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Game on October 7, 2017 at 19:28, 7 players
1. 683 pts OrangeCup
2. 430 pts musdrive
3. 231 pts sicilianc5

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aaceent   H4    74    74   catenae
 2. ikloprt   G7    29   103   rok
 3. aiioors   F5    23   126   arioso
 4. abdmory   E1    34   160   ambry
 5. ?ilnorw   6H    68   228   townlier
 6. aahlnos   1D    39   267   halons
 7. aabeiix   2C    36   303   bemix
 8. ?aeghii   4H    78   381   chigetai
 9. egilnpt   D5    69   450   pelting
10. aefgios  12A    46   496   fegs
11. aennqsy   3E    32   528   bey
12. ddilotv   O3    30   558   vitriol
13. adeefiu  A10    39   597   affied
14. adimnsu  10J    30   627   dunams
15. aeeptuz   L8    48   675   zante
16. cdenorw   B4    76   751   crowned
17. aeirtuv  15A    89   840   durative
18. ejopqtu   A6    50   890   joe

Remaining tiles: dpqtuu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: master
  1.9151 FileOrangeCup   7 12:45  -207  683     1.9151 OrangeCup   7 12:45  -207  683 
  2.8166 Filemusdrive    6  8:27  -460  430            Group: expert
  3.6989 Filesicilianc5  3  7:15  -659  231     1.8166 musdrive    6  8:27  -460  430 
  4.7791 FilePIThompson  0  1:04  -854   36            Group: advanced
  5.7181 Filequeen66     0  1:21  -854   36     1.7791 PIThompson  0  1:04  -854   36 
  6.7745 Filemoonmonkey  0  1:39  -854   36     2.7181 queen66     0  1:21  -854   36 
  7.7253 FileMycophot    0  1:44  -854   36     3.7745 moonmonkey  0  1:39  -854   36 
                                             4.7253 Mycophot    0  1:44  -854   36 
                                                    Group: intermediate
                                             1.6989 sicilianc5  3  7:15  -659  231 

On 1st draw, CATENAE H4 74 --- CATENA a closely linked series [n]
Other moves: CATENAE H2 70, CATENAE H3 70, CATENAE H6 70, CATENAE H7 70, CATENAE H8 70
CATENAE H4 74 OrangeCup

On 2nd draw, ROK G7 29 --- ROK a legendary bird [n]
Other tops: OIK G7 29
Other moves: KIP G5 27, KOP G9 27, KOI G9 25, KOR G9 25, PILOT G7 25
KOP G9 27 OrangeCup

On 3rd draw, ARIOSO F5 23 --- ARIOSO a musical passage resembling an aria [n]
Other tops: ARIOSI F5 23
Other moves: ROOSA F6 22, ARIOSO F4 21, IOS I7 20, OOS I7 20, ROOSA F5 20
IOS I7 20 OrangeCup

On 4th draw, AMBRY E1 34 --- AMBRY a recess in a church wall for sacred vessels [n]
Other tops: BARMY E1 34, YAM E5 34, YOM E5 34
Other moves: BARDY E1 32, DORMY E1 32, MARDY E1 32, MOBY E2 32, YAD E5 31
YAM E5 34 musdrive
BARMY E1 34 OrangeCup, sicilianc5

On 5th draw, TOWNLI(E)R 6H 68 --- TOWNLY townish [adj]
Other moves: TOILW(O)RN 6H 64, T(O)ILWORN 6H 64, WAI(T)RON 1D 39, WARI(S)ON 1D 39, WARLIN(G) 1D 39

On 6th draw, HALONS 1D 39 --- HALON a chemical used in fire extinguishers [n]
Other tops: ALOHAS 1A 39, SHARON O3 39, SHORAN O3 39
Other moves: ALOHA 1A 36, HALON 1D 36, HALOS 1D 36, HANSA 1D 36, HARLS O4 36
HALONS 1D 39 musdrive

