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Game on September 8, 2018 at 18:11, 5 players
1. 258 pts OrangeCup
2. 32 pts PIThompson
3. 24 pts moonmonkey

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?iimosy   H3    28    28   myosin
 2. eefinot   I5    25    53   nife
 3. aaeglow   4C    26    79   logway
 4. afhoptv   F2    30   109   fowth
 5. aeeorry   J2    26   135   yarer
 6. ehjmosz   7C    41   176   zhos
 7. adepstu   B5    86   262   updates
 8. aeimnru   8A    48   310   naam
 9. eegijnt  A11    41   351   eejit
10. abenort   K5    98   449   reboant
11. adeeinu  13A    28   477   jeaned
12. aikrsuw   8K    42   519   okras
13. aegilqu  10E    90   609   equaling
14. abiilor  11E    27   636   liri
15. ?adituv   O1    89   725   viaducts
16. binrtuw   5D    32   757   buttoner
17. ceginor   A1    32   789   coign
18. deooprv   M1    80   869   provedor
19. ceeilnw  D12    22   891   enew

Remaining tiles: cilnx

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: master
  1.9281 FileOrangeCup   4  6:34  -633  258     1.9281 OrangeCup   4  6:34  -633  258 
  2.7947 FilePIThompson  1  1:39  -859   32            Group: advanced
  3.7448 Filemoonmonkey  0  0:51  -867   24     1.7947 PIThompson  1  1:39  -859   32 
  4.7632 Filesicilianc5  0  1:13  -867   24     2.7448 moonmonkey  0  0:51  -867   24 
  5.7393 Filequeen66     0  1:34  -867   24     3.7632 sicilianc5  0  1:13  -867   24 
                                             4.7393 queen66     0  1:34  -867   24 

On 1st draw, MYOSI(N) H3 28 --- MYOSIN a protein found in muscle tissue [n]
Other tops: MYOSI(S) H3 28, MYO(S)IS H3 28, SIMO(N)Y H7 28, YO(G)ISM H4 28, (D)ISOMY H7 28
Other moves: IMS(H)Y H8 26, MIS(S)Y H8 26, MIS(T)Y H8 26, MI(M)SY H8 26, MI(S)SY H8 26

On 2nd draw, NIFE I5 25 --- NIFE the earth's hypothetical core of nickel and iron [n]
Other moves: NOTIFY 4C 24, FEINT I7 23, FIENT I2 23, NIEF I2 23, EFT G3 22

On 3rd draw, LOGWAY 4C 26 --- LOGWAY a ramp used in logging [n]
Other moves: GOWL G7 25, ALWAY 4D 22, AGLEAM 3C 20, GALEA G7 20, GALA G7 19

On 4th draw, FOWTH F2 30 --- FOWTH abundance [n]
Other tops: OF J5 30
Other moves: FOP J4 28, HOP J4 28, FAH 3B 27, OPAH 3A 27, PHAT G2 27

On 5th draw, YARER J2 26 --- YARE nimble [adj]
Other moves: RAREFY 2B 24, ARY I1 21, GEARE E4 21, OGEE E3 21, RAY 3B 21

On 6th draw, ZHOS 7C 41 --- ZHO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: HOMES K1 39, SEZ 3B 39, SEZ K5 36, JOES 7C 34, MOZES 7B 32

On 7th draw, UPDATES B5 86 --- UPDATE to bring up to date [v]
Other moves: UPDATES 9B 75, SPAED 8A 47, SPAE 8A 38, UPDATE B5 35, ADEPTS B6 31

On 8th draw, NAAM 8A 48 --- NAAM legal distraint [n]
Other moves: MANURE A8 45, MARINE A8 45, MUREIN A8 45, MURENA A8 45, MURINE A8 45

On 9th draw, EEJIT A11 41 --- EEJIT (colloquial) an idiot [n]
Other moves: EEJIT J8 30, TEEING A10 28, JET 3B 26, REJIG 4J 26, GINGE E1 25

On 10th draw, REBOANT K5 98 --- REBOANT resounding loudly [adj]
Other moves: BARONET J8 67, ALTEZA C3 36, TABER K1 33, BONER K1 31, JERBOA 13A 30
REBOANT K5 98 OrangeCup

On 11th draw, JEANED 13A 28 --- JEAN a durable cotton fabric [adj] --- JEANED wearing jeans [adj]
Other moves: DINGE E1 25, DAINE L6 24, DIENE L6 24, EDGE E2 24, JADE 13A 24
JEANED 13A 28 OrangeCup

On 12th draw, OKRAS 8K 42 --- OKRA a tall annual herb [n]
Other moves: WARKS L1 37, WAUKS L1 37, KAW 12C 35, KUIAS L1 33, KURIS 12C 33
WARKS L1 37 OrangeCup

On 13th draw, EQUALING 10E 90 --- EQUAL to reach the same level of quantity or value [v]
Other moves: EQUALI N5 37, QUALIA N6 37, QUAIL N6 36, QUALE N6 36, EQUID F9 35
QUAIL N6 36 OrangeCup

On 14th draw, LIRI 11E 27 --- LIRA a monetary unit of Italy [n]
Other tops: ABOIL 12D 27, ABORAL H10 27, BORAL 12C 27, LABOR 12C 27, LIRA 11E 27, LOBAR 12C 27
Other moves: BIRO 12C 25, BORA 12C 25, LAIR 11D 25, LOBI 12C 25, ORIBI 12D 25
BORAL 12C 27 OrangeCup

On 15th draw, VIADU(C)TS O1 89 --- VIADUCT a type of bridge [n]
Other moves: ALT(E)ZA C3 33, DIVA(N) A1 28, VATU(S) L1 26, VAUT(S) L1 26, VITA(S) L1 26

On 16th draw, BUTTONER 5D 32 --- BUTTONER one that buttons [n]
Other moves: BRUIN A1 26, BURIN A1 26, RUBIN A1 26, WIT 5D 23, BURIN 14C 22

On 17th draw, COIGN A1 32 --- COIGN to secure with a type of wedge [v]
Other moves: ERINGO A1 31, INCOG A1 30, ORCIN A1 26, RECON A1 26, REIGN A1 26
COIGN A1 32 OrangeCup, PIThompson

On 18th draw, PROVEDOR M1 80 --- PROVEDOR someone who supplies provisions [n]
Other moves: GORPED L10 26, PROVER M3 24, DROVER M3 22, ROOPED 14E 22, OPE N2 21
PROVER M3 24 moonmonkey, sicilianc5, queen66

On 19th draw, ENEW D12 22 --- ENEW in falconry, to plunge the quarry into water [v]
Other moves: EE 9M 21, EL 9M 21, EN 9M 21, ENEW 14D 18, GENIC L10 18

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