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Game of February 12, 2014 at 08:05, 1 player
1. 84 pts charmz

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?eiijll   H4    40    40   jilgie
 2. ?beevxz  10D    48    88   zexes
 3. dehirst   E5    98   186   diethers
 4. alnoprr   9E    30   216   hoper
 5. eioqrst  D10    34   250   zoist
 6. eeinnoy   4H    30   280   jenny
 7. aeghkrs  15D    58   338   shaker
 8. aefnrrw  14D    32   370   tef
 9. aegimtu   K1    72   442   umangite
10. aacdeno   8J    36   478   decane
11. aadglsu   8A    34   512   galuts
12. aabinnu   C1    72   584   biannual
13. eeimprt  14I    86   670   emptier
14. aadfnoy  O12    45   715   fyrd
15. acotuww  12L    26   741   wowf
16. aegilnu   A1    86   827   leaguing
17. loorttv   1C    27   854   blotto
18. adioorv  C11    25   879   ova
19. adioorv   F1    23   902   toroid

Remaining tiles: abcqrv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6756 Filecharmz      0  0:48  -818   84     1.6756 charmz      0  0:48  -818   84 

On 1st draw, JIL(G)IE H4 40 --- JILGIE a yabby (a freshwater crayfish) [n]
Other tops: JILLE(T) H4 40
Other moves: JELL(O) H4 38, JELL(S) H4 38, JELL(Y) H4 38, JILL(S) H4 38, JILLE(T) H3 26

On 2nd draw, ZEXE(S) 10D 48 --- ZEX a tool for cutting roof slates [n]
Other moves: BEZE(S) 10D 47, (S)EZ 10H 43, VEXE(S) 10D 42, EXE(S) 10E 38, XEBE(C) I9 38

On 3rd draw, DIETHERS E5 98 --- DIETHER a chemical compound [n]

On 4th draw, HOPER 9E 30 --- HOPER one that hopes [n]
Other tops: ZOA D10 30
Other moves: HOPE 9E 28, JALOP 4H 28, APORT 8A 24, PLANT 8A 24, PLOAT 8A 24

On 5th draw, ZOIST D10 34 --- ZOIST an advocate of zoism [n]
Other moves: QIS D4 29, QI D4 25, JOIST 4H 24, QIS 12C 24, QIS J7 23

On 6th draw, JENNY 4H 30 --- JENNY a female donkey [n]
Other moves: JINNEE 4H 26, JINNE 4H 24, NEOTENY 14A 24, YONI I3 24, YON I3 21

On 7th draw, SHAKER 15D 58 --- SHAKER one that shakes [n]
Other moves: SHAKE 15D 55, SHARK 15D 55, SKARTH 8A 55, SHAKT 8A 51, KEGS 15A 46
SHARK 15D 55 charmz

On 8th draw, TEF 14D 32 --- TEF a cereal grass [n]
Other moves: NEF F4 30, REF F4 30, EF F5 29, WEAN 3I 29, FA F6 28
WEAN 3I 29 charmz

On 9th draw, UMANGITE K1 72 --- UMANGITE a mineral consisting of copper selenide [n]
Other moves: UMANGITE J1 69, GAMUT 8A 27, IMAGE 3K 25, IMAGE D3 24, GAME D4 23

On 10th draw, DECANE 8J 36 --- DECANE a hydrocarbon [n]
Other moves: ACNODE 14I 32, CANOED D1 30, DEACON 8J 30, ENACT 8A 30, CAAED F2 28

On 11th draw, GALUTS 8A 34 --- GALUT an exile [n]
Other tops: ADULTS 8A 34, DAULTS 8A 34, GAULTS 8A 34
Other moves: DADS J6 30, DUDS J6 30, GADS J6 30, ULNAD J2 30, GUANAS J1 29

On 12th draw, BIANNUAL C1 72 --- BIANNUAL a plant that flowers in its second year [n] --- BIANNUAL occurring twice a year [adj]
Other moves: BUNNIA 1J 27, BUNNIA D1 27, BAD J6 24, BID J6 24, BUD J6 24

On 13th draw, EMPTIER 14I 86 --- EMPTIER one that empties [n]
Other moves: IMPUTER 1H 36, PERMUTE 1G 36, UMPIE 1K 36, EMPAIRE B5 35, EMPARE B5 34

On 14th draw, FYRD O12 45 --- FYRD local militia in Anglo-Saxon times [n]
Other moves: *F*Y D1 44, DOBY 1A 42, FARD O12 36, FORD O12 36, YARD O12 36

On 15th draw, WOWF 12L 26 --- WOWF crazy [adj]
Other moves: TWA C11 25, TWO C11 25, AMOWT 2J 24, WAB 1A 24, TOWY L1 23

On 16th draw, LEAGUING A1 86 --- LEAGUE to come together for a common purpose [v]
Other moves: LEAGUING A5 62, BLUEING 1C 33, BULGINE 1C 33, GLEAN B2 32, BALING 1C 30

On 17th draw, BLOTTO 1C 27 --- BLOTTO drunk [adj]
Other moves: OTTO D1 23, VROT 11J 21, VROU 1H 21, LOTO 11K 20, ROTO 11K 20

On 18th draw, OVA C11 25 --- OVUM the female reproductive cell of animals [n]
Other moves: TOROID F1 23, AVID F3 22, VOID F3 22, DIVA 11I 21, VID F4 21

On 19th draw, TOROID F1 23 --- TOROID a type of geometric surface [n]
Other moves: AVID F3 22, VOID F3 22, DIVA 11I 21, VID F4 21, VIRID 6J 21

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