On 7th draw, BEMIX 2C 36 --- BEMIX to mix thoroughly [v]
Other tops: BIAXAL L1 36
Other moves: ABAXILE L1 34, EXAM 2B 31, RAX O6 30, REX O6 30, IXIA 2I 29
BEMIX 2C 36 musdrive
REX O6 30 OrangeCup

On 8th draw, CHIGE(T)AI 4H 78 --- CHIGETAI a wild ass [n]
Other moves: HIRAGE O4 42, HIRAGE(S) O4 42, HIREAG(E) O4 42, HIR(E)AGE O4 42, (J)AGHIRE O1 42
HARI(N)G O4 39 musdrive, OrangeCup

On 9th draw, PELTING D5 69 --- PELT to strike repeatedly with blows or missiles [v] --- PELTING the act of pelting [n]
Other moves: PELLETING L3 63, GENTLING K4 40, RINGLET O6 27, GENIP I9 26, PING 3L 25
PELTING D5 69 OrangeCup

On 10th draw, FEGS 12A 46 --- FEGS in faith [interj]
Other tops: FAGS 12A 46, FIGS 12A 46, FOGS 12A 46
Other moves: FEIS 12A 44, FOES 12A 44, OAFS 12A 38, GAES 12A 36, GEOS 12A 36
FAGS 12A 46 musdrive, sicilianc5
FIGS 12A 46 OrangeCup

On 11th draw, BEY 3E 32 --- BEY a Turkish governor [n]
Other moves: FAYS A12 30, FEYS A12 30, RAYNES O6 27, RENAYS O6 27, ANY 3A 26
BEY 3E 32 OrangeCup, sicilianc5

On 12th draw, VITRIOL O3 30 --- VITRIOL to treat with sulfuric acid [v]
Other moves: DIVI O1 24, FIDO A12 24, FOID A12 24, FOLD A12 24, LIVEDO B9 24
FOLD A12 24 musdrive

On 13th draw, AFFIED A10 39 --- AFFY to trust [v]
Other moves: *FF*D A11 36, FIEF A12 30, FIFE A12 30, FEED C6 26, FEUD C6 26
*FF*D A11 36 OrangeCup, sicilianc5, PIThompson, queen66, Mycophot
FIFE A12 30 musdrive

On 14th draw, DUNAMS 10J 30 --- DUNAM a unit of land measure in Israel [n]
Other tops: MAUNDS 10J 30
Other moves: MAES B10 29, ADMINS N9 28, DUNAM B6 28, MANDIS 10J 28, UNDAMS 10J 28
UNDAMS 10J 28 OrangeCup
MADS 3J 26 musdrive

On 15th draw, ZANTE L8 48 --- ZANTE satinwood [n]
Other moves: ZEL 9M 47, ZAP 11I 39, ZEP 11I 39, ZETA 11I 35, PEAGE C9 34
ZANTE L8 48 musdrive
ZEL 9M 47 OrangeCup, sicilianc5

On 16th draw, CROWNED B4 76 --- CROWN to supply with a crown (a royal headpiece) [v]
Other moves: DECROWN B4 75, WEED B10 37, WEEN B10 35, ERENOW 14A 34, ENDOW B6 32
CROWNED B4 76 OrangeCup
WEED B10 37 musdrive

On 17th draw, DURATIVE 15A 89 --- DURATIVE a type of verb [n]
Other moves: VITTAE 11I 31, TERTIA 11I 25, VITTA 11I 25, EVIRATE 14A 24, TAIVER 2I 24
DURATIVE 15A 89 OrangeCup
VERT 11I 21 musdrive

On 18th draw, JOE A6 50 --- JOE a fellow [n]
Other moves: TOQUE 14H 36, QI F14 31, JET 14D 27, JUT 14D 27, TUP 14D 25
JOE A6 50 musdrive
TOQUE 14H 36 OrangeCup, sicilianc5, moonmonkey

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