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Game on October 2, 2016 at 23:15, 6 players
1. 414 pts sunshine12
2. 269 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 220 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. egimrst   H8    24    24   stigme
 2. dekorux  I10    47    71   doux
 3. ?eenrst  14B    76   147   resents
 4. aiillrv   C9    26   173   virile
 5. acehiov  12A    32   205   chive
 6. eeinrty   8H    86   291   serenity
 7. cdeglpu   K5    48   339   cupeled
 8. ?afiins   E5    90   429   finalise
 9. adelltw   D1    36   465   walled
10. deenptw   M7    34   499   pinweed
11. aainoos  J11    28   527   anoas
12. aafjnot   1A    48   575   ajowan
13. abemrrt   2A    50   625   ramate
14. aegiort   3F    64   689   goatier
15. hooqtuy   H1    60   749   quay
16. abgikoo  L12    41   790   book
17. afhiort  15L    42   832   khaf
18. bgortuz  14N    49   881   zo
19. bgiortu   2J    42   923   bourg

Remaining tiles: iit

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6817 Filesunshine12  2 16:07  -509  414     1.7363 GLOBEMAN    0 13:20  -654  269 
  2.7363 FileGLOBEMAN    0 13:20  -654  269     2.7300 roocatcher  0 11:09  -703  220 
  3.7300 Fileroocatcher  0 11:09  -703  220     3.7743 WEASEL      2  4:49  -708  215 
  4.7743 FileWEASEL      2  4:49  -708  215     4.7652 TWEEKS      2  6:39  -708  215 
  5.7652 FileTWEEKS      2  6:39  -708  215     5.7084 chunk88     1  4:16  -793  130 
  6.7084 Filechunk88     1  4:16  -793  130            Group: intermediate
                                             1.6817 sunshine12  2 16:07  -509  414 

On 1st draw, STIGME H8 24 --- STIGME a dot used for punctuation [n]
Other moves: GRIMES H4 22, MERITS H4 22, MISTER H4 22, MITERS H4 22, MITRES H4 22

On 2nd draw, DOUX I10 47 --- DOUX very sweet -- used of champagne [adj]
Other moves: OXER I12 40, EXO I12 39, EX I12 38, OX I12 38, XU I13 34
OXER I12 40 sunshine12

On 3rd draw, RE(S)ENTS 14B 76 --- RESENT to feel or express annoyance or ill will at [v]
Other tops: ENTRE(E)S 14B 76, ENT(I)RES 14B 76, E(X)TERNS 14B 76, NER(I)TES 14B 76, NET(T)ERS 14B 76, NE(S)TERS 14B 76, NE(T)TERS 14B 76, NE(U)TERS 14B 76, RENTE(R)S 14B 76, REN(N)ETS 14B 76, RETEN(E)S 14B 76, RET(E)NES 14B 76, RET(I)NES 14B 76, RET(U)NES 14B 76, RE(G)ENTS 14B 76, RE(L)ENTS 14B 76, RE(N)NETS 14B 76, RE(P)ENTS 14B 76, RE(R)ENTS 14B 76, R(A)TEENS 14B 76, R(E)TENES 14B 76, TENRE(C)S 14B 76, TEN(D)ERS 14B 76, TEN(D)RES 14B 76, TEN(N)ERS 14B 76, TEN(T)ERS 14B 76, TEN(U)RES 14B 76, TE(E)NERS 14B 76, TE(N)NERS 14B 76, TR(I)ENES 14B 76, T(E)ENERS 14B 76, T(H)RENES 14B 76, T(U)REENS 14B 76, (C)ENTERS 14B 76, (C)ENTRES 14B 76, (E)NTREES 14B 76, (G)ERENTS 14B 76, (R)ENTERS 14B 76, (R)ERENTS 14B 76, (S)TRENES 14B 76, (T)ENTERS 14B 76, (V)ENTERS 14B 76, (V)ENTRES 14B 76
Other moves: E(A)RNEST J6 75, E(A)STERN J6 75, NESTER(S) 14B 75, NET(T)ERS J6 75, NE(A)REST J6 75
SET(O)N J10 32 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 4th draw, VIRILE C9 26 --- VIRILE having masculine vigour [adj]
Other tops: VILLAE C9 26
Other moves: VILLIAGO 11B 24, VILIAGO 11C 22, ARTI G12 21, VAIL G7 21, VAIR G7 21

