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Game on January 27, 2018 at 08:35, 7 players
1. 627 pts babsbedi
2. 373 pts PIThompson
3. 370 pts queen66

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aabirsw   H4    30    30   wasabi
 2. abdgnru   I7    27    57   bad
 3. adeeitt   G2    27    84   teated
 4. elnorst  10B    73   157   lentors
 5. ?achijx   E5    72   229   jacinth
 6. ?eeinot  12C    81   310   onetime
 7. cefiksy  13B    54   364   kyes
 8. dinoptx   F4    74   438   pox
 9. aeeinru  14A    24   462   nie
10. agmnoru  13H    76   538   organum
11. aeilorv   2B    76   614   violater
12. ceeilps   O8   103   717   eclipse
13. afghnoz   8A    84   801   ghazi
14. dgioruw  15L    75   876   word
15. degiluu  15G    45   921   guideword
16. efilnou   1H    47   968   foulie
17. afinqrt   3I    52  1020   faqir
18. mnortuy  12K    29  1049   yum
19. nnorttv  11J    21  1070   ort

Remaining tiles: nntv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.6616 Filebabsbedi    5 18:25  -443  627     1.8461 PIThompson  2  7:23  -697  373 
  2.8461 FilePIThompson  2  7:23  -697  373     2.8286 sicilianc5  1 11:36  -776  294 
  3.7999 Filequeen66     1 10:11  -700  370     3.8737 moonmonkey  0  6:32  -902  168 
  4.8286 Filesicilianc5  1 11:36  -776  294            Group: advanced
  5.8737 Filemoonmonkey  0  6:32  -902  168     1.7999 queen66     1 10:11  -700  370 
  6.7799 FileMycophot    0  4:26  -914  156     2.7799 Mycophot    0  4:26  -914  156 
  7.7394 Filekellybelly  0  4:01 -1005   65     3.7394 kellybelly  0  4:01 -1005   65 
                                                    Group: intermediate
                                             1.6616 babsbedi    5 18:25  -443  627 

On 1st draw, WASABI H4 30 --- WASABI a pungent herb [n]
Other moves: WARBS H4 28, WASABI H8 28, BAWRS H4 26, BRAWS H4 26, WAIRS H4 24
WASABI H4 30 babsbedi

On 2nd draw, BAD I7 27 --- BAD something that is bad [n] --- BAD very good [adj] --- BAD not good in any way [adj]
Other tops: BAD G7 27, BAG G7 27, DAB G7 27
Other moves: BAND I7 25, BANG I7 25, BUDA G5 24, BAN I7 23, DAG G7 23
BAD G7 27 babsbedi

On 3rd draw, TEATED G2 27 --- TEAT a mammary gland [adj] --- TEATED having a teat [adj]
Other tops: TEATED J5 27
Other moves: DATE G7 26, TAD G7 25, ETAT G6 24, DATE J6 23, IDEATE J4 23
DATE G7 26 babsbedi

On 4th draw, LENTORS 10B 73 --- LENTOR sluggishness [n]
Other moves: LENTORS J8 70, LENTORS J1 68, LENTORS G9 64, BARONETS 8H 33, OSTLER F1 30
LENTORS 10B 23 PIThompson, queen66
RENS F1 18 babsbedi
LENTORS J1 18 sicilianc5

On 5th draw, JACI(N)TH E5 72 --- JACINTH a variety of zircon [n]
Other moves: XAN(T)HIC D8 52, H(E)XACT 2B 46, JEHA(D)I C9 46, H(O)AX 11C 45, AXE(N)IC C8 44
JAXIE 3C 38 Mycophot, PIThompson
AX 11E 31 babsbedi

On 6th draw, ONETI(M)E 12C 81 --- ONETIME former [adj]
Other moves: E(B)ONITE 12E 76, NOI(S)ETTE 2A 68, NOI(S)ETTE 2B 68, TENO(R)ITE 2A 68, TENO(R)ITE 2G 68
TINE(S) 12A 28 queen66
NOTE(S) 12A 28 babsbedi
E(S)T 12D 22 sicilianc5

On 7th draw, KYES 13B 54 --- KYE a Korean village fund which lends for weddings, funerals etc [n]
Other moves: KEYS 13B 51, SICKIE 8A 51, FEYS 13B 49, FYKES 13I 47, FECKS 13I 45
KYES 13B 54 babsbedi
FYKES 13I 47 PIThompson
FY 13B 26 sicilianc5
(M)IKE H12 21 queen66

