WEKA G7 33
Other moves: KAW 9G 30, ENOKI 11B 29, KATION 9G 27, KNEW I6 27, COWK 11H 26
KAW 9G 30 fatcat

On 4th draw, EXPEND 13H 48 --- EXPEND to consume in any way [v]
Other tops: EXPAND 13H 48
Other moves: KEX I7 46, APEX I6 43, DEX I7 40, EX I8 36, HEXAD 12H 34
KEX I7 46 fatcat

On 5th draw, BRAVEST 15C 128 --- BRAVE showing courage [adj]
Other moves: BRAVEST N8 95, VERBS 15D 81, BRAVEST 7H 79, AVERTS 15C 78, STARVE 15H 78
VERBS 15D 81 fatcat

On 6th draw, JUT(S) N10 42 --- JUT to protrude [v]
Other moves: JAN(E) G9 39, JU(S)T N11 36, JIV(Y) J8 31, JIV(E) 12B 30, JUV(E) 12B 30
JU(S)T N11 36 fatcat

On 7th draw, C(H)UPATI O6 97 --- CHUPATI a type of bread [n]
Other moves: ACUP(O)INT L7 78, PAUCIT(Y) J5 74, PU(M)ICATE K6 72, PICTURA(L) 8C 62, (S)CAPI O8 43
C(L)AP O8 34 fatcat

On 8th draw, GRIPY J10 34 --- GRIPY causing sharp pains in the bowels [adj]
Other moves: GIRONNY L9 30, GRYPE J10 28, ROPY J11 28, GOEY 14B 27, GYNIE 12A 27
YORE 12B 19 fatcat

On 9th draw, SEASONER 8A 77 --- SEASONER one that seasons [n]
Other moves: ANOESES I3 65, SNEES K11 41, SNEE K11 39, NAOS K8 35, NOS K9 33
OS K10 31 fatcat

On 10th draw, SLUMMERS A1 95 --- SLUMMER one that slums [n]
Other tops: SLUMMERS A8 95
Other moves: SLUMMERS D1 76, EMUS K8 39, MEUS K8 39, MUS K9 37, MULES 12B 31
EM 9B 16 fatcat

On 11th draw, KOLA 7C 30 --- KOLA a carbonated beverage [n]
Other tops: KALE 7C 30, KETA 7C 30, KETO 7C 30, TROAK 14A 30
Other moves: RAKE 7A 28, ROKE 7A 28, KAT 7C 27, KET 7C 27, LAKER 7C 27
LAKE 12B 21 fatcat

On 12th draw, KAOLINE C7 24 --- KAOLINE a fine white clay [n]
Other tops: OULAKAN C3 24
Other moves: ONIE B2 22, LIEU 9B 21, NAIL B3 20, NEAL B3 20, NOEL B3 20
ALONE 12A 17 fatcat

On 13th draw, ZANY 12A 52 --- ZANY a zany person [n] --- ZANY ludicrously comical [adj] --- ZANY to play the zany to [v]
Other moves: FRANZY L10 50, FRENZY L10 50, FURZY 6F 50, FAERY 6F 41, FURZE 6F 41
FEZ 6F 37 fatcat

On 14th draw, VIZARD A10 57 --- VIZARD a mask [n] --- VIZARD to mask or disguise [v]
Other moves: AZIDE A11 45, IZARD A11 45, VADED 6F 36, VIRED 6F 35, VARIED 6F 34
VIZARD A10 57 fatcat

On 15th draw, BIGOT 6F 27 --- BIGOT a prejudiced person [n]
Other moves: BITOU 6F 26, BOOTING L8 26, BIGOT 7H 25, BIOG 6F 24, BIOG 7H 24
BOOTING L8 26 fatcat

On 16th draw, OF B5 30 --- OF coming from [prep]
Other tops: EF B5 30, EH B5 30, IF B5 30, OH B5 30
Other moves: MOFFIE 4A 28, OFFLINE L8 28, HEIL B3 26, FIEF 7I 25, FIFE 7I 25
EH B5 30 fatcat

On 17th draw, ALIENED 5H 73 --- ALIEN to transfer to another, as property [v]
Other moves: LINEATED J1 61, DAEING H1 27, DEEING H1 27, ELDING H1 27, LADING H1 27
LADING H1 27 fatcat

On 18th draw, ROINED 4J 32 --- ROIN to mutter [v]
Other moves: DRONE 4J 27, DINER 4K 26, DONER 4K 26, NIDOR 4K 26, REDON 4K 26
DONER 4K 26 charmz
DINER 4D 19 fatcat

On 19th draw, WEIGH 4D 43 --- WEIGH to determine the weight of [v]
Other moves: HOWE 3L 42, HEW 3L 37, HOW 3L 37, WHO 3K 36, WEIGH 7I 34
WHO 3K 36 charmz
WHID O1 33 fatcat

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