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Game on September 28, 2018 at 08:42, 1 player
1. 314 pts kellybelly

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ddinosv   H4    26    26   voids
 2. bcdelsu   5D   102   128   beclouds
 3. ?eefort   3C    88   216   thereof
 4. adehnsv   6B    42   258   deash
 5. ailnntu   8F    59   317   insulant
 6. abinrtt   7A    20   337   riant
 7. ?eknoop   A7    42   379   rebook
 8. elmortx   B9    54   433   exo
 9. abiopuz   C9    52   485   zo
10. adeijnt   C9    37   522   zonated
11. hilnors  15C    36   558   dishorn
12. aeiimpv   2I    43   601   impave
13. abeglrt   1D    39   640   batler
14. aeegiru  14H    78   718   eugarie
15. agijmow  13I    45   763   jam
16. ceilopq  14C    33   796   epic
17. iloruwy   L1    28   824   yawl
18. aeginuw   A7    39   863   rebooking
19. afioqrt  13M    48   911   qat
20. efiouwy   1N    29   940   fy
21. egioruw   O8    24   964   rigout

Remaining tiles: ew

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7384 Filekellybelly  3  9:23  -650  314     1.7384 kellybelly  3  9:23  -650  314 

On 1st draw, VOIDS H4 26 --- VOID to make void (of no legal force or effect) [v]
Other moves: VINOS H4 24, VISON H4 24, VOIDS H8 20, DIDOS H4 18, VINOS H8 18

On 2nd draw, BECLOUDS 5D 102 --- BECLOUD to make cloudy [v]
Other moves: BECLOUD 5D 24, SUBCODE 5D 24, BOUCLES 5G 22, BLOUSED 5F 20, BOUCLE 5G 20
BLOUSED 5F 20 kellybelly

On 3rd draw, T(H)EREOF 3C 88 --- THEREOF of that [adv]
Other moves: OFTE(N)ER 3H 86, FREEBO(O)T D1 84, FREEB(O)OT D1 84, SOFTE(N)ER 8H 83, EF(F)ECTOR F1 72
OF 4D 23 kellybelly

On 4th draw, DEASH 6B 42 --- DEASH to remove ash from [v]
Other moves: ENDASH 6A 41, DASH 6C 37, EDH 6D 37, NESH 6C 36, ASH 6D 35
DEASH 6B 42 kellybelly

On 5th draw, INSULANT 8F 59 --- INSULANT an insulating material [n]
Other moves: INSULANT K3 58, ANTI 7C 24, LATI 7C 24, TINDAL 7E 20, INDULT 7F 17
TIND 7E 17 kellybelly

On 6th draw, RIANT 7A 20 --- RIANT cheerful [adj]
Other moves: ABRIN 4K 18, ATABRIN K8 18, BANT 7A 18, BARN 7A 18, BATT 7A 18
BAT 2E 17 kellybelly

On 7th draw, RE(B)OOK A7 42 --- BOOK to reserve in advance [v] --- REBOOK to book again [v]
Other tops: RE(C)OOK A7 42, RE(L)OOK A7 42, RE(T)OOK A7 42
Other moves: BANKNO(T)E D5 36, ROO(I)NEK A7 33, E(R)K 8B 32, E(U)K 8B 32, OPE(R)ON 2I 31
ROOK(I)E A7 30 kellybelly

On 8th draw, EXO B9 54 --- EXO excellent (Australian slang) [adj]
Other moves: EX B9 51, OX B9 51, EXTOL 2I 33, OXTER 2I 33, OXER 2I 32
EXO B9 54 kellybelly

On 9th draw, ZO C9 52 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: ADZ J4 33, LAZO J8 33, POZ C11 33, BAIZA K7 32, LUZ J8 32
ZO C9 52 kellybelly

On 10th draw, ZONATED C9 37 --- ZONATED having zones [adj]
Other moves: ZONATE C9 33, ZONDA C9 33, ZONED C9 33, KNEAD 12A 31, ZONAE C9 31
JEAN 2B 27 kellybelly

On 11th draw, DISHORN 15C 36 --- DISHORN to deprive of horns [v]
Other tops: DRONISH 15C 36, SIDH 15A 36
Other moves: HORI D12 34, OLDISH 15A 33, LEISH 14B 32, SHIN D11 32, SHIR D11 32
SHIN D11 32 kellybelly

On 12th draw, IMPAVE 2I 43 --- IMPAVE to set in a pavement [v]
Other moves: IMPAVE 14I 40, IMPAVES E9 28, PIMA 9I 26, VAMPS E11 24, PAM 9I 23

On 13th draw, BATLER 1D 39 --- BATLER a wooden mallet for beating clothes [n]
Other tops: BLATER 1D 39
Other moves: BARGE 1F 35, BELGA 1F 35, GLEBAE 14A 35, BLARE 1F 31, BEGAR 1E 30

On 14th draw, EUGARIE 14H 78 --- EUGARIE Queensland name for the pipi shellfish [n]
Other moves: EUGARIE 14I 72, REGIE 14B 28, AGEE 14F 21, AGUE 14F 21, EUGE 14E 21

On 15th draw, JAM 13I 45 --- JAM to force together tightly [v]
Other moves: JAM 13K 43, JAGA L1 40, JAG 13K 39, JOG 13K 39, JA 13I 38

On 16th draw, EPIC 14C 33 --- EPIC a long narrative poem [n]
Other moves: CLEPE 14A 24, PEC 13M 24, QI 2B 24, QOPH F12 24, CALP L1 22

On 17th draw, YAWL L1 28 --- YAWL to howl [v]
Other tops: WALY L1 28, WARY L1 28
Other moves: IVORY M1 22, LOY 2E 22, OWLY 4K 22, OY 1K 22, RAWLY K7 22

On 18th draw, RE(B)OOKING A7 39 --- REBOOK to book again [v]
Other moves: KNAWE 12A 35, UVEA M1 31, KNAG 12A 29, WAGE 12J 28, WANG 12J 28

On 19th draw, QAT 13M 48 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: FAQIR 12J 46, FAQIR K7 34, FAQIR M11 34, QAT 13E 33, FAITOR 12J 32

On 20th draw, FY 1N 29 --- FY expressing disapproval [interj]
Other moves: EVO M1 27, WEY 13E 27, WOF 13E 27, FY 9F 26, FOY 9E 24

On 21th draw, RIGOUT O8 24 --- RIGOUT a person's distinctive costume [n]
Other moves: WIG 13E 23, W*G 13E 23, WO 4E 22, WOE 2E 22, ROGUE 9I 21

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