On 5th draw, CHIVE 12A 32 --- CHIVE an herb used as a seasoning [n] --- CHIVE to knife [v]
Other moves: HAO B10 31, HOA B10 31, ACHIEVE E8 30, CHIV 12A 30, VOICE G7 30
HOA B10 31 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, roocatcher

On 6th draw, SERENITY 8H 86 --- SERENITY the state of being serene [n]
Other moves: YETT G11 31, EXTERNE 13H 28, ENTERIC A6 27, EXTERN 13H 26, EXTINE 13H 26
YE 11E 20 sunshine12

On 7th draw, CUPELED K5 48 --- CUPEL to refine gold or silver in a cuplike vessel [v]
Other moves: EXCLUDE 13H 34, GULPED F7 31, CLUPEID M3 30, PURGED J6 29, CLUDGIE M3 28
PEH B10 26 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 8th draw, FINA(L)ISE E5 90 --- FINALISE to completely finish [v]
Other tops: INFA(M)ISE E5 90
Other moves: FINIA(L)S F6 83, FINA(L)IS F6 81, FINA(L)IST N1 74, TAI(L)FINS N8 74, INFA(M)ISE I1 65
FA 9M 20 sunshine12

On 9th draw, WALLED D1 36 --- WALL to provide with a wall (an upright structure built to enclose an area) [v]
Other moves: WALED F2 33, WALLET D1 33, DEALT G10 32, EWT G12 32, EXALTED 13H 30
WAP 7I 23 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 10th draw, PINWEED M7 34 --- PINWEED a perennial herb [n]
Other moves: CEPE A12 33, PEW F6 33, EWT G12 32, EXPEND 13H 32, P**D C2 31
PEW F6 33 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 11th draw, ANOAS J11 28 --- ANOA a wild ox [n]
Other moves: ANIS F9 27, ANOA J11 27, ONOS F9 27, ONOS J11 27, NIS F10 25
WOONS 1D 24 roocatcher

On 12th draw, AJOWAN 1A 48 --- AJOWAN the fruit of an Egyptian plant [n]
Other moves: JO D8 39, FANO F6 35, FAA F6 33, FAN F6 33, FAT F6 33
JOTA N6 33 roocatcher, WEASEL, TWEEKS, chunk88

On 13th draw, RAMATE 2A 50 --- RAMATE having branches [adj]
Other moves: ABATER 2B 48, ABATE 2B 46, AMATE 2B 46, ARAME 2B 46, MARAE 2A 40

On 14th draw, GOATIER 3F 64 --- GOATY like a goat [adj]
Other moves: ARGOTIC A6 30, ARROGATE A1 30, ERGOTIC A6 30, OATER N10 28, EROTICA A7 27
TORIC A8 21 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 15th draw, QUAY H1 60 --- QUAY a wharf [n]
Other moves: HOOTY 2J 55, QUAT H1 42, SHOUTY 15J 39, QUA H1 36, HOH B10 32
QUAY H1 60 WEASEL, TWEEKS, chunk88, sunshine12

On 16th draw, BOOK L12 41 --- BOOK to reserve in advance [v]
Other tops: BOAK L12 41
Other moves: KOA 2J 37, KA 2J 34, KO 2J 34, BOKO L12 33, BEAK 12L 30
KOA 2J 37 WEASEL, TWEEKS, chunk88

On 17th draw, KHAF 15L 42 --- KHAF a Hebrew letter [n]
Other tops: FRATCH A8 42
Other moves: FAH F6 39, FOH F6 39, HAFT F8 39, FIRTH L1 37, FORTH L1 37
KITH 15L 33 sunshine12

On 18th draw, ZO 14N 49 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: ZO D8 47, BOURG 2J 42, BORTZ 2K 38, ZIG J2 33, ZITI 10B 33
ZO 14N 49 sunshine12, WEASEL, TWEEKS

On 19th draw, BOURG 2J 42 --- BOURG a medieval town [n]
Other moves: BRUIT 2J 40, GROUT 2J 31, BOG F6 29, BUG F6 29, BOI F6 27
BOH B10 26 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12

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