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Game on May 27, 2018 at 20:54, 6 players
1. 886 pts OrangeCup
2. 534 pts SQUAW1
3. 299 pts PIThompson

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeehost   H4    26    26   heaste
 2. ?eiilmn   5E    86   112   timeline
 3. ?acdekr   L1    88   200   cankered
 4. aadilnt   8A    80   280   dilatant
 5. eorsttv   B7    76   356   viretots
 6. alnosvw   1J    33   389   vocals
 7. beiinou   1G    42   431   univocals
 8. fijnost  12A    42   473   joints
 9. aeipptu  A12    43   516   jaup
10. bdefowy   6J    45   561   forbye
11. ehnoprt   O3    45   606   threep
12. bdemoww   4A    40   646   wombed
13. eenrruw   3B    23   669   we
14. aefgruy   6F    33   702   faa
15. acdegor   A1    42   744   crowed
16. eggnrux   I9    34   778   xu
17. agginoz  F12    32   810   saz
18. eiilory  G13    29   839   yo
19. aggioqr   J8    24   863   gorgia
20. eiiinru  15G    21   884   urine
21. egiilno  K11    23   907   ingle

Remaining tiles: eioq

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: master
  1.9269 FileOrangeCup  13 17:37   -21  886     1.9269 OrangeCup  13 17:37   -21  886 
  2.7901 FileSQUAW1      8 16:23  -373  534            Group: advanced
  3.7712 FilePIThompson  6 10:31  -608  299     1.7901 SQUAW1      8 16:23  -373  534 
  4.  -  Filesicilianc5  7 11:43  -628  279     2.7712 PIThompson  6 10:31  -608  299 
  5.7795 Filemoonmonkey  1  3:16  -827   80     3.7795 moonmonkey  1  3:16  -827   80 
  6.6817 Filequeen66     1  1:37  -864   43            Group: intermediate
                                             1.6817 queen66     1  1:37  -864   43 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  sicilianc5  7 11:43  -628  279 

On 1st draw, HEASTE H4 26 --- HEASTE behest [n]
Other moves: HAETS H4 24, HASTE H4 24, HATES H4 24, HEAST H4 24, HEATS H4 24
HASTE H4 24 OrangeCup

On 2nd draw, (T)IMELINE 5E 86 --- TIMELINE a schedule of events [n]
Other tops: ILMENI(T)E 5E 86
Other moves: LINIME(N)T 8A 80, LI(N)IMENT 8A 80, TIMELIN(E) 8H 80, TIM(E)LINE 8H 80, MIL(L)INE G9 69
(T)IMELINE 5E 86 OrangeCup

On 3rd draw, CA(N)KERED L1 88 --- CANKER to affect with ulcerous sores [v]
Other moves: RACKE(T)ED L1 84, RE(B)ACKED L4 84, RE(P)ACKED L4 84, RE(R)ACKED L4 84, RE(T)ACKED L4 84
RE(P)ACKED L4 84 OrangeCup

On 4th draw, DILATANT 8A 80 --- DILATANT something that enlarges [n]
Other moves: DILA(T)ANT E1 58, ANTACID 1H 30, ALICANT 1I 27, ANTICAL 1H 27, LATAH 4D 23
DILATANT 8A 80 OrangeCup

On 5th draw, VIRETOTS B7 76 --- VIRETOT a rush or a dash [n]
Other moves: VIRETOTS J4 65, VOLETS I3 34, VECTOR 1J 33, VOARS 2J 32, REOS M2 28
VIRETOTS B7 76 OrangeCup

On 6th draw, VOCALS 1J 33 --- VOCAL a sound produced with the voice [n]
Other moves: AVOWALS 2H 30, SCOWL 1K 30, NAOS M2 28, VOWS 12A 28, ADOWN 8K 27
SCOWL 1K 30 OrangeCup

On 7th draw, UNIVOCALS 1G 42 --- UNIVOCAL a word having only one meaning [n]
Other moves: BINIOU A10 40, BEIN A12 38, BIEN A12 38, BEDUIN 8J 27, BINIOU K7 23
BEIN A12 38 OrangeCup, PIThompson, moonmonkey

