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Game of February 13, 2014 at 08:46, 3 players
1. 563 pts Grace_Tjie
2. 418 pts mordeckhi
3. 14 pts charmz

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeiptvw   H4    30    30   waive
 2. aeilmnx   5H    30    60   axeman
 3. ?ffotuv   4J    41   101   putoff
 4. eeiosty   O4    36   137   feyest
 5. abdegir   N9    86   223   abridge
 6. ?abkmot   9B    81   304   tombaks
 7. aeinpsv  13G    82   386   spavined
 8. degjost  15L    60   446   jeed
 9. aaglopt   K7    72   518   topalgia
10. aegiosw   3I    43   561   wages
11. iinnorz   8A    49   610   riz
12. deeilno   C7    36   646   ozonide
13. dehorsu  14A    46   692   rushed
14. cinortu   2D    77   769   ruction
15. hilnoru   J8    33   802   noh
16. cillnor  A12    27   829   cirl
17. lnoortu   1A    23   852   orlon
18. aiiqtuy   D4    37   889   quay
19. eeiilrt  15D    29   918   elite

Remaining tiles: ir

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6362 FileGrace_Tjie  3 18:17  -355  563     1.6362 Grace_Tjie  3 18:17  -355  563 
  2.4186 Filemordeckhi   1 15:55  -500  418     2.6751 charmz      0  1:21  -904   14 
  3.6751 Filecharmz      0  1:21  -904   14            Group: not rated
                                             1.4186 mordeckhi   1 15:55  -500  418 

On 1st draw, WAIVE H4 30 --- WAIVE to give up intentionally [v]
Other tops: VAWTE H4 30
Other moves: PEWIT H4 26, TAWPIE H3 24, TAWPIE H4 24, TAWPIE H7 24, TAWPIE H8 24
WAIVE H4 30 Grace_Tjie

On 2nd draw, AXEMAN 5H 30 --- AXEMAN a man who uses an axe [n]
Other tops: AXEMAN 5D 30, EXAM G2 30, WAXEN 4H 30
Other moves: MINX 6G 29, MIXEN I1 29, AXMAN 5E 28, AXMAN 5H 28, AXMEN 5H 28
MINX 6G 29 mordeckhi
EX I4 23 Grace_Tjie

On 3rd draw, (P)UTOFF 4J 41 --- PUTOFF an excuse [n]
Other moves: WOFU(L) 4H 40, FU(F)F 4L 38, FUTO(N) 6J 36, TOFF 4L 34, TUFF 4L 34
FO(E) 6J 31 Grace_Tjie
VAT L4 12 mordeckhi

On 4th draw, FEYEST O4 36 --- FEY slightly mad [adj]
Other tops: FEISTY O4 36, YETI 3K 36, YITE 3K 36
Other moves: FESTY O4 33, FISTY O4 33, OYES 3J 33, EYE 3L 32, SEY 3K 32
FISTY O4 33 mordeckhi
SEY 3K 32 Grace_Tjie

On 5th draw, ABRIDGE N9 86 --- ABRIDGE to reduce the length of [v]
Other moves: BRIGADE 9C 79, BRIGADE 9G 78, ABRIDGE 9D 77, ABRIDGE 9F 77, ABRIDGE G8 68
BA N6 25 Grace_Tjie
RADII 6E 17 mordeckhi

On 6th draw, TOMBAK(S) 9B 81 --- TOMBAK an alloy of copper and zinc [n]
Other moves: TOMBAK(S) G8 72, TOMBAK(S) I8 72, TOMBA(C)K G8 67, TOMBA(C)K I8 67, BAT(I)K 3I 49
M(E)EK 15L 36 Grace_Tjie
ABET 15L 21 mordeckhi

On 7th draw, SPAVINED 13G 82 --- SPAVIN a disease of horses [adj] --- SPAVINED infected with spavin [adj]
Other moves: PAVISE 3I 52, PEAVIES 15I 48, PAVEN 3I 45, PAVES 3I 45, PAVIN 3I 45
VEES 15L 33 Grace_Tjie
VANES 15K 27 mordeckhi

