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Game on July 17, 2017 at 08:41, 5 players
1. 528 pts fatcat
2. 507 pts babsbedi
3. 31 pts PIThompson

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. efhnnot   H4    30    30   foehn
 2. adeloux   4H    34    64   fluxed
 3. aegintv   6A    68   132   agentive
 4. deioorw   3K    36   168   owed
 5. ?aeiitu   D4    66   234   uintaite
 6. ?aaeiot   B5    60   294   agiotage
 7. einorsz   F6    87   381   ionizers
 8. aeiinsu   2K    34   415   sena
 9. deioprr  A12    37   452   prod
10. aeimorr   I8    63   515   armoire
11. acghirs  15I   102   617   scraigh
12. bdoqrsy   A6    48   665   abys
13. aeimnnw  N10    36   701   mewing
14. efklnot   M9    43   744   ketol
15. einptuy   J6    44   788   piney
16. abglort   O6    98   886   ragbolt
17. adfjquv  H12    47   933   qua
18. cdfltuv  K10    22   955   cult

Remaining tiles: dfjv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6601 Filefatcat      1 16:48  -427  528     1.7906 PIThompson  0  0:33  -924   31 
  2.6704 Filebabsbedi    3 16:42  -448  507     2.7457 sicilianc5  0  1:02  -924   31 
  3.7906 FilePIThompson  0  0:33  -924   31     3.7483 moonmonkey  0  1:26  -924   31 
  4.7457 Filesicilianc5  0  1:02  -924   31            Group: intermediate
  5.7483 Filemoonmonkey  0  1:26  -924   31     1.6601 fatcat      1 16:48  -427  528 
                                             2.6704 babsbedi    3 16:42  -448  507 

On 1st draw, FOEHN H4 30 --- FOEHN a warm, dry wind [n]
Other moves: FOEHN H8 24, HOTEN H4 24, FOEHN H5 22, FOEHN H6 22, FOEHN H7 22
HEFT H6 20 babsbedi
HEFT H5 20 fatcat

On 2nd draw, FLUXED 4H 34 --- FLUX to melt [v]
Other tops: AXLE I4 34
Other moves: DOUX G6 32, DOUX I6 32, FAXED 4H 32, FOXED 4H 32, EAUX G6 30
FLUXED 4H 34 babsbedi
AXED G2 28 fatcat

On 3rd draw, AGENTIVE 6A 68 --- AGENTIVE a word part that denotes the doer of an action [n]
VEXING K2 34 fatcat
TINE 5J 33 babsbedi

On 4th draw, OWED 3K 36 --- OWE to be under obligation to pay or repay [v]
Other tops: RIDE 5J 36
Other moves: OORIE 5H 34, OWER 3K 34, IRED 5K 33, REDOWA A1 33, IDE 5K 32
OWED 3K 36 babsbedi, fatcat

On 5th draw, UIN(T)AITE D4 66 --- UINTAITE a variety of asphalt [n]
Other tops: UINTAI(T)E D4 66, (M)INUTIAE D4 66
Other moves: UI(N)TAITE E3 64, UIN(T)AITE 8F 58, (M)INUTIAE 8F 58, UINTAI(T)E 8F 57, (B)ATE 2K 31
(F)ATE 2K 31 PIThompson
(L)ATE 2K 31 sicilianc5
(H)ATE 2K 31 moonmonkey
TOXI(C) K2 22 fatcat
OXE(N) K3 20 babsbedi

On 6th draw, AGIOTA(G)E B5 60 --- AGIOTAGE speculative manoeuvres in stocks and shares [n]
Other moves: A(B)ATE 2J 37, A(C)ETA 2J 37, A(G)ATE 2J 37, A(L)ATE 2J 37, A(W)ATO 2J 37
(N)OT 5J 31 babsbedi
TOXI(C) K2 22 fatcat

On 7th draw, IONIZERS F6 87 --- IONIZER something that ionizes [n]
Other moves: ZIN A8 73, TRIZONES 10D 71, IONIZERS F3 69, IRONIZES F2 69, IRONIZES F6 69
ZIN A8 73 fatcat

On 8th draw, SENA 2K 34 --- SENA an army [n]
Other tops: SANE 2K 34
Other moves: ISNAE A8 32, SARNIE 12D 30, ENSURE 12B 28, SARIN 12D 28, SERAI 12D 28
SANE 2K 34 babsbedi
SIREN 12D 28 fatcat

On 9th draw, PROD A12 37 --- PROD to jab with something pointed [v]
Other tops: PIED A12 37
Other moves: PED A8 35, PADI A5 34, PERI A12 34, PIER A12 34, PORE A12 34
PORE A12 34 fatcat
ODE G10 20 babsbedi

On 10th draw, ARMOIRE I8 63 --- ARMOIRE a large, ornate cabinet [n]
Other moves: MAE A8 31, AMIA A6 30, AMIE A6 30, MAIRE E11 28, MOIRA E11 28
MA A8 26 fatcat
AM G10 19 babsbedi

On 11th draw, SCRAIGH 15I 102 --- SCRAIGH to utter a shrill cry [v]
Other moves: CHAIRS 15D 52, CIGARS 15D 46, CRAIGS 15D 46, RACHIS 15D 46, AGHA A6 44
CHAIRS 15D 52 fatcat
CRASH 15F 40 babsbedi

On 12th draw, ABYS A6 48 --- ABY to pay the penalty for [v]
Other moves: ABY A6 43, YADS A5 38, YOD J10 35, BADS A5 34, DABS A5 34
ABY A6 43 babsbedi
BY 1N 27 fatcat

On 13th draw, MEWING N10 36 --- MEW to confine (one pl MEAWES) [v]
Other tops: MAWING N10 36, WANING N10 36
Other moves: WEM J8 34, AMENING N9 32, NEMN J8 31, MENING N10 30, MINE J10 30
WEAN E11 30 babsbedi
WINE C12 22 fatcat

On 14th draw, KETOL M9 43 --- KETOL a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: FLOTE O8 39, FONE G9 35, KOEL E11 34, KEF H12 33, KETOL O7 33
FLOTE O8 39 babsbedi
KNOT O8 30 fatcat

On 15th draw, PINEY J6 44 --- PINEY covered with pine trees [adj]
Other moves: YITE J10 36, PYET O8 35, YEN J10 33, YET J10 33, YIN J10 33
PYET O8 35 babsbedi
TYPE C12 23 fatcat

On 16th draw, RAGBOLT O6 98 --- RAGBOLT a bolt with barbs [n]
Other moves: BLOAT O8 39, GAB L10 37, GLOAT O8 36, GROAT O8 36, BLOG O8 30
BLOAT O8 39 babsbedi
BOWL 12L 20 fatcat

On 17th draw, QUA H12 47 --- QUA in the capacity of [adv]
Other moves: FAD G9 34, FA G9 29, VAU E11 28, J*W*D L1 24, JUDS 13C 24
JA H11 22 babsbedi
QI 12H 21 fatcat

On 18th draw, CULT K10 22 --- CULT a religious society [n]
Other tops: CUD K10 22
Other moves: FUD C10 21, CUT K10 20, DUCT C12 20, CUD C10 19, CUD C12 19
EVE 11D 12 babsbedi
OF 14A 10 fatcat

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