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Game on July 13, 2018 at 06:04, 1 player
1. 517 pts fatcat

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aensuvy   H8    30    30   savey
 2. ?eeinor   8A    74   104   pereions
 3. deiorst   E4    86   190   diorites
 4. ?acikmp   C8    86   276   rampicks
 5. aehimno  15A    42   318   mashie
 6. gilostu  11H    68   386   eulogist
 7. deflorv   6E    75   461   overfold
 8. abdlort   H1    33   494   bordar
 9. adeloox  O11    42   536   taxed
10. aopqstw   M3    42   578   qats
11. eloprtw  14F    80   658   plowter
12. glnnoru  13M    22   680   gox
13. efilnuu  15H    39   719   neif
14. bceinty   L4    30   749   bident
15. aacegow   K3    35   784   cowl
16. aelnnuy   D1    28   812   yale
17. aeinntu  N10    25   837   astone
18. hiijnnu  F10    29   866   hin
19. gijnruu   1A    42   908   jury
20. aginuuz   G1    41   949   aguize

Remaining tiles: nu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6652 Filefatcat      2 15:06  -432  517     1.6652 fatcat      2 15:06  -432  517 

On 1st draw, SAVEY H8 30 --- SAVEY to understand [v]
Other tops: SENVY H8 30
Other moves: UNEASY H7 26, SAVEY H4 24, SENVY H4 24, UNSAY H8 24, VANES H4 24

On 2nd draw, (P)EREIONS 8A 74 --- PEREION the thorax of some crustaceans [n]
Other tops: ERIN(G)OES 8A 74, E(L)OINERS 8A 74, OR(D)INEES 8A 74, (H)EROINES 8A 74, (P)IONEERS 8A 74
Other moves: SERO(T)INE 8H 71, EVER(S)ION 10G 64, OR(D)INEE G3 64, OVERNI(C)E 10G 64, OVER(F)INE 10G 64

On 3rd draw, DIORITES E4 86 --- DIORITE an igneous rock [n]
Other moves: TIERODS 13B 82, EDITORS 13B 80, SORTIED 13H 80, STEROID 13H 80, STORIED 13H 80
STORED 11D 14 fatcat

On 4th draw, RAMPICK(S) C8 86 --- RAMPICK a dead tree [n]
Other moves: O(O)MIACK F8 43, PAI(O)CK D10 42, PA(N)ICK D10 42, M(U)DPACK 4C 40, PAI(O)CKE B2 40
PACK D10 30 fatcat

On 5th draw, MA(S)HIE 15A 42 --- MASHIE a golf club [n]
Other moves: HOM B10 39, MANEH D1 37, HO(S)EMAN 15A 36, MA(S)H 15A 36, ME(S)H 15A 36
MA(S)H 15A 36 fatcat

On 6th draw, EULOGIST 11H 68 --- EULOGIST one that eulogizes [n]
Other moves: MA(S)HIEST 15A 36, TOILS G11 24, TOLUS G11 24, GLITS D2 22, GLOST D2 22
MA(S)HIEST 15A 36 fatcat

On 7th draw, OVERFOLD 6E 75 --- OVERFOLD to fold over [v]
Other moves: FRIVOLED 5C 65, OVERFOLD K6 65, VOLED D1 35, FOLDER 14F 33, FORTED O8 33
FOLDER 14F 33 fatcat

On 8th draw, BORDAR H1 33 --- BORDAR a cottager subject to a lord [n]
Other moves: BROAD D1 31, ALKO 14A 29, BLOAT D1 28, BOARD 14F 28, BORAL D1 28
BOARD 14F 28 fatcat

On 9th draw, TAXED O11 42 --- TAX to place a tax (a charge imposed by authority for public purposes) on [v]
Other moves: TAXOL O11 39, AXLED D1 37, DEX D3 37, LOXED D1 37, OXO 12J 37
TAXED O11 42 fatcat

On 10th draw, QATS M3 42 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: SPAW N11 41, MA(S)HIEST 15A 36, STAW N11 35, STOW N11 35, KOAPS 14C 34
MA(S)HIEST 15A 36 fatcat

On 11th draw, PLOWTER 14F 80 --- PLOWTER to potter [v]
Other moves: SPEW N11 41, ESTOP N10 37, RESPOT N9 37, SLOPE N11 36, STOPE N11 36
SPEW N11 41 fatcat

On 12th draw, GOX 13M 22 --- GOX gaseous oxygen [n]
Other moves: LOX 13M 20, LUX 13M 20, NOX 13M 20, GOURD 4A 18, OURANG 4J 18
GOX 13M 22 fatcat

On 13th draw, NEIF 15H 39 --- NEIF the fist or hand [n]
Other moves: FE 15H 35, FAINE 5G 32, FIE F10 29, FIL F10 29, FILE N2 29
FE 15H 35 fatcat

On 14th draw, BIDENT L4 30 --- BIDENT a sheep two years old [n]
Other tops: BYTE D1 30, CYTE D1 30
Other moves: YITE N2 29, BEANY 4K 28, BEATY 4K 28, BEIGY L8 28, BENNY G5 28
BITE N2 27 fatcat

On 15th draw, COWL K3 35 --- COWL to cover with a hood [v]
Other moves: GOWL K3 33, WAGE D1 30, W*G 12K 30, AWL K4 29, OWL K4 29
WAGE D1 30 fatcat

On 16th draw, YALE D1 28 --- YALE a mythical animal [n]
Other tops: YULE D1 28
Other moves: YAULD 4A 26, AYU 12J 25, OYE N13 25, LEANY G5 24, UNLAY 8K 24
OY N13 20 fatcat

On 17th draw, ASTONE N10 25 --- ASTONE to amaze or shock [v]
Other tops: ANENT C1 25
Other moves: NEUSTON N8 24, AKE 14B 23, NEAT C1 23, TINY 1A 21, TUNY 1A 21
TINY 1A 21 fatcat

On 18th draw, HIN F10 29 --- HIN a Hebrew unit of liquid measure [n]
Other moves: HI F10 28, JEHU B7 27, HUI N1 23, HI 12K 21, HI N2 21
JIN 12B 20 fatcat

On 19th draw, JURY 1A 42 --- JURY to select material for exhibition [v]
Other moves: JUGA 2A 24, JIG 12B 22, JURA 2A 22, URNING 8J 21, JIN 12B 20
JIN 12B 20 fatcat

On 20th draw, AGUIZE G1 41 --- AGUIZE to adorn [v]
Other moves: NAZI 8L 39, ZA G2 26, ZAG C4 26, ZIG 12B 26, ZIG C4 26
ZIG C4 26 fatcat

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