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Game on November 20, 2017 at 00:05, no players

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. deiltuv   H4    26    26   vilde
 2. ?cdfmmo   5E    52    78   modicum
 3. cgiopst   L1    34   112   coits
 4. efgnrsu   2J    34   146   frogs
 5. ?abertw   F3    72   218   browbeat
 6. aegilsy  11F    33   251   sagely
 7. aeortvz  H11    48   299   graze
 8. diiopry  I13    34   333   yod
 9. aenoqtw  G13    39   372   wat
10. aehotux   4A    44   416   hoaxer
11. abjlnpu   3C    45   461   ja
12. einootu   A4    24   485   hoten
13. eiiknpq   1E    41   526   pinkie
14. abnortv   G7    26   552   orb
15. einnprs   N2    62   614   spinners
16. aeefrtu   M7    94   708   feature
17. adhiitu   O7    43   751   dah
18. ilnotuu  12J    21   772   outrun
19. aegiilv  15A    45   817   levigated
20. eiiloqu  10B    34   851   quiet

Remaining tiles: iilno

Draw analysis of the game

On 1st draw, VILDE H4 26 --- VILDE vile [adj]
Other tops: VELDT H4 26
Other moves: DEVIL H4 22, DUVET H4 22, LIVED H8 22, DEVIL H8 20, DUVET H8 20

On 2nd draw, MODIC(U)M 5E 52 --- MODICUM a small amount [n]
Other moves: FI(L)MDOM 5G 28, F(I)LMDOM 6F 26, COMFI(T) 5D 24, FO(R)MIC 5D 24, FOL(I)C 6F 23

On 3rd draw, COITS L1 34 --- COIT the buttocks [n]
Other moves: PISCO L3 32, PICOTS 6J 31, COPS L2 30, PICOT 6J 30, PICS L2 30

On 4th draw, FROGS 2J 34 --- FROG to hunt frogs (web-footed, tailless amphibians) [v]
Other moves: ENUF 6C 32, FROES 2J 32, FRONS 2J 32, NEF 6D 31, REF 6D 31

On 5th draw, (B)ROWBEAT F3 72 --- BROWBEAT to intimidate [v]
Other tops: BROW(B)EAT F3 72
Other moves: BED(S)TRAW 7F 68, WAB(S)TER G8 68, BEWRA(P)T G8 66, BRAWE(S)T G8 66, B(L)EWART G8 66

On 6th draw, SAGELY 11F 33 --- SAGE wise [adv] --- SAGELY in a sage manner [adv]
Other moves: EASILY 11D 31, GLEYS 11B 31, GYALS 11B 31, YAGIS 11B 31, GAYS 11C 29

On 7th draw, GRAZE H11 48 --- GRAZE to feed on growing grass [v]
Other tops: GAZER H11 48
Other moves: AZOTE 1F 47, TOAZE 1F 47, RAZE 1G 44, TOZE 1G 44, ZERO 1G 44

On 8th draw, YOD I13 34 --- YOD a Hebrew letter a past tense of YEAD, YEDE and YEED [n]
Other moves: PYRO 1G 32, YO I13 29, DOR I13 24, PI 6J 23, PO 6J 23

On 9th draw, WAT G13 39 --- WAT a hare [n] --- WAT wet [adj]
Other tops: WAN G13 39
Other moves: NAW G13 33, TAW G13 33, TOWNEE 8A 30, WANTER 4A 30, AWETO 1F 29

On 10th draw, HOAXER 4A 44 --- HOAXER one that hoaxes [n]
Other moves: AXE 1H 35, EXO 1H 35, AX 1N 29, COAX I5 29, EX 1N 29

On 11th draw, JA 3C 45 --- JA yes (from German) [interj]
Other moves: JALAP C3 34, UNABLE 8A 33, JA 3B 31, BAJAN C3 30, JAPAN C3 30

On 12th draw, HOTEN A4 24 --- HETE to command [v]
Other moves: CUIT 1L 23, TOONIE 1E 23, ENTIA G7 22, TOONIE 8A 21, UNITE 1F 20

On 13th draw, PINKIE 1E 41 --- PINKIE a small narrow-sterned ship [n]
Other moves: KEPI 1G 35, KIPE 1G 35, PIKE 1G 35, PIKI 1G 35, PEKIN 10I 30

On 14th draw, ORB G7 26 --- ORB to form into a circle or sphere [v]
Other tops: ARB G7 26
Other moves: BRAVO 10K 25, BAZOO 14F 24, OVA G7 24, ABORT 10J 22, BORAZON 14D 22

On 15th draw, SPINNERS N2 62 --- SPINNER one that spins [n]
Other moves: PENNIS 10I 25, PE 6J 23, PI 6J 23, OPINES B4 22, PENIS 10I 22

On 16th draw, FEATURE M7 94 --- FEATURE to give special prominence to [v]
Other moves: FEATURE B7 69, FEARE O4 57, FETA O7 34, FETE O7 34, FARE 8L 33

On 17th draw, DAH O7 43 --- DAH a dash in Morse code [n]
Other moves: HERD 8L 36, AHI O8 33, HA O7 33, AH O8 30, AIRTH 12K 29

On 18th draw, OUTRUN 12J 21 --- OUTRUN to run faster than [v]
Other moves: LI 2D 16, LO 2D 16, TI 2D 16, TO 2D 16, UNIT L12 16

On 19th draw, LEVIGATED 15A 45 --- LEVIGATE to reduce to a fine powder [v]
Other moves: GIVEAWAY 13B 36, AL F13 29, ANVIL O11 24, NAVE O12 21, NEVI O12 21

On 20th draw, QUIET 10B 34 --- QUIET making little or no noise [adj] --- QUIET to cause to be quiet [v]
Other tops: QUILT 10B 34, QUOIT 10B 34
Other moves: LA F14 19, LAZO 14F 19, QUASH 9K 17, AZOLE 14G 16, LI 2D 16

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