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Game on January 20, 2018 at 19:44, 6 players
1. 865 pts OrangeCup
2. 86 pts SQUAW1
3. 57 pts PIThompson

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eimopst   H8    78    78   stompie
 2. deikoqt  G12    29   107   oke
 3. adilnor   8A    80   187   ordinals
 4. beeghov  11E    37   224   vehme
 5. ?acopst  15H   119   343   scopate
 6. ?eiimot   N8    70   413   meionite
 7. aehiqtw   O4    57   470   withe
 8. adeinnr   M2    73   543   nardine
 9. enorsuu   C1    70   613   unsoured
10. adeefry   4F    88   701   defrayer
11. aeefnux   1A    66   767   faux
12. acorsuy   5J    33   800   yard
13. abdgint  13C    32   832   batiking
14. degills   6F    29   861   gilled
15. cgnoouw   H1    33   894   gowf
16. aoqstuz   2J    70   964   quants
17. abelruz  12A    70  1034   buaze
18. cilnorv  10G    34  1068   convo

Remaining tiles: ijlr

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: master
  1.9207 FileOrangeCup  11  8:37  -203  865     1.9207 OrangeCup  11  8:37  -203  865 
  2.8124 FileSQUAW1      0  2:18  -982   86            Group: expert
  3.8261 FilePIThompson  1  0:52 -1011   57     1.8124 SQUAW1      0  2:18  -982   86 
  4.8631 FileMycophot    1  1:10 -1011   57     2.8261 PIThompson  1  0:52 -1011   57 
  5.8684 Filequeen66     1  1:27 -1011   57     3.8631 Mycophot    1  1:10 -1011   57 
  6.8750 Filesicilianc5  1  1:44 -1011   57     4.8684 queen66     1  1:27 -1011   57 
                                             5.8750 sicilianc5  1  1:44 -1011   57 

On 1st draw, STOMPIE H8 78 --- STOMPIE (South Africa) a cigarette butt; a short man [n]
Other tops: MOPIEST H2 78, MOPIEST H4 78, OPTIMES H3 78, OPTIMES H8 78
Other moves: MOPIEST H3 74, MOPIEST H6 74, MOPIEST H7 74, MOPIEST H8 74, OPTIMES H2 74
MOPIEST H2 78 OrangeCup

On 2nd draw, OKE G12 29 --- OKE a Turkish unit of weight [n]
Other moves: KED G13 26, KET G13 25, KOI G13 25, KO G13 24, MIKED 11H 24
OKE G12 29 OrangeCup

On 3rd draw, ORDINALS 8A 80 --- ORDINAL a number designating position in a series [n]
Other moves: ORDINAL F6 67, DOORNAIL 10F 65, DOORNAIL 10G 63, TRINODAL 9H 62, ALMOND 11F 26
ORDINALS 8A 80 OrangeCup

On 4th draw, VEHME 11E 37 --- VEHM a medieval German court [n]
Other moves: VEHM 11E 35, BEHOVED C2 34, BEHOOVE 10D 25, BEHOOVE 10E 25, H*B* 7D 24
VEHM 11E 35 OrangeCup

On 5th draw, SCOPAT(E) 15H 119 --- SCOPATE tufted [adj]
Other moves: CO(W)PATS 15A 101, TO(E)CAPS 15A 101, CAPOT(E)S 15A 95, CAPTO(R)S 15A 95, COP(I)TAS 15A 92
SCOPAT(E) 15H 119 OrangeCup

On 6th draw, MEIO(N)IT(E) N8 70 --- MEIONITE one of a group of rare minerals [n]
Other moves: EMI(C)TION E1 68, IM(M)OTILE G2 67, I(M)MOTILE G2 64, MOTIE(R) 14J 46, MO(B)IE 14J 43

On 7th draw, WITHE O4 57 --- WITHE to bind with flexible twigs [v]
Other tops: WHITE O4 57
Other moves: QAT O7 50, WHEAT O6 49, QAT M13 48, WAITE O4 48, WHEAT O5 47
WHITE O4 57 OrangeCup, PIThompson, Mycophot, queen66, sicilianc5

On 8th draw, NARDINE M2 73 --- NARD a fragrant ointment [adj] --- NARDINE pertaining to nard [adj]
Other moves: IRADE N2 28, RANID M9 28, NEED I10 24, REED I10 24, REDAN M7 23
NARDINE M2 73 OrangeCup

On 9th draw, UNSOURED C1 70 --- SOUR to make sharp or bitter to the taste [adj] --- UNSOURED not soured [adj]
Other tops: UNROUSED C1 70
Other moves: UNROUSED 5F 68, UNSOURED 5F 68, EURO N1 20, NOSE N1 20, REEN I10 20
UNROUSED C1 70 OrangeCup

On 10th draw, DEFRAYER 4F 88 --- DEFRAYER one that defrays [n]
Other moves: DEFRAYED 5F 82, FEEDYARD 5F 82, FEUDARY 1A 48, FRAYED L8 47, FAYED L8 45
DEFRAYER 4F 88 OrangeCup

On 11th draw, FAUX 1A 66 --- FAUX not genuine; fake [adj]
Other moves: ANNEXE 2B 58, EAUX 1A 57, ANNEX 2B 56, FEDEX F2 40, FAX N1 39
FAUX 1A 66 OrangeCup

On 12th draw, YARD 5J 33 --- YARD to put in a yard (a tract of ground adjacent to a building) [v]
Other tops: CORY 10G 33, SURFY H1 33
Other moves: CARNY 2J 32, CORNY 2J 32, CRONY 2J 32, CURNY 2J 32, CYANO 2J 32

On 13th draw, BATIKING 13C 32 --- BATIK to dye fabric by a particular process [v]
Other moves: DATING L8 29, ABID M10 27, BANDING 2H 26, DAINT L8 25, TABID L8 25

On 14th draw, GILLED 6F 29 --- GILL to catch fish with a gill (a type of net) [v]
Other tops: SNIDE 2B 29
Other moves: GELID F10 28, DELFS H1 27, DIEL 3G 27, DIES 3G 27, DEILS L8 25

On 15th draw, GOWF H1 33 --- GOWF to play golf (a ball game) [v]
Other moves: WOOF H1 30, WOON 12A 30, CONGOU 10G 29, CONGO 10G 28, WOO 3G 28
WOOF H1 30 OrangeCup

On 16th draw, QUANTS 2J 70 --- QUANT to propel through water with a pole [v]
Other moves: QUANT 2J 68, QUOTA 12A 62, QUAT 12A 54, SAZ 12B 50, ZA 12D 50
QUANTS 2J 70 OrangeCup

On 17th draw, BUAZE 12A 70 --- BUAZE an African shrub [n]
Other tops: BLAZE 12A 70, BRAZE 12A 70
Other moves: LAZE 12B 58, RAZE 12B 58, ZEAL 12A 54, ZA 12D 50, BRAZER B7 41
BRAZE 12A 70 OrangeCup

On 18th draw, CONVO 10G 34 --- CONVO a conversation [n]
Other moves: CORNI 10G 25, CORNO 10G 25, LIVOR L8 25, BLOC A12 24, CONI 10G 24

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