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Game on July 20, 2018 at 19:56, 5 players
1. 779 pts OrangeCup
2. 31 pts PIThompson
3. 31 pts moonmonkey

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ??egruv   H2    76    76   sevruga
 2. aefghir   2B    28   104   hirages
 3. deikmsy   5E    56   160   smirked
 4. aeertuy   1A    34   194   yate
 5. aenptyz   4A    50   244   zante
 6. adelnnr   A4    48   292   zander
 7. aehlsuu   6J    34   326   halse
 8. aceiirt   O4    39   365   carte
 9. aillmtx   M2    36   401   laxism
10. binooty   B4    33   434   aby
11. cdefils   2J    36   470   filled
12. ainostu   9A    70   540   rainouts
13. enooopu   L1    36   576   olpe
14. eginoos   N8    72   648   noogies
15. einoruw   B9    34   682   awnier
16. coortuw  14G    69   751   outcrows
17. dilopqt  15D    38   789   pilot
18. abdfouv  A12    41   830   baud
19. fijnoqv  13L    39   869   joe

Remaining tiles: finqv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: master
  1.9321 FileOrangeCup  10 19:11   -90  779     1.9321 OrangeCup  10 19:11   -90  779 
  2.7790 FilePIThompson  0  0:48  -838   31            Group: advanced
  3.7066 Filemoonmonkey  0  1:07  -838   31     1.7790 PIThompson  0  0:48  -838   31 
  4.7013 Filesicilianc5  0  1:25  -838   31     2.7066 moonmonkey  0  1:07  -838   31 
  5.7620 Filequeen66     0  1:44  -838   31     3.7013 sicilianc5  0  1:25  -838   31 
                                             4.7620 queen66     0  1:44  -838   31 

On 1st draw, (S)EVRUG(A) H2 76 --- SEVRUGA caviar from the Caspian Sea [n]
Other tops: VER(R)UG(A) H4 76, VE(R)RUG(A) H4 76, VUG(G)(I)ER H4 76, VUG(H)(I)ER H4 76, VU(G)G(I)ER H4 76, V(I)RGU(L)E H4 76, V(O)GUER(S) H4 76, V(O)GU(I)ER H4 76, (O)UVR(A)GE H2 76
Other moves: GR(A)VU(R)E H4 72, G(R)(A)VURE H4 72, VER(R)UG(A) H7 72, VE(R)RUG(A) H7 72, VUG(G)(I)ER H2 72
VUG(H)(I)ER H4 76 OrangeCup

On 2nd draw, HIRAGE(S) 2B 28 --- HIRAGE the fee for hiring something [n]
Other tops: FAUGH 6F 28
Other moves: HIREAGE 3B 26, HEGARI(S) 2B 24, HEGIRA(S) 2B 24, HIRAGE 3C 24, FAH G1 23
FAH G1 23 OrangeCup

On 3rd draw, SMIRKED 5E 56 --- SMIRK to smile in an affected or smug manner [v]
Other moves: DEMISE 3C 38, SKYDIVE 4C 36, KED 1A 32, KRISED D1 32, IDEM 3B 31
KED 1A 32 OrangeCup

On 4th draw, YATE 1A 34 --- YATE a gate [n]
Other moves: ARTY 6C 32, EATERY 4J 31, YURTA 4A 26, YURTA 6B 26, RATE 1A 25
YATE 1A 34 OrangeCup

On 5th draw, ZANTE 4A 50 --- ZANTE satinwood [n]
Other moves: ZANTE 6B 44, ZAP 3A 44, PEZANT 4J 43, PANTY 6B 41, PEATY 6B 41
ZANTE 4A 50 OrangeCup

On 6th draw, ZANDER A4 48 --- ZANDER a freshwater fish [n]
Other moves: ZERDA A4 45, DARNEL 6J 23, LEARNED 3G 23, RELAND 4J 23, DARNEL 4J 22
ZANDER A4 48 OrangeCup

On 7th draw, HALSE 6J 34 --- HALSE to embrace [v]
Other tops: HALES 6J 34, HAULS 6J 34, HAUSE 6J 34, HEALS 6J 34
Other moves: SHALE 10A 33, SHAUL 10A 33, SHEAL 10A 33, SHULE 10A 33, SHEA 10A 32
HALES 6J 34 OrangeCup

On 8th draw, CARTE O4 39 --- CARTE a menu [n]
Other tops: CARET O4 39, CERIA O4 39
Other moves: IATRIC O3 36, AREIC O5 30, ARTIC O5 30, CRATE O5 30, ERICA O5 30
CARTE O4 39 OrangeCup

On 9th draw, LAXISM M2 36 --- LAXISM a moral opinion [n]
Other moves: MAXI N8 33, MIXT N8 33, MAX N8 32, MIX N8 32, TAXI N8 29
MAXI N8 33 OrangeCup

On 10th draw, ABY B4 33 --- ABY to pay the penalty for [v]
Other tops: YO L3 33
Other moves: YIN B6 32, YON B6 32, YOU 6F 31, BO L3 30, ANY B4 29
YO L3 33 OrangeCup

On 11th draw, FILLED 2J 36 --- FILL to put as much as can be held into [v]
Other tops: FIELDS 2J 36
Other moves: FIELD 2J 34, FILLES 2J 34, FE L3 33, FELLS 2J 32, FILLE 2J 32
FE L3 33 OrangeCup

On 12th draw, RAINOUTS 9A 70 --- RAINOUT atomic fallout occurring in precipitation [n]
Other moves: MANITOUS F5 64, ALTO L1 30, ULNA L1 30, GISMO F2 25, SAINT 10A 24
MANITOUS F5 64 OrangeCup

On 13th draw, OLPE L1 36 --- OLPE a Greek jug [n]
Other moves: OLEO L1 30, NOOP 10C 28, NOUP 10C 28, OOP 10D 25, OPE 10E 25
OLPE L1 36 OrangeCup

On 14th draw, NOOGIES N8 72 --- NOOGIE a playful rubbing of one's knuckles on another's head [n]
Other moves: IONOGENS D7 70, SINE 10A 31, GOONS 10B 29, SEN 10A 28, SIN 10A 28
NOOGIES N8 72 OrangeCup

On 15th draw, AWNIER B9 34 --- AWNY bristly like an awn [adj]
Other moves: WOE 10B 31, WE 1N 29, WO 1N 29, OWER M12 28, WO 10B 28
WOE 10B 31 OrangeCup

On 16th draw, OUTCROWS 14G 69 --- OUTCROW to surpass in crowing [v]
Other moves: OUTROW O10 42, OUTROW M10 31, TROW A12 31, TROW O12 31, WO 1N 29
TROW A12 31 OrangeCup, PIThompson, moonmonkey, sicilianc5, queen66

On 17th draw, PILOT 15D 38 --- PILOT to control the course of [v]
Other moves: LIPO 15F 34, TOPI 15F 34, DIP 15F 32, DOP 15F 32, DIPT 15E 31
PILOT 15D 38 OrangeCup

On 18th draw, BAUD A12 41 --- BAUD a unit of data transmission speed [n]
Other moves: DAUB A12 36, DOAB A12 36, VIFDA 12A 32, FAB A13 31, FOB A13 31
DOAB A12 36 OrangeCup

On 19th draw, JOE 13L 39 --- JOE a fellow [n]
Other moves: JO M9 36, FUJI F8 30, NIFE 3E 27, JINGO 11K 26, QI 8C 26
JO M9 36 OrangeCup

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