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Game on Mars 16, 2018 at 06:20, 1 player
1. 609 pts kellybelly

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeestuw   H4    24    24   waste
 2. aaeikly   4H    32    56   weakly
 3. cegilor   5J    34    90   goier
 4. ahnnopt   8C    64   154   pantheon
 5. dilortv   3M    28   182   div
 6. aellrtu   O1    24   206   lave
 7. ?cefnsu   E4    98   304   unfences
 8. iinrsst   6J    30   334   sits
 9. ?dehioo   9H    86   420   dhootie
10. amorrtu   H1    39   459   outwasted
11. aeefntu  10J    29   488   neafe
12. aemnrxz   D2    56   544   zex
13. aemnort   C6    82   626   empatron
14. abdipry   B2    51   677   bardy
15. abenoqr   2G    36   713   burqa
16. ailotuv   A1    33   746   vola
17. cdinpru   A6    38   784   pudic
18. enorruw  D12    28   812   wore
19. egiijmt  15D    36   848   eejit
20. ggimnru  F10    25   873   migg

Remaining tiles: iilnru

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7457 Filekellybelly  7 17:03  -264  609     1.7457 kellybelly  7 17:03  -264  609 

On 1st draw, WASTE H4 24 --- WASTE to consume lavishly or thoughtlessly [v]
Other tops: WEEST H4 24, WEETS H4 24, WETAS H4 24
Other moves: EWEST H4 18, EWEST H8 18, SWEAT H4 18, SWEAT H8 18, SWEET H4 18
WEETS H4 24 kellybelly

On 2nd draw, WEAKLY 4H 32 --- WEAKLY weak and sickly [adj]
Other moves: YLKE 9G 29, ALKY 9G 26, KAYLE 9E 26, KYLIE 9F 26, YELK 9F 26
WEAKLY 4H 32 kellybelly

On 3rd draw, GOIER 5J 34 --- GOEY anxious to go [adj]
Other moves: CARGO 5G 33, LARGO 5G 29, LYRIC M3 26, GIO 5J 25, AERO 5H 24
LOCKER K1 24 kellybelly

On 4th draw, PANTHEON 8C 64 --- PANTHEON a temple dedicated to all the gods [n]
Other moves: HAP 3M 34, HOP 3M 34, OATH 6J 34, PAH 3M 32, PHO 3M 32
HAP 3M 34 kellybelly

On 5th draw, DIV 3M 28 --- DIV in Persian legend, an evil spirit [n]
Other moves: OLD 9G 27, ORD 9G 27, SLOID 6H 25, LIVYER M1 24, VISTO 6F 24
DIV 3M 28 kellybelly

On 6th draw, LAVE O1 24 --- LAVE to wash [v]
Other tops: LEVA O1 24, RAVE O1 24, ULVA O1 24, URVA O1 24
Other moves: ALE 9G 23, ARE 9G 23, LASTER 6F 23, LUSTER 6F 23, SLART 6H 23
RAVE O1 24 kellybelly

On 7th draw, UNFENC(E)S E4 98 --- UNFENCE to remove a fence from [v]
Other tops: UNF(E)NCES E4 98
Other moves: SCEN(T)FUL 1H 86, C(O)NFUSES 6C 78, FU(R)NACES D4 74, UNFENC(E)S E7 74, UNF(E)NCES E7 74
F(A)CES 9I 24 kellybelly

On 8th draw, SITS 6J 30 --- SIT to rest on the buttocks [v]
Other tops: SINS 6J 30
Other moves: SNIRTS K8 26, NKOSIS K3 24, SIRIS K8 24, SKORTS K3 24, SNIRT K8 24
STIRS K8 24 kellybelly

On 9th draw, DHOO(T)IE 9H 86 --- DHOOTIE a loincloth worn by Indian men [n]
Other moves: I(N)HOOPED C3 80, HOODIE(R) 9I 76, HOODIE(S) 9I 76, SHOO(G)IED 11E 72, HE(L)COID 9B 38
(S)HOOED 9H 34 kellybelly

On 10th draw, OUTWASTED H1 39 --- OUTWASTE to surpass in wasting [v]
Other moves: MOAT 10J 28, ATOM 8L 27, MORAT 10I 27, MORTAR F10 27, OM 10I 27
MOAT F10 23 kellybelly

On 11th draw, NEAFE 10J 29 --- NEAFE the fist [n]
Other moves: FA 10N 26, FAUN D1 26, FE 10N 26, FEEN D1 26, AFT 8M 25
FE 10N 26 kellybelly

On 12th draw, ZEX D2 56 --- ZEX a tool for cutting roof slates [n]
Other tops: ZAX D2 56
Other moves: ZA 8N 45, MAX D2 42, AXE D3 40, RAX D2 38, REX D2 38
ZAX D2 56 kellybelly

On 13th draw, EMPATRON C6 82 --- EMPATRON to patronize [v]
Other moves: MONSTERA 11B 60, MAZER 2B 36, MATZO 2A 32, MOTZA 2A 32, ROZET 2B 32
MAZER 2B 36 kellybelly

On 14th draw, BARDY B2 51 --- BARDY insolent [adj]
Other tops: PARDY B2 51
Other moves: DAIRY B2 47, DIARY B2 47, PYA B5 33, YAIRD B2 33, ABY D11 32
PARDY B2 51 kellybelly

On 15th draw, BURQA 2G 36 --- BURQA a coverall worn by Muslim women [n]
Other moves: ABORNE A5 35, ABORE A5 32, BORANE A6 32, NABE A1 32, ROBE A1 32
NABE A1 32 kellybelly

On 16th draw, VOLA A1 33 --- VOLA the hollow of a hand or foot [n]
Other tops: VATU A1 33
Other moves: TATOU 3F 31, LOVAT A6 30, OVAL A6 27, AIL C1 26, AIT C1 26
LAV A6 24 kellybelly

On 17th draw, PUDIC A6 38 --- PUDIC of or pertaining to the pudendum [adj]
Other moves: PIC A6 29, PURIN A6 29, DRIP A6 28, DUCI A6 28, RUNIC A6 27
DRIP A6 28 kellybelly

On 18th draw, WORE D12 28 --- WEAR to be dressed in clothing [v]
Other tops: WERO D12 28, WORN D12 28
Other moves: WEN D12 24, WOE D12 24, WON D12 24, ENOW D11 23, OWER B11 23
WORN D12 28 kellybelly

On 19th draw, EEJIT 15D 36 --- EEJIT (colloquial) an idiot [n]
Other moves: JETE 15A 33, REJIG 14D 29, MIG F10 23, MITE F10 23, JIG 1K 21
JETE 15A 33 kellybelly

On 20th draw, MIGG F10 25 --- MIGG a type of playing marble [n]
Other moves: MING F10 24, MIG F10 23, GNU 8M 22, MIR F10 22, MI F10 21
MING F10 24 kellybelly

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