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Game of Mars 6, 2014 at 05:44, 1 player
1. 49 pts charmz

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?ailnrt   H8    64    64   rattlin
 2. eilrstt  15B    95   159   litters
 3. abdeinp  14F    30   189   paned
 4. ehioort  11E    94   283   toothier
 5. aefrsuy  A10    72   355   fayres
 6. ?beeejl   G3    82   437   jezebel
 7. abdehsw   H1    45   482   whae
 8. amnoors   8A    86   568   marooners
 9. bdegino  12G    36   604   blonde
10. adgistx  13L    30   634   xis
11. agmqtwy   I2    35   669   my
12. aaccopu  10H    27   696   top
13. deiilno   N8    72   768   lionised
14. aaegoqr   O4    27   795   agora
15. acginuv   M2    81   876   vicugna
16. adnqtuw  15L    39   915   wadd
17. eiittuv   C2    22   937   vuttier
18. cefgknu   B3    40   977   neuk
19. cfgiquz  10C    75  1052   quiz

Remaining tiles: cfg

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6777 Filecharmz      0  1:22 -1003   49     1.6777 charmz      0  1:22 -1003   49 

On 1st draw, RA(T)TLIN H8 64 --- RATTLIN one of the ropes forming the steps of a ladder on [n]
Other tops: INT(H)RAL H2 64, INT(H)RAL H3 64, INT(H)RAL H4 64, INT(H)RAL H6 64, INT(H)RAL H7 64, INT(H)RAL H8 64, LATRIN(E) H2 64, LATRIN(E) H3 64, LATRIN(E) H4 64, LATRIN(E) H7 64, LATRIN(E) H8 64, RATLIN(E) H2 64, RATLIN(E) H3 64, RATLIN(E) H4 64, RATLIN(E) H7 64, RATLIN(E) H8 64, RATLIN(G) H2 64, RATLIN(G) H3 64, RATLIN(G) H4 64, RATLIN(G) H7 64, RATLIN(G) H8 64, RATLIN(S) H2 64, RATLIN(S) H3 64, RATLIN(S) H4 64, RATLIN(S) H7 64, RATLIN(S) H8 64, RAT(T)LIN H2 64, RAT(T)LIN H3 64, RAT(T)LIN H4 64, RAT(T)LIN H6 64, RAT(T)LIN H7 64, RAT(T)LIN H8 64, RA(T)TLIN H3 64, RA(T)TLIN H4 64, RA(T)TLIN H6 64, RA(T)TLIN H7 64, RIANTL(Y) H2 64, RIANTL(Y) H3 64, RIANTL(Y) H4 64, RIANTL(Y) H7 64, RIANTL(Y) H8 64, R(E)LIANT H2 64, R(E)LIANT H4 64, R(E)LIANT H6 64, R(E)LIANT H7 64, R(E)LIANT H8 64, R(E)TINAL H2 64, R(E)TINAL H4 64, R(E)TINAL H6 64, R(E)TINAL H7 64, R(E)TINAL H8 64, TR(E)NAIL H3 64, TR(E)NAIL H4 64, TR(E)NAIL H6 64, TR(E)NAIL H7 64, TR(E)NAIL H8 64, (E)NTRAIL H2 64, (E)NTRAIL H3 64, (E)NTRAIL H6 64, (E)NTRAIL H7 64, (E)NTRAIL H8 64
Other moves: INT(H)RAL H5 62, LATRIN(E) H5 62, LATRIN(E) H6 62, RATLIN(E) H5 62, RATLIN(E) H6 62

On 2nd draw, LITTERS 15B 95 --- LITTER to scatter rubbish about [v]
Other tops: LITTERS 15D 95, SLITTER 15C 95, SLITTER 15H 95, STILTER 15C 95, STILTER 15H 95, TESTRIL 15F 95, TESTRIL 15G 95, TILTERS 15B 95, TILTERS 15D 95, TITLERS 15B 95, TITLERS 15D 95
Other moves: SLITTIER 13C 70, SLITTIER 13F 70, STILTIER 13C 70, STILTIER 13F 70, TESTRILL 12A 68

