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Game on January 29, 2018 at 09:08, 5 players
1. 463 pts kellybelly
2. 70 pts PIThompson
3. 70 pts queen66

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. bddeeos   H4    24    24   boded
 2. acelnos   3C    82   106   seconal
 3. aeeiort   2I    70   176   etaerio
 4. ?aegirw   5D    94   270   wagmoire
 5. eeirsvw   O2    95   365   overwise
 6. ?cgiiqv   1D    49   414   vicing
 7. adgnnou   N9    24   438   adnoun
 8. aeinoop  O12    30   468   open
 9. aemorrt   8A    86   554   mortared
10. aeinrst   M7    90   644   resiant
11. agipquy   4K    36   680   pique
12. aabelot   1K    22   702   abet
13. agjostu   E8    28   730   ajugas
14. aefilnt   B8    76   806   olefiant
15. dhikoty  D12    44   850   hoik
16. dlmotux  A11    39   889   ox
17. dflmtuy  F10    32   921   mud
18. flltyyz   G7    38   959   fez

Remaining tiles: hlltyy

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7411 Filekellybelly  5 10:03  -496  463     1.7411 kellybelly  5 10:03  -496  463 
  2.7806 FilePIThompson  2  1:16  -889   70     2.7806 PIThompson  2  1:16  -889   70 
  3.6944 Filequeen66     2  1:47  -889   70     3.7035 sicilianc5  2  2:19  -889   70 
  4.7035 Filesicilianc5  2  2:19  -889   70     4.7642 moonmonkey  2  2:51  -889   70 
  5.7642 Filemoonmonkey  2  2:51  -889   70            Group: intermediate
                                             1.6944 queen66     2  1:47  -889   70 

On 1st draw, BODED H4 24 --- BODE to be an omen of [v]
Other moves: BEDES H4 22, BODED H8 22, BODES H4 22, DEBES H4 20, EDDOES H3 20

On 2nd draw, SECONAL 3C 82 --- SECONAL a preparation of secobarbital -- a trademark [n]
Other moves: SECONAL I1 75, SECONAL I7 70, CELADONS 6D 65, CELADONS 8D 64, COLONES 5E 36

On 3rd draw, ETAERIO 2I 70 --- ETAERIO an aggregated fruit like a blackberry [n]
Other moves: ETAERIO G6 68, ETAERIO I6 68, ETAERIO G8 62, ETAERIO I8 62, ABORTEE 4G 22

On 4th draw, WAG(M)OIRE 5D 94 --- WAGMOIRE a quagmire [n]
Other moves: GAW(C)IER 1F 92, GAW(S)IER 1F 92, EARWIG(S) 1D 88, WEARI(N)G 1C 87, EARWIG(S) 1C 85
AW 1N 32 kellybelly

On 5th draw, OVERWISE O2 95 --- OVERWISE too wise [adj]
Other tops: REVIEWS 1C 95, VIEWERS 1C 95
Other moves: REVIEWS G7 75, REVIEWS I7 75, RESEW 1H 52, WIVERS 1D 51, OVERSEW O2 42
REVIEWS 1C 45 kellybelly

On 6th draw, VICI(N)G 1D 49 --- VICE to grip with a special tool [v]
Other moves: QI(S) 1G 35, VI(N)IC 1E 32, (C)IVIC 1E 32, VIGI(A) 1G 31, VIGI(L) 1G 31
QI(S) 1G 35 kellybelly

On 7th draw, ADNOUN N9 24 --- ADNOUN an adjective when used as a noun [n]
Other tops: ENWOUND D3 24
Other moves: AGON N6 21, NO(M)AD G3 19, ADO N6 18, AGO N6 18, D*G* G7 18
DUNNO N7 15 kellybelly

On 8th draw, OPEN O12 30 --- OPEN affording unobstructed access, passage, or view [adj] --- OPEN to cause to become open [v]
Other moves: PONIED 6C 24, (M)OPANE G5 24, (M)OPANI G5 24, NEAP N4 23, NOOP N4 23
OPEN O12 30 kellybelly

On 9th draw, MORTARED 8A 86 --- MORTAR to secure with mortar (a type of cement) [v]
Other moves: MORTARED 10G 63, MOAT M12 30, MOER M12 30, MOA M12 28, MOE M12 28
MOAT M12 30 kellybelly

On 10th draw, RESIANT M7 90 --- RESIANT a residence [n]
Other tops: RETAINS M7 90
Other moves: MERANTIS A8 83, MINARETS A8 83, RESTRAIN M2 74, RETRAINS M2 74, ANTSIER M6 71
RENEST L1 26 kellybelly

On 11th draw, PIQUE 4K 36 --- PIQUE to arouse anger or resentment in [v]
Other moves: QUOP B6 35, QUAI 2A 34, QUA 2B 32, PYA 1K 27, YAP 1L 27
QUOP B6 35 kellybelly

On 12th draw, ABET 1K 22 --- ABET to encourage and support [v]
Other moves: (M)ABELA G5 21, ABELE 7F 20, ABLET 6A 20, BLAE 2A 20, LOBE 7E 20
ABET 1K 22 kellybelly

On 13th draw, AJUGAS E8 28 --- AJUGA a flowering plant [n]
Other tops: JUST 7B 28, JUTES 7E 28
Other moves: AJUGA E8 26, GAJOS E7 26, JAGAS E7 26, JUTE 7E 26, RAJ F8 26
JO 7B 22 kellybelly

On 14th draw, OLEFIANT B8 76 --- OLEFIANT oil-forming [adj]
Other moves: FILAMENT A4 67, FAIL D12 28, FAIN D12 28, FANE D12 28, FANTAIL 12A 28
FINE D12 28 kellybelly

On 15th draw, HOIK D12 44 --- HOIK to hitch up [v]
Other tops: KITH D12 44
Other moves: YODH D12 42, HOY F10 38, HOKI D12 36, YOK A10 36, KOI A13 35
HOIK D12 44 kellybelly

On 16th draw, OX A11 39 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other moves: MOD F10 32, MUD F10 32, MOT F10 30, MUT F10 30, ROM F8 30
OX A11 39 kellybelly

On 17th draw, MUD F10 32 --- MUD to cover with mud (soft, wet earth) [v]
Other moves: MUT F10 30, FLYMAN 11I 28, FOXY A10 27, MEDFLY G7 27, FEY 7G 26
MUD F10 32 PIThompson, queen66, sicilianc5, moonmonkey
FEY 10A 22 kellybelly

On 18th draw, FEZ G7 38 --- FEZ a brimless cap worn by men in the Near East [n]
Other tops: FEZ 7G 38
Other moves: FEYLY 7G 31, FEZ 10A 28, FOXY A10 27, FEY 7G 26, FEY G7 26
FEZ G7 38 PIThompson, kellybelly, sicilianc5
FEZ 7G 38 queen66, moonmonkey

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