On 8th draw, POX F4 74 --- POX to infect with syphilis [v]
Other moves: NOX F4 70, PINXIT 8A 69, DIOXIN 8A 66, OX F5 63, DOP F4 42
TIX 13G 40 Mycophot
NOX 13G 40 babsbedi
XI 13I 34 sicilianc5
XI 14A 30 PIThompson

On 9th draw, NIE 14A 24 --- NIE to approach [v]
Other tops: NAE 14A 24
Other moves: AE 14B 22, ARENITE 2B 18, AUREI 8A 18, NEURITE 2B 18, REUNITE 2B 18
NIE 14A 24 PIThompson, babsbedi
NAE 14A 24 sicilianc5
RAINE 13I 15 queen66

On 10th draw, ORGANUM 13H 76 --- ORGANUM a system of rules for scientific investigation [n]
Other moves: ORGANUM 11I 72, MARGIN 8A 33, MORGAN 13I 31, MANGO 13I 29, MUNGA 13I 29
MANGO 13I 29 queen66, babsbedi
NOMA 13G 21 Mycophot
AN 15A 19 sicilianc5

On 11th draw, VIOLATER 2B 76 --- VIOLATER one who violates [n]
Other moves: OVERLAIN L6 74, VERMAL N10 38, VERMIL N10 38, VOEMA N10 36, VIREO 14F 28
REV 14M 22 Mycophot
VERA 14F 20 babsbedi
VARE 14F 20 PIThompson
(M)OVE H12 18 queen66

On 12th draw, ECLIPSE O8 103 --- ECLIPSE to obscure [v]
Other moves: ECLIPSE 1I 88, ECLIPSE 3I 77, ESPECIAL K7 74, CLEEPS O8 50, SPECIE 15C 46
CLEEPS O8 50 babsbedi
PIECES O8 44 moonmonkey
PECS 1H 38 queen66
PEC 1H 35 Mycophot

On 13th draw, GHAZI 8A 84 --- GHAZI a Muslim war hero [n]
Other moves: FANGO 1H 47, FOHN 1H 47, HOGAN 1H 47, ZONA D1 46, ZOON D1 46
FOHN 1H 47 moonmonkey
ZONA D1 46 PIThompson
ZA 1D 44 queen66, babsbedi

On 14th draw, WORD 15L 75 --- WORD to express in words (speech sounds that communicate meaning) [v]
Other moves: GOWD 15L 72, GIRD 15L 63, GOURD 15K 63, GRID 15L 63, GUID 15L 63
WORD 15L 75 PIThompson, babsbedi
WORD 1H 41 queen66
ECLIPSER O8 36 sicilianc5

On 15th draw, GUIDEWORD 15G 45 --- GUIDEWORD [n]
Other moves: DEG 1H 26, DEIL 1H 26, DELI 1H 26, DUEL 1H 26, DUG 1H 26
DUG 1H 26 sicilianc5
DUE 1H 23 moonmonkey
ED 15A 23 babsbedi

On 16th draw, FOULIE 1H 47 --- FOULIE (Australian) a foul mood [n]
Other moves: FELON 1H 44, FOLIE 1H 44, FOULE 1H 44, FENI 1H 38, FOEN 1H 38
FELON 1H 44 PIThompson
FOUL 1H 38 babsbedi
FONE 1H 38 queen66
EF 15A 31 sicilianc5

On 17th draw, FAQIR 3I 52 --- FAQIR a religious ascetic in India [n]
Other moves: AFRIT 15A 50, FAQIR 11I 40, FAQIR N4 39, QAT 14F 38, FAINT 3I 34
QAT N6 34 babsbedi, queen66
QINTAR C1 30 moonmonkey
QI 1C 26 PIThompson, kellybelly
AN 15A 19 sicilianc5

On 18th draw, YUM 12K 29 --- YUM used to express pleasurable satisfaction [interj]
Other tops: MOY 12K 29, YOM 12K 29
Other moves: MONY D1 24, MY 1C 24, TRY 15B 24, TUMOR N11 24, NOY 12K 23
MONY D1 24 moonmonkey
OY 7B 23 sicilianc5
YOM N6 20 queen66, babsbedi
MON 12K 20 kellybelly

On 19th draw, ORT 11J 21 --- ORT a scrap of food [n]
Other moves: ON 15A 19, OR 15A 19, TRON 15B 19, TROT 15B 19, OR 14J 18
ORT 11J 21 queen66
ON 15A 19 kellybelly
VOR N6 16 sicilianc5, babsbedi

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