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Game on December 15, 2016 at 07:59, 1 player
1. 194 pts kellybelly

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aalnqrw   H7    20    20   narwal
 2. ?aelnyz   8H   119   139   analyzes
 3. aeinrtt  11E    82   221   attainer
 4. deemosx  12K    49   270   desex
 5. adfgipr  N10    32   302   preif
 6. ?eehmry  15I   115   417   mynheer
 7. beilrss  13C    82   499   ribless
 8. binosuv  14I    36   535   obis
 9. efgmoou  12A    28   563   geum
10. aeintuv   G1    65   628   vauntie
11. aaeinqt   2F    36   664   qanat
12. cdegruu  A10    27   691   rugged
13. ceknoot   F6    37   728   keto
14. afgioot   1G    31   759   vita
15. dglnoou  14D    25   784   good
16. efhijno   3I    40   824   jeon
17. acfiipw   4K    29   853   waif
18. adhiiov   N2    28   881   vifda
19. chioopu   8A    33   914   copout

Remaining tiles: chilo

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7569 Filekellybelly  0  5:19  -720  194     1.7569 kellybelly  0  5:19  -720  194 

On 1st draw, NARWAL H7 20 --- NARWAL an arctic aquatic mammal [n]
Other tops: NARWAL H3 20, NARWAL H4 20, NARWAL H8 20
Other moves: AWARN H4 18, AWARN H8 18, NARWAL H5 18, NARWAL H6 18, AWARN H5 16

On 2nd draw, ANALYZE(S) 8H 119 --- ANALYZE to subject to analysis [v]
Other tops: ANALYZE(D) 8H 119, ANALYZE(R) 8H 119
Other moves: ANALYZE(D) 11F 88, ANALYZE(D) 11H 88, ANALYZE(R) 11F 88, ANALYZE(R) 11H 88, ANALYZE(S) 11F 88

On 3rd draw, ATTAINER 11E 82 --- ATTAINER one that attains [n]
Other tops: RATTLINE K4 82
Other moves: INTREAT(S) O1 74, NITRATE(S) O1 74, TARTINE(S) O1 74, TERTIAN(S) O1 74, (S)TRAITEN O8 74
ANT 9M 19 kellybelly

On 4th draw, DESEX 12K 49 --- DESEX to castrate or spay [v]
Other moves: REMEX L11 44, REDOX L11 42, EXODES 13C 40, DESEX 12A 39, EXED 12J 39
SEXED M11 35 kellybelly

On 5th draw, PREIF N10 32 --- PREIF a proof [n]
Other moves: DIF 13L 27, FID 13L 27, GIF 13L 27, WAIF 10H 25, FIR 13L 24
AD 9M 19 kellybelly

On 6th draw, MY(N)HEER 15I 115 --- MYNHEER a Dutch title of courtesy for a man [n]
Other tops: (B)ERHYME 15H 115
Other moves: MY(N)HEER(S) O1 104, (B)ERHYME(S) O1 104, ERY(T)HEMA E4 80, ERYTHEM(A) F8 79, ERY(T)HEMA J1 69
ME(S)H 15L 43 kellybelly

On 7th draw, RIBLESS 13C 82 --- RIBLESS having no ribs [adj]
Other moves: BIRSLES 13B 80, RIBLESS 13B 80, BIRSLES 13E 75, BLISTERS F7 64, BRISTLES F7 64
LIBERS 13C 28 kellybelly

On 8th draw, OBIS 14I 36 --- OBI obeah [n] --- OBI to bewitch with obia [v]
Other moves: BIO 14J 30, BIS 14J 30, BOS 14J 30, BUS 14J 30, OBI 14I 30
SNOB 12A 24 kellybelly

On 9th draw, GEUM 12A 28 --- GEUM a perennial herb [n]
Other moves: FEM 12B 26, FUM 12B 26, WOOF 10H 25, FOGEY L4 24, GOOFY L4 24
FEM 12B 26 kellybelly

On 10th draw, VAUNTIE G1 65 --- VAUNTIE boastful [adj]
Other moves: VAUNTIER 9A 63, VAUTING A6 33, VINTAGE A7 33, NAIVETY L2 26, GAVE A12 24

On 11th draw, QANAT 2F 36 --- QANAT a system of underground tunnels and wells in the Middle East [n]
Other moves: ANTIQUE 3B 32, QAT 2F 32, QI 6F 31, NATIVE 1C 30, QANAT 5C 28

On 12th draw, RUGGED A10 27 --- RUGGED having an uneven surface [adj]
Other tops: GRUDGE A8 27
Other moves: UNCURED 4F 26, DECURY L3 24, UGGED A11 24, CRED 14A 23, CRUDE 10B 23

On 13th draw, KETO F6 37 --- KETO of or pertaining to ketone [adj]
Other tops: KENO F6 37, KENT F6 37
Other moves: KEN F6 36, KET F6 36, NOCKET 3I 31, VOTE 1G 31, COOKEY L3 30

On 14th draw, VITA 1G 31 --- VITA a brief, autobiographical sketch [n]
Other moves: GOAF 14D 29, GOOF 14D 29, FOOTAGE N2 26, FOOTING 4B 26, VAT 1G 26

On 15th draw, GOOD 14D 25 --- GOOD having positive or desirable properties [adj] --- GOOD something that is good [n]
Other moves: LOGOUT 8A 24, UNGODLY L2 24, DOOL 14D 23, DOON 14D 23, GOOL 14D 23

On 16th draw, JEON 3I 40 --- JEON a monetary unit of South Korea [n]
Other moves: JOHNNIE 4C 36, JOHNNIE 4D 36, ENJOY L4 30, WHINE 10H 29, JOHN 4D 28

On 17th draw, WAIF 4K 29 --- WAIF to throw away [v]
Other moves: FINCA L1 28, FAW 4K 27, FAW 9A 26, FAP 4K 25, WAIF 10H 25

On 18th draw, VIFDA N2 28 --- VIFDA meat hung and dried without salt [n]
Other moves: DZHO M7 27, DIVA 9A 23, DIVI 9A 23, DOH 15E 23, HA B14 23

On 19th draw, COPOUT 8A 33 --- COPOUT a backing out of a responsibility [n]
Other moves: WHIP 10H 29, WHOP 10H 29, WHUP 10H 29, CHOPIN 4B 26, POH 15E 25

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