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Game on January 17, 2018 at 19:36, 1 player
1. 320 pts Mycophot

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?enortx   H3    40    40   extern
 2. aehlnpy   5F    82   122   enthalpy
 3. ?accino   M1    80   202   accoying
 4. aeloort   4D    28   230   retax
 5. deoorrt   J1    65   295   toreador
 6. degruvy   1L    42   337   vary
 7. einostu   F4    63   400   teutonise
 8. aiknruw  12A    36   436   wankier
 9. abeglos  A10    36   472   bowleg
10. abdesst   1D    36   508   bassett
11. aegiips   C2    31   539   gapes
12. defhowz   2E    37   576   who
13. aefilou   N6    35   611   foulie
14. addeiot   O9    87   698   iodated
15. dejlnuu   B1    31   729   jud
16. aeiilmq  B10    34   763   email
17. aaeimnz  M11    45   808   zamia
18. efginqu  E10    45   853   quinie

Remaining tiles: fgiv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: master
  1.9114 FileMycophot    0  4:27  -533  320     1.9114 Mycophot    0  4:27  -533  320 

On 1st draw, EXT(E)RN H3 40 --- EXTERN a non-resident of an institution [n]
Other tops: EXTOR(T) H3 40, EX(H)ORT H3 40, EX(P)ORT H3 40, EX(T)ORT H3 40, OXTER(S) H3 40, (C)ORTEX H7 40, (E)XTERN H3 40, (V)ORTEX H7 40
Other moves: RET(A)X H8 38, RE(D)OX H8 38, XENO(N) H4 38, XERO(X) H4 38, XE(N)ON H4 38
EXTOR(T) H4 26 Mycophot

On 2nd draw, ENTHALPY 5F 82 --- ENTHALPY the total heat content of a system [n]
Other moves: PHYTANE 5E 60, YEAH G3 38, HEAP G3 36, HAEN G3 32, PHENYL 9F 32
HAE G3 30 Mycophot

On 3rd draw, ACCOYIN(G) M1 80 --- ACCOY to still [v]
Other tops: ANEC(H)OIC 3F 80
Other moves: ACE(T)ONIC 3F 78, (D)ECANOIC 3G 78, OC(E)ANIC 9F 76, COCAINE(S) 3B 74, COCAIN(E) 9B 74
AXON(E) 4G 21 Mycophot

On 4th draw, RETAX 4D 28 --- RETAX to tax again [v] --- TAX to place a tax (a charge imposed by authority for public purposes) on [v]
Other tops: LATEX 4D 28
Other moves: ENROOT G4 23, LE(E)AR 6F 23, RONEO G3 23, RONTE G3 23, TAXOL 4F 23
LATER 9E 20 Mycophot

On 5th draw, TOREADOR J1 65 --- TOREADOR a bullfighter [n]
Other moves: ODORATE 1I 27, RETARD 1J 24, TROADE 1J 24, RETAXED 4D 23, ROOTED 9D 23
ROOTED 9D 23 Mycophot

On 6th draw, VARY 1L 42 --- VARY to become or make different [v]
Other moves: DAVY 1L 39, VADE 1L 36, YARD 1L 36, YAUD 1L 36, VARE 1L 33
DAVY 1L 39 Mycophot

On 7th draw, TEUTONISE F4 63 --- TEUTONISE
Other moves: SNOUTIER 7A 60, ROUTINES D4 59, NEIST 9G 30, EOSIN 9H 29, NETS 9G 29
TENS 9G 29 Mycophot

On 8th draw, WANKIER 12A 36 --- WANKY contemptible [adj]
Other moves: KAW E10 35, WREAK 12D 34, AKIN E9 30, IKAN E9 30, W*NK G3 30
W*NKS 11B 24 Mycophot

On 9th draw, BOWLEG A10 36 --- BOWLEG an outwardly curved leg [n]
Other moves: ANGELS 9E 33, BELOWS A8 33, BOWELS A10 33, ELBOWS A8 33, ABLOW A8 30
NOELS 9F 30 Mycophot

On 10th draw, BASSETT 1D 36 --- BASSETT a hound [n] --- BASSETT to outcrop (geog) [v]
Other moves: EATS 13C 30, NESTS 9F 30, EASTS 9H 29, EDS 9H 29, BADNESS 9C 28
EDS 9H 29 Mycophot

On 11th draw, GAPES C2 31 --- GAPE to stare with open mouth [v]
Other moves: SAPEGO 8A 30, GAPE C2 29, GAPS C2 29, GIPS C2 29, SEPIA C2 29
EAS 9H 27 Mycophot

On 12th draw, WHO 2E 37 --- WHO what or which person or persons [pron]
Other tops: HOWFED I7 37
Other moves: OOZE 4L 36, FORZE G10 34, HOWF I7 34, FEOD N6 32, HOWE I7 31
ZOO 8D 22 Mycophot

On 13th draw, FOULIE N6 35 --- FOULIE (Australian) a foul mood [n]
Other moves: FOULE N6 34, FAIL N6 31, FOIL N6 31, FOUL N6 31, FEU N6 30

On 14th draw, IODATED O9 87 --- IODATE to treat with iodine [v]
Other moves: TADDIE O8 41, TIDED O8 40, TODDE O8 38, TADDIE O10 34, DEAD O7 33

On 15th draw, JUD B1 31 --- JUD a mass of coal holed ready for removal [n]
Other moves: JUN B1 28, JUD E8 25, JEUNE 14K 24, JUG 2A 22, UNLED 9E 22

On 16th draw, EMAIL B10 34 --- EMAIL to send a message to by computer [v]
Other moves: MEALIE 14J 28, MIELIE 14J 28, EMAIL E9 24, QAID 15L 24, QAT 13M 24

On 17th draw, ZAMIA M11 45 --- ZAMIA a tropical plant [n]
Other tops: ZAMAN M11 45
Other moves: MAIZE E10 40, ZEIN M11 39, ZINE M11 39, MAIZE M11 38, MIZEN M11 38

On 18th draw, QUINIE E10 45 --- QUINIE a worthless woman [n]
Other moves: QUINE E10 43, QUIN E10 41, FUZED 11K 36, EQUINE 14J 34, SEQUIN 11F 32

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