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Game on November 10, 2017 at 14:53, 5 players
1. 599 pts OrangeCup
2. 17 pts PIThompson
3. 17 pts queen66

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eooprst   H8    74    74   stooper
 2. deiiosy  15D    54   128   iodise
 3. ?aaftxy  14A    48   176   flaxy
 4. aeehmor   I8    38   214   hareem
 5. aeelott  A11    27   241   aloft
 6. ?afilnz  13G    50   291   feminazi
 7. beglorr  N10    28   319   bogie
 8. adgijno   O5    49   368   adjigo
 9. eilnnrt   L7    68   436   internal
10. aahinou   J7    26   462   ohia
11. aaddeiu  15M    25   487   add
12. aeenqtu   C9    50   537   quanta
13. almtuvw  D10    23   560   twa
14. eprssuw   M1    79   639   pursews
15. beiklrt   E9    34   673   kelt
16. belorvy   1I    48   721   overply
17. eeginuv   4H    28   749   vegies
18. cimnnru   5I    21   770   mun
19. bceiinu   F4    22   792   incubi

Remaining tiles: cer

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: master
  1.9130 FileOrangeCup   5 14:50  -193  599     1.9130 OrangeCup   5 14:50  -193  599 
  2.7798 FilePIThompson  0  1:20  -775   17            Group: advanced
  3.7539 Filequeen66     0  1:37  -775   17     1.7798 PIThompson  0  1:20  -775   17 
  4.7430 Filemoonmonkey  0  1:39  -775   17     2.7539 queen66     0  1:37  -775   17 
  5.7248 Filesicilianc5  0  1:55  -775   17     3.7430 moonmonkey  0  1:39  -775   17 
                                             4.7248 sicilianc5  0  1:55  -775   17 

On 1st draw, STOOPER H8 74 --- STOOPER one that stoops [n]
Other tops: POOREST H4 74, POOTERS H4 74
Other moves: POOREST H2 70, POOREST H3 70, POOREST H6 70, POOREST H7 70, POOREST H8 70
STOOPER H8 74 OrangeCup

On 2nd draw, IODISE 15D 54 --- IODISE to treat with iodine [v]
Other tops: DEYS 15E 54, DOYS 15E 54, DYES 15E 54, SYED 15H 54, Y*DS 15E 54, YODS 15E 54
Other moves: EIDOS 15D 51, OYES 15E 51, OYS 15F 48, SEY 15H 48, SOY 15H 48
Y*DS 15E 54 OrangeCup

On 3rd draw, F(L)AXY 14A 48 --- FLAXY flaxen [adj]
Other moves: FAX I11 47, EXTA(S)Y 13H 46, F(O)XY 14B 46, F(A)X I11 45, F(I)X I11 45
FAX I11 47 OrangeCup

On 4th draw, HAREEM I8 38 --- HAREEM a group of wives and concubines [n]
Other moves: OMRAH I9 37, HERMAE I8 34, HERMA I8 29, HORME I8 29, HAM I11 27
HAM I11 27 OrangeCup

On 5th draw, ALOFT A11 27 --- ALOFT in or into the air [adv]
Other tops: ALEFT A11 27
Other moves: LEFT A12 24, LOFT A12 24, OLEATE J5 24, TOFT A12 24, ELATE J6 23
ALOFT A11 27 OrangeCup

On 6th draw, FEM(I)NAZI 13G 50 --- FEMINAZI a woman who has an irrational and extreme hatred of men -- a derogatory term [n]
Other tops: FEMINAZ(I) 13G 50
Other moves: ZA(R)F J7 45, SHINL(E)AF 8H 42, FORZAN(D)I 10G 41, NAIF(S) J7 40, AIZL(E) J4 38
Z(E)A J6 37 OrangeCup

On 7th draw, BOGIE N10 28 --- BOGIE a low heavy truck [n] --- BOGIE to swim [v]
Other moves: BROIL N10 26, BROLGA C9 24, BROLGA L8 24, OB J9 24, BEGORRA C8 22
OB J9 24 OrangeCup

On 8th draw, ADJIGO O5 49 --- ADJIGO an Australian edible yam [n]
Other moves: ADJOIN O6 48, G*DJ* O6 46, JINGO O6 43, DJIN O8 42, GAJO O7 40
JINGO O6 43 OrangeCup

On 9th draw, INTERNAL L7 68 --- INTERNAL an inner attribute [n]
Other moves: INERT J6 23, LENTI N2 21, TRINE N2 21, LENT J7 20, RENT J7 20
INTERNAL L7 68 OrangeCup

On 10th draw, OHIA J7 26 --- OHIA a tropical tree [n]
Other moves: HAIN G7 25, HAIN K10 25, HOA J8 25, AHA K9 23, OHIA J5 21
HAIN K10 25 OrangeCup

On 11th draw, ADD 15M 25 --- ADD to combine or join so as to bring about an increase [v]
Other moves: DIXI D12 24, AIDED M3 23, AUDAD M3 23, D(I)ED J12 22, IDE 15M 22
AIDED M3 23 OrangeCup

On 12th draw, QUANTA C9 50 --- QUANTUM a fundamental unit of energy [n]
Other moves: EQUATE N1 41, QUATE N2 39, QUENA N2 39, EQUATE M3 37, QUORATE 10F 36
EQUATE N1 41 OrangeCup

On 13th draw, TWA D10 23 --- TWA two [n]
Other tops: MU B10 23
Other moves: VAULT M3 21, MALVA 5K 20, MALWA 5K 20, TUAN K10 19, VALUTA 5J 18

On 14th draw, PURSEWS M1 79 --- PURSEW to follow, in order to overtake or capture [v]
Other moves: PURSEWS E4 77, PURSEW E7 43, PURSES E7 34, SPRUES E7 34, USED O12 34
PURSEWS M1 79 OrangeCup

On 15th draw, KELT E9 34 --- KELT a type of coarse undyed cloth [n]
Other moves: BELT E9 30, BIKERS 4H 30, KITERS 4H 30, BILKERS 4G 28, TRIPLE 1J 27
BIKERS 4H 30 OrangeCup

On 16th draw, OVERPLY 1I 48 --- OVERPLY to ply to excess; overwork [v]
Other moves: OVERBUY 2H 34, REPLY 1K 33, ROPEY 1K 33, BERYLS 4H 28, BEVORS 4H 28

On 17th draw, VEGIES 4H 28 --- VEGIE a vegetable [n]
Other tops: VENGES 4H 28
Other moves: VENUES 4H 26, GIVENS 4H 24, ENVIES 4H 20, GENEVA 5J 20, NEIVES 4H 20
VINE 2F 17 PIThompson, queen66, sicilianc5

On 18th draw, MUN 5I 21 --- MUN man; fellow [n]
Other moves: CRIM 2F 18, MUNI F6 18, MU 3I 17, CRINUM 2D 16, NINCUM 2D 16
MU 3I 17 moonmonkey

On 19th draw, INCUBI F4 22 --- INCUBUS a demon [n]
Other moves: BICE 6F 19, CUBE 6F 19, BENI F6 18, INCUBI 2D 18, BINE 6F 17

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