On 8th draw, JEED 15L 60 --- JEE to turn to the right [v]
Other moves: JEES 15L 57, JOES 15L 57, JESTED 15J 45, JETSON L8 42, JETES 15K 39
JOES 15L 57 Grace_Tjie
JET 15M 30 mordeckhi

On 9th draw, TOPALGIA K7 72 --- TOPALGIA pain in a particular spot [n]
Other moves: APPAL H11 36, GAPO 8A 35, TAPA 8A 32, PAPAL H11 30, TAPPA H11 30
PAPAL H11 30 Grace_Tjie
POP H13 21 mordeckhi

On 10th draw, WAGES 3I 43 --- WAGE to engage in or carry on [v]
Other moves: WAGE 8A 37, SAGOIN L8 34, WASE 8A 33, WIPES H11 33, WISE 8A 33
SPEW H12 30 Grace_Tjie
SPAW H12 30 mordeckhi

On 11th draw, RIZ 8A 49 --- RISE to move upward [v]
Other moves: POZ H13 42, ZIN 8A 40, NAZIR F8 34, AZON F9 33, IZAR 10I 33
ZIN 8A 40 Grace_Tjie
RITZ B7 33 mordeckhi

On 12th draw, OZONIDE C7 36 --- OZONIDE a compound of ozone [n]
Other tops: LEED 10C 36, LIED 10C 36, LOID 10C 36
Other moves: ZONOID C8 32, ZOONED C8 32, LIEN 10C 30, LION 10C 30, LOIN 10C 30
NOD J8 21 Grace_Tjie
ZONED C8 15 mordeckhi

On 13th draw, RUSHED 14A 46 --- RUSH to move swiftly [v]
Other tops: RESHOD 14A 46
Other moves: ROSEBUD E5 40, USHER 14B 38, DOSEH D11 37, DOSEH 14A 36, HOPED H11 36
HO 10F 32 Grace_Tjie
HOD 12A 11 mordeckhi

On 14th draw, RUCTION 2D 77 --- RUCTION a noisy disturbance [n]
Other moves: RUCTION D1 72, NOCTURIA F2 64, TOPIC H11 30, CORN A12 27, CURN A12 27
CURT A12 27 Grace_Tjie
COURT A11 24 mordeckhi

On 15th draw, NOH J8 33 --- NOH the classical drama of Japan [n]
Other tops: HORI A12 33, HORN A12 33, HURL A12 33
Other moves: HI 10F 32, HO 10F 32, HOURI 15E 32, UH 1G 32, OH 10E 30
HORN A12 33 Grace_Tjie
HORN 15E 29 mordeckhi

On 16th draw, CIRL A12 27 --- CIRL a type of bunting [n]
Other tops: CORN A12 27
Other moves: LORIC 15E 26, NICOL 15E 26, CODLIN 12A 24, ORCIN 15F 24, ORPIN H11 24
CORN A12 27 mordeckhi, Grace_Tjie

On 17th draw, ORLON 1A 23 --- ORLON a crease-resistant acrylic fabric used for clothing, furnishing etc [n]
Other tops: NOTOUR 15E 23, ROTON 1A 23
Other moves: MONO D9 22, NOON L10 22, NOUN L10 22, ONTO L7 22, TOON L10 22
ROUT 15E 17 mordeckhi

On 18th draw, QUAY D4 37 --- QUAY a wharf [n]
Other moves: AQUA F9 33, QI H1 33, QUAT 3B 32, QUBIT E7 32, YA 10F 32
QI H1 33 Grace_Tjie
QUAY F7 24 mordeckhi

On 19th draw, ELITE 15D 29 --- ELITE a socially superior group [n]
Other moves: ELHI D12 24, ETHE D12 24, LEPER H11 24, REPEL H11 24, ELT 1G 23
IRE E4 23 Grace_Tjie
ELITE 15F 18 mordeckhi
ET 1G 14 charmz

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