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Game on Mars 28, 2017 at 15:28, 6 players
1. 877 pts OrangeCup
2. 104 pts PIThompson
3. 75 pts Mycophot

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?ehilsu   H2    76    76   muhlies
 2. deiooqr   3G    27   103   quired
 3. eginnpr   K1    72   175   preening
 4. adefgor   I7    80   255   foraged
 5. ?ceitty   5B    74   329   tetchily
 6. acelstw  H10    56   385   lawest
 7. ainnorw  J10    38   423   wan
 8. aelmnst   C2    78   501   steelman
 9. binoruy   8K    39   540   gyron
10. aceeipu   8A    36   576   peace
11. aafiorv   1K    33   609   parvo
12. abhosuz  G13    49   658   zoa
13. adegjmo  14D    30   688   mojos
14. denrttu   N5    63   751   unrotted
15. adeilvx  15A    50   801   axled
16. bghkosu  14A    36   837   ko
17. afioosv  13A    32   869   ova
18. aehiisu  O11    36   905   hause
19. bbfgiou  14J    36   941   fugios

Remaining tiles: bbiiii

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.8856 FileOrangeCup  12 13:29   -64  877     1.8856 OrangeCup  12 13:29   -64  877 
  2.7772 FilePIThompson  0  3:42  -837  104            Group: advanced
  3.7421 FileMycophot    0  2:20  -866   75     1.7772 PIThompson  0  3:42  -837  104 
  4.7563 Filemoonmonkey  0  3:09  -866   75     2.7421 Mycophot    0  2:20  -866   75 
  5.3936 FileAtlantic    0  3:47  -888   53     3.7563 moonmonkey  0  3:09  -866   75 
  6.7245 Filesicilianc5  0  1:20  -911   30     4.7245 sicilianc5  0  1:20  -911   30 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.3936 Atlantic    0  3:47  -888   53 

On 1st draw, (M)UHLIES H2 76 --- MUHLY a perennial grass [n]
Other tops: HELIU(M)S H4 76, HELI(B)US H4 76, HU(M)LIES H4 76, HU(R)LIES H4 76, (B)LUEISH H6 76
Other moves: HELIU(M)S H2 70, HELIU(M)S H3 70, HELIU(M)S H6 70, HELIU(M)S H8 70, HELI(B)US H2 70
HU(R)LIES H4 76 OrangeCup
HU(R)LIES H4 26 PIThompson

On 2nd draw, QUIRED 3G 27 --- QUIRE to arrange sheets of paper in sets of twenty-four [v]
Other moves: EQUID 3F 26, OROIDE I2 26, QUID 3G 25, QUIRE 3G 25, QUOD 3G 25
EQUID 3F 26 OrangeCup

On 3rd draw, PREENING K1 72 --- PREEN to clean and arrange the feathers with the beak [v]
PREENING 7F 65 OrangeCup

On 4th draw, FORAGED I7 80 --- FORAGE to search about [v]
Other tops: FORAGED G7 80
Other moves: GOFER 8K 30, PAGED 1K 30, PAGOD 1K 30, PODGE 1K 30, DEAF L3 27
FORAGED I7 80 OrangeCup
FORAGED I7 30 PIThompson
PAGED 1K 30 moonmonkey

On 5th draw, TETC(H)ILY 5B 74 --- TETCHILY in a tetchy manner [adv] --- TETCHY irritable [adv]
Other moves: TE(N)ACITY 10F 70, YEC(H) H12 48, PY(R)IC 1K 45, YETI H12 45, YETT H12 45
YEC(H) H12 48 OrangeCup, PIThompson
YITE H12 45 Mycophot

On 6th draw, LAWEST H10 56 --- LAW low [adj]
Other moves: WAES H12 45, WALE H12 45, WASE H12 45, WAST H12 45, WATE H12 45
WEST H12 45 OrangeCup
WELT H12 45 moonmonkey

