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Game on October 31, 2018 at 17:50, 5 players
1. 157 pts GLOBEMAN
2. 86 pts sunshine12
3. 86 pts WEASEL

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adefhir   H4    28    28   haired
 2. aeklnpx   6E    35    63   axlike
 3. ?eegilq   4G    34    97   sheqel
 4. ?abnotv   8G    62   159   bevatron
 5. aeenoru   5B    23   182   urena
 6. deilnoy   G8    70   252   bodyline
 7. eeprstw   O2   137   389   pewters
 8. egnoors  11E    44   433   eryngos
 9. ijopstu  15D    66   499   jupes
10. lmnoouv   A1    41   540   novum
11. efiiort   1A    86   626   notifier
12. acegitt   M7    82   708   cogitate
13. aafimor  N10    63   771   foram
14. iilostu  O12    27   798   soul
15. adginyz  10J    64   862   za
16. adeinwy  12C    48   910   widely
17. adginot   2J    28   938   dognap
18. abchiit   3F    40   978   bach

Remaining tiles: iiit

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7265 FileGLOBEMAN    1  6:10  -821  157     1.7265 GLOBEMAN    1  6:10  -821  157 
  2.7647 Filesunshine12  1  1:11  -892   86     2.7647 sunshine12  1  1:11  -892   86 
  3.7829 FileWEASEL      1  2:32  -892   86     3.7829 WEASEL      1  2:32  -892   86 
  4.  -  Filechunk88     1  1:50  -914   64            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  0:25  -965   13     1.  -  chunk88     1  1:50  -914   64 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  0:25  -965   13 

On 1st draw, HAIRED H4 28 --- HAIR to free from hair [v] --- HAIRED having hair [adj]
Other tops: FADIER H4 28, FAIRED H4 28
Other moves: FADER H4 26, FARED H4 26, FIRED H4 26, FRIED H4 26, HARED H4 26

On 2nd draw, AXLIKE 6E 35 --- AXLIKE resembling an ax [adj]
Other moves: KEX I3 33, APEX I2 30, PAX I3 29, LANX G3 28, PANAX 5E 28

On 3rd draw, (S)HEQEL 4G 34 --- SHEQEL an ancient unit of weight and money [n]
Other moves: EQ(U)ALI E3 28, GALI(L)EE E5 28, GA(L)ILEE E5 28, Q(U)ELEA E1 28, EQ(U)AL E3 26

On 4th draw, BEVAT(R)ON 8G 62 --- BEVATRON a proton accelerator [n]
Other moves: BOVAT(E) 5A 32, (S)ABATON E5 32, BO(W)AT D4 31, AVO(S) M1 29, AVO(W) D3 29

On 5th draw, URENA 5B 23 --- URENA any plant of the marrow family [n]
Other tops: ARENE 5B 23, RANEE 5B 23
Other moves: AUNE 5C 21, ERNE 5C 21, RONE 5C 21, RUNE 5C 21, URAO 5C 21

On 6th draw, BODYLINE G8 70 --- BODYLINE in cricket, a fast bowl at the batsman's body [n]
Other moves: NYED 4A 31, YOD 4B 27, DOILY 5K 26, DOYEN 5K 26, LORDY C3 26

On 7th draw, PEWTERS O2 137 --- PEWTER a tin alloy [n]
Other moves: TWERPS O3 84, SPREW O8 81, WEEPS O4 81, SWEEP O8 78, TWEERS O3 78

On 8th draw, ERYNGOS 11E 44 --- ERYNGO a medicinal herb [n]
Other moves: ENGORES 15B 30, GOOSE M1 30, GORSE M1 30, NEGROES 15B 30, NOOSER M1 30

On 9th draw, JUPES 15D 66 --- JUPE a woman's jacket [n]
Other moves: JUTES 15D 60, JOIST 10J 57, JOUST 10J 57, JOTS 10J 54, JUST 10J 54

On 10th draw, NOVUM A1 41 --- NOVUM a dice game whre nine and five are important [n]
Other moves: NOVUM B2 32, VUM N1 28, MONO N1 27, OMOV 12I 27, LOOM 4A 26

On 11th draw, NOTIFIER 1A 86 --- NOTIFIER one that notifies [n]
Other moves: NOTIFIER 14G 78, NOTIFIER N8 76, NIFTIER N8 36, FENI N6 30, FENT N6 30

On 12th draw, COGITATE M7 82 --- COGITATE to ponder [v]
Other moves: TIETAC 3C 33, NICTATE N8 30, COTTAGE M7 28, ATRETIC C3 26, TACE 3F 26

On 13th draw, FORAM N10 63 --- FORAM a marine protozoan [n]
Other moves: FARM L12 38, FIRM L12 38, FOAM N3 37, FANO N6 36, FARO N10 34

On 14th draw, SOUL O12 27 --- SOUL the spiritual aspect of human beings [n]
Other tops: SOUT O12 27
Other moves: LIST M2 26, LITS M1 26, LOST M2 26, LOTS M1 26, LOUS M1 26

On 15th draw, ZA 10J 64 --- ZA pizza (slang) [n]
Other moves: ZAYIN 12A 56, ZIGAN 12A 52, ZANY 10B 41, ZYGA 10B 39, VIZY 3A 38
ZA 10J 64 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, WEASEL, chunk88

On 16th draw, WIDELY 12C 48 --- WIDE having great extent from side to side [adv] --- WIDELY in a wide manner [adv]
Other moves: YEWEN D4 45, DEEWAN D3 43, DEWANI D4 43, DEWY D4 43, NEWED D4 43
ZONE J10 13 BadBoyBen

On 17th draw, DOGNAP 2J 28 --- DOGNAP to steal a dog [v]
Other moves: GODWIT C9 26, DONA N1 25, TOAD N3 25, DARTING C3 24, DORTING C3 24
TAD 2D 22 sunshine12, WEASEL, GLOBEMAN

On 18th draw, BACH 3F 40 --- BACH a Welsh term of address [n] --- BACH to live as a bachelor [v]
Other moves: TACH 3F 38, TICH 3F 38, ACH 3G 37, ICH 3G 37, CH 3H 33

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