On 8th draw, JOINTS 12A 42 --- JOINT to fit together by means of a junction [v]
Other moves: JOINS 4A 41, JOINS 12A 40, JOINT 12A 40, JOIST 12A 40, JOI(N)TS 3I 40
JOINTS 12A 42 SQUAW1, OrangeCup, PIThompson, moonmonkey

On 9th draw, JAUP A12 43 --- JAUP to splash [v]
Other moves: JEAT A12 37, UPDATE 8J 27, P*P*ST 7D 25, PIPET K7 25, PUPAE 4A 25
JAUP A12 43 SQUAW1, OrangeCup, queen66, sicilianc5

On 10th draw, FORBYE 6J 45 --- FORBYE close by [prep]
Other moves: FORBY 6J 44, FOREBY 6J 43, FYRD 6J 37, BEDYE 9D 33, DEBYE 9D 33
FORBY 6J 44 OrangeCup, sicilianc5

On 11th draw, THREEP O3 45 --- THREEP to dispute (pa p THREEPIT) [v]
Other moves: PHEER O4 39, PHENE O4 39, PHEON O4 39, THRENE O3 39, PETHER O5 33
THREEP O3 45 OrangeCup, PIThompson

On 12th draw, WOMBED 4A 40 --- WOMB the uterus [adj] --- WOMB to enclose, like a uterus [v]
Other moves: WOWED 4B 28, EMBOW K8 27, WOWEE 9D 27, BOWED 4B 26, MOWED 4B 26
WOMBED 4A 40 OrangeCup, SQUAW1, sicilianc5, PIThompson

On 13th draw, WE 3B 23 --- WE 1st person pl. pronoun in the nominative case [pron]
Other moves: BREWER M6 22, ENEW A1 21, WREN 2F 21, BREW M6 20, ENMEW C2 20
WE 3B 23 OrangeCup, SQUAW1, sicilianc5

On 14th draw, FAA 6F 33 --- FAA to fall (Scots) [v]
Other moves: ARGUFY M8 31, FEGARY 2C 30, GREW A1 30, ARGUFY K8 29, MEANY G5 29
GREW A1 30 OrangeCup, SQUAW1
MEANY G5 29 PIThompson

On 15th draw, CROWED A1 42 --- CROW to boast [v]
Other moves: CROWD A1 39, CROWEA A1 39, CRAW A1 33, CREW A1 33, CROW A1 33
CROWED A1 42 SQUAW1, OrangeCup, PIThompson, sicilianc5

On 16th draw, XU I9 34 --- XU a monetary unit of Vietnam [n]
Other tops: GREX 2C 34
Other moves: AXE M1 31, UNSEX F10 30, SEX F12 26, LEX C8 23, REX 9D 23
XU I9 34 SQUAW1, PIThompson, sicilianc5
GREX 2C 34 OrangeCup

On 17th draw, SAZ F12 32 --- SAZ a stringed instrument of the Middle East [n]
Other tops: ZAS F10 32, ZOS F10 32
Other moves: GAZING J10 30, AZON K8 29, ZONA J8 29, GAZON J10 28, GINZO J10 28
SAZ F12 32 OrangeCup

On 18th draw, YO G13 29 --- YO used to call attention or to express affirmation [interj]
Other moves: MAINLY G5 27, NYE G8 27, NY G8 26, YEX 9G 26, YO M3 24
YO G13 29 OrangeCup, SQUAW1, PIThompson, sicilianc5

On 19th draw, GORGIA J8 24 --- GORGIA an improvised passage in 16c singing [n]
Other tops: QAT E10 24
Other moves: ORGIA J9 22, AG H14 21, GORA J8 21, GORGIA J10 21, GORI J8 21
QAT E10 24 OrangeCup, sicilianc5
AG H14 21 SQUAW1

On 20th draw, URINE 15G 21 --- URINE a liquid containing body wastes [n] --- URINE to discharge a liquid containing body wastes [v]
Other moves: EN K8 18, IN K8 18, NE K9 16, RANI 2K 16, UNI K11 16
IN K8 18 OrangeCup

On 21th draw, INGLE K11 23 --- INGLE a fireplace [n]
Other moves: ONE K8 22, ORIGIN 9A 21, ELOIGN M8 19, OILING M8 19, EN K8 18
ONE K8 22 OrangeCup, SQUAW1

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