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Game on October 22, 2017 at 15:58, 1 player
1. 44 pts dannyboy

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aaehinr   H4    26    26   hernia
 2. ?adejlo  10D    94   120   cajoled
 3. aflnott   E5    94   214   floatant
 4. adfiosu   D8    45   259   fucoids
 5. adginoy   F4    33   292   dying
 6. aeghisx  11I    34   326   hex
 7. aacilpt   4H    82   408   haptical
 8. eeenotw  C11    33   441   tween
 9. aaersuv   O2    30   471   valuers
10. ?aaeiim   M3    76   547   acidemia
11. egiknot  12J    32   579   gink
12. bcegirs  N10    32   611   bise
13. egmnrtu  14B    28   639   resume
14. bdegrwy  H12    49   688   byde
15. agnoqru   6J    32   720   quod
16. celopst  A11    49   769   scope
17. aelrrtw   9G    27   796   war
18. ailnrtz  M12    38   834   kazi
19. egnoorv  15J    42   876   roving
20. eloortt   A8    36   912   otoscope

Remaining tiles: elrt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7477 Filedannyboy    0  1:58  -868   44     1.7477 dannyboy    0  1:58  -868   44 

On 1st draw, HERNIA H4 26 --- HERNIA the protrusion of an organ through its surrounding wall [n]
Other moves: HERNIA H3 20, HERNIA H7 20, HERNIA H8 20, HERNIA H5 18, HERNIA H6 18

On 2nd draw, (C)AJOLED 10D 94 --- CAJOLE to persuade by flattery [v]
Other moves: JOL(T)HEAD 4D 86, (C)AJOLED 10C 76, JOLED 10F 43, JOL(E)D 10F 42, J(O)LED 10F 42

On 3rd draw, FLOATANT E5 94 --- FLOATANT something which makes things float [n]
Other moves: FLOATANT E7 72, FONTAL 11I 26, AFOOT G8 23, FONTAL G9 23, OAF 9G 23

On 4th draw, FU(C)OIDS D8 45 --- FUCOID a brown seaweed [n]
Other moves: FU(C)OID D8 43, FI(C)OS D8 39, FI(C)US D8 39, FADOS 13A 30, FIDOS 13A 30

On 5th draw, DYING F4 33 --- DYING a passing out of existence [n]
Other moves: DAYAN 9G 32, YANG F5 31, YOND F5 31, YGO C11 30, YODE I7 30

On 6th draw, HEX 11I 34 --- HEX to cast an evil spell upon [v]
Other moves: XIS 11I 32, HEX I3 31, SHEA C11 31, AXISED J5 30, AXISES 14A 30

On 7th draw, HAPTICAL 4H 82 --- HAPTICAL pertaining to the sense of touch [adj]
Other moves: PACA G3 34, APICAL 9H 29, PAC G3 29, PICAL G1 29, TICAL G1 27

On 8th draw, TWEEN C11 33 --- TWEEN a child typically of an age eight through twelve [n] --- TWEEN between [prep]
Other moves: ENSEW 14B 32, TWEE C11 31, WEEN C12 28, WEET C12 28, EWE C11 27

On 9th draw, VALUERS O2 30 --- VALUER one that values [n]
Other moves: AVALES O1 27, AVULSE O1 27, LARVAE O4 27, LARVAS O4 27, LAVERS O4 27

On 10th draw, ACI(D)EMIA M3 76 --- ACIDEMIA a condition of increased acidity of the blood [n]
Other moves: MAA(R)E N6 28, MAI(L)E N6 28, MAI(R)E N6 28, MAI(S)E N6 28, MAI(Z)E N6 28

On 11th draw, GINK 12J 32 --- GINK a fellow [n]
Other moves: EIKON 12J 31, KOI B13 30, TOKING N10 30, KOI 3I 29, EKING N10 28

On 12th draw, BISE N10 32 --- BISE a cold wind in Switzerland [n]
Other tops: SEIR 13K 32
Other moves: BES N10 31, BIS N10 31, SEI 13K 30, GIS N10 25, BAR 9G 23

On 13th draw, RESUME 14B 28 --- RESUME to take up again after interruption [v]
Other moves: ITERUM L4 23, MAR 9G 23, MEG O13 22, MUG O13 22, GESTURE 14B 20

On 14th draw, BYDE H12 49 --- BYDE to bide (Chaucer) [v]
Other moves: BYRE H12 45, YERD H12 45, GYRED 15E 42, BERG H12 39, GYRE H12 39

On 15th draw, QUO(D) 6J 32 --- QUOD a prison [n] --- QUOD to imprison [v]
Other tops: QUA(D) 6J 32
Other moves: QUOTA K1 28, TRANQ K4 28, QUAI L1 25, KAGO M12 22, KAGU M12 22

On 16th draw, SCOPE A11 49 --- SCOPE to examine with a viewing instrument [v]
Other moves: CEPS A12 46, COPE A12 46, COPS A12 46, CLOPS 14J 44, COPES 14J 44
COPES 14J 44 dannyboy

On 17th draw, WAR 9G 27 --- WAR bad [adj] --- WAR to engage in war (a state of open, armed conflict) [v]
Other moves: KEWL M12 26, KAW M12 24, WYE 13G 23, AWE O13 20, AWL O13 20

On 18th draw, KAZI M12 38 --- KAZI a lavatory [n]
Other tops: RIZ O13 38
Other moves: ZAP J2 34, ZIP J2 34, LAZAR I1 26, AZAN I2 25, IZAR I2 25

On 19th draw, ROVING 15J 42 --- ROVING a roll of textile fibers [n]
Other moves: ENVIRO 15J 39, OVINE 15K 36, VOGIER 15J 36, OGIVE 15K 33, VIER 15L 33

On 20th draw, OTOSCOPE A8 36 --- OTOSCOPE an instrument for examining the ear [n]
Other moves: ELT L8 16, OOT L8 16, ROOTLE B6 15, TOOTLE B6 15, TOE 3I 13

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