On 3rd draw, PANED 14F 30 --- PANE a sheet of glass for a window [adj] --- PANE to insert panels in [v]
Other tops: BANED 14F 30, DIEB 14C 30
Other moves: BANNED 14F 29, PANNED 14F 29, BIPEDAL B9 28, PENIAL B10 28, PENNIA 14F 28

On 4th draw, TOOTHIER 11E 94 --- TOOTHY having or showing prominent teeth [adj]
Other moves: TOOTHIER 11H 72, HOOTIER I3 71, TOO(T)HIER 10E 64, (T)OOTHIER 10H 64, HOOTIER 11E 40

On 5th draw, FAYRES A10 72 --- FAYRE a large market [n]
Other moves: FAYS A12 66, FEYS A12 66, AYRES A11 60, EYRAS A11 60, FRAYS A11 60

On 6th draw, JE(Z)EBEL G3 82 --- JEZEBEL a scheming, wicked woman [n]
Other tops: JE(Z)EBEL I3 82
Other moves: BEJE(W)EL B5 78, JE(Z)EBEL B5 78, BEJE(W)EL G3 74, BEJE(W)EL I3 74, EEJ(I)(T) 10D 54

On 7th draw, WHAE H1 45 --- WHAE (Scots) who [pron]
Other moves: HEAD H1 44, SHAD H1 44, SWAD H1 44, BEAD H1 41, HEADS 10J 36

On 8th draw, MAROONERS 8A 86 --- MAROONER one who is marooned [n]
Other moves: MAROONER 8A 33, OOM I1 33, RANSOMER 8A 33, AMINO 13F 30, MOANS 10J 29

On 9th draw, BLONDE 12G 36 --- BLONDE a fair complexioned and haired person [n]
Other moves: BIDING 13G 31, BINDLE 12D 30, BREDING C7 30, GIBED 13G 30, BIDON 13G 29

On 10th draw, XIS 13L 30 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other tops: SAX M12 30, SIX M12 30
Other moves: TAXED 6D 29, AXED 6E 28, AXSEED 4D 28, TAXES 6D 28, XI 13L 28

On 11th draw, MY I2 35 --- MY the possessive form of the pronoun I [pron]
Other moves: GAMY B7 34, MATY B7 33, QATS N10 33, TWAY 10C 33, GAWSY N10 32
AY I2 31 charmz

On 12th draw, (T)OP 10H 27 --- TOP to cut off the top (the highest part, point, or surface) of [v]
Other tops: PACA 10L 27, PACO 10L 27
Other moves: CAUP 10C 26, CAUSA N10 26, COUP 10C 26, PAC 10L 26, YACCA 12A 26

On 13th draw, LIONISED N8 72 --- LIONISE to treat as a celebrity [v]
Other moves: INDOLE 15J 30, IODINE 15J 30, FOILED 10A 25, FOINED 10A 25, DONSIE N10 22

On 14th draw, AGORA O4 27 --- AGORA a market-place in ancient Greece [n] --- AGORA a monetary unit of Israel [n]
Other moves: GADE 15L 24, GARDA 15K 24, GRADE 15K 24, OARAGE B7 24, RAGDE 15K 24

On 15th draw, VICUGNA M2 81 --- VICUGNA a ruminant mammal [n]
Other moves: CRAVING C7 34, VICUGNA B2 34, CADI 15L 30, CNIDA 15K 27, VICUNA M3 27
CAVA B7 18 charmz

On 16th draw, WADD 15L 39 --- WADD an earthy ore [n]
Other tops: QUANTED 6B 39
Other moves: WADT 15L 36, QUAD B6 34, QUAG 6J 34, AQUA B5 33, QUAT B6 33

On 17th draw, VUTTIER C2 22 --- VUTTY (Devonshire dialect) dirty [adj]
Other moves: VITIATE B4 21, VIVE 2K 20, YITIE 12A 18, ETUI 7A 16, RIVET 13A 16

On 18th draw, NEUK B3 40 --- NEUK a corner [n]
Other moves: EUK B4 37, KNAG B6 37, NEUK 10C 36, EUK 10D 35, KEA B6 35

On 19th draw, QUIZ 10C 75 --- QUIZ to test the knowledge of by asking questions [v]
Other moves: FIZ 10D 68, CUZ 10D 67, ZIG A1 43, ZO F10 31, QUIT D12 26

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