On 7th draw, WAN J10 38 --- WAN to become wan [v] --- WAN unnaturally pale [adj]
Other tops: WON J10 38
Other moves: ANOW G10 35, AROW G10 35, POWAN 1K 33, POWIN 1K 33, PRAWN 1K 33
WAN J10 38 OrangeCup
GROWN 8K 30 Mycophot

On 8th draw, STEELMAN C2 78 --- STEELMAN a worker in the steel industry [n]
Other tops: TALESMEN C2 78
Other moves: MANTLETS B2 74, STEELMAN C3 74, MANTEELS C1 72, MANTLETS D2 72, MANTLETS 15B 61
STEELMAN C2 78 OrangeCup
PALMS 1K 30 sicilianc5

On 9th draw, GYRON 8K 39 --- GYRON a heraldic inverted vee [n]
Other tops: BRAY 8A 39
Other moves: BRAINY 8A 36, YOURN D8 35, ROSINY 2A 34, PIONY 1K 33, PORNY 1K 33
BRAY 8A 39 OrangeCup

On 10th draw, PEACE 8A 36 --- PEACE to be or become silent [v]
Other tops: APACE 8A 36
Other moves: APIECE B9 34, APIECE 1J 33, ASPIC 2B 30, PEACE 1K 30, PIECE 1K 30
PEACE 8A 36 OrangeCup

On 11th draw, PARVO 1K 33 --- PARVO a contagious disease of dogs [n]
Other moves: FAVORED 13C 30, APORIA 1J 27, FAA G13 25, RAIA K11 25, AFT D3 24
FAA G13 25 OrangeCup

On 12th draw, ZOA G13 49 --- ZOON the whole product of one fertilized egg, pl ZOA or ZOONS [n]
Other tops: ZAS G13 49, ZOS G13 49
Other moves: ZA G13 46, ZO G13 46, SAZ F8 42, BOSHTA B1 41, SAZ K11 41
ZOA G13 49 OrangeCup

On 13th draw, MOJOS 14D 30 --- MOJO a magic charm [n]
Other tops: JAGAED 11G 30
Other moves: DOJOS 14D 29, GAJOS 14D 29, JIAO 6J 27, JIG 6J 27, JOE B1 26
MOJOS 14D 30 OrangeCup

On 14th draw, UNROTTED N5 63 --- UNROTTED not rotted [adj]
Other moves: RUNAGATE 11E 36, RUNED 15A 29, TRUED 15A 29, TUNED 15A 29, UNRED 15A 29
UNROTTED N5 63 OrangeCup

On 15th draw, AXLED 15A 50 --- AXLE a shaft upon which a wheel revolves [adj] --- AXLED having an axle [adj]
Other moves: AXED O12 43, AXLE 15A 41, AXEL O12 40, AXIL O12 40, AXLE O12 40
AXLED 15A 50 OrangeCup
VOX E13 13 Atlantic

On 16th draw, KO 14A 36 --- KO a Maori digging-stick [n]
Other tops: SOUGH O11 36
Other moves: GHOST D1 33, HO 14A 33, KUES 4A 32, OHS F1 31, OUKS O12 31
KO 14A 36 OrangeCup
POSH A8 9 Atlantic

On 17th draw, OVA 13A 32 --- OVUM the female reproductive cell of animals [n]
Other tops: AVO 13A 32, FOIST D1 32
Other moves: IFS F1 31, SAV K11 29, AVOS O12 28, OAFS O12 28, OOFS O12 28
OOFS O12 28 OrangeCup
FID 12L 14 Atlantic

On 18th draw, HAUSE O11 36 --- HAUSE to embrace [v]
Other moves: RASHIE M8 33, AHS F1 31, EHS F1 31, AHIS O12 28, EISH O12 28
HAUSE O11 36 OrangeCup
PISH A8 9 Atlantic

On 19th draw, FUGIOS 14J 36 --- FUGIO a former coin of the United States [n]
Other moves: FOB M11 29, FOG M11 27, FOU M11 25, OFT D3 24, BEFOG E7 22
FOB M11 29 OrangeCup
FOOD E12 8 Atlantic

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