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Game on November 12, 2018 at 08:01, 1 player
1. 203 pts kellybelly

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?ceekrr   H8    84    84   wrecker
 2. aeggqrs  15C    69   153   aggers
 3. adelotv  B10    34   187   ovated
 4. addiprt  14F    28   215   pardi
 5. aeefory   A6    38   253   arefy
 6. abelorw   5A    86   339   rowable
 7. aeijnno  13F    47   386   ajee
 8. deiiotv  11E    52   438   ovicide
 9. hlnrsuu  L11    32   470   shuln
10. abeinuz   9G    83   553   urbanize
11. imnosuw   O6    47   600   mows
12. ?cfinot   N1    84   684   faction
13. eglnoou   4B    23   707   nolo
14. adeilqt  12A    48   755   qadi
15. aeorstt   6D    75   830   toaster
16. ailmptu   1J    36   866   uplift
17. ehimnty   2E    83   949   thymine
18. aeginux  10M    61  1010   ax

Remaining tiles: eginu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7404 Filekellybelly  2  4:37  -807  203     1.7404 kellybelly  2  4:37  -807  203 

On 1st draw, (W)RECKER H8 84 --- WRECKER one that wrecks [n]
Other moves: (W)RECKER H2 76, (W)RECKER H3 76, (W)RECKER H6 76, (W)RECKER H7 76, (W)RECKER H4 74

On 2nd draw, AGGERS 15C 69 --- AGGER a mound of earth used as a fortification [n]
Other tops: EGGARS 15C 69
Other moves: GAGERS 15C 66, GAGES 15D 66, SAGGER 15H 66, SEGGAR 15H 66, GEARS 15D 63

On 3rd draw, OVATED B10 34 --- OVATE to receive with an ovation [v]
Other tops: LOAVED B10 34
Other moves: VELATED 13G 32, LAVED B11 28, LOVED B11 28, VALETED 13C 28, VELATED 13C 28

On 4th draw, PARDI 14F 28 --- PARDI used as a mild oath [interj]
Other moves: PARTI 14F 27, RAPID A6 27, DRIPT A6 26, PADRI A6 26, PARDI A6 26

On 5th draw, AREFY A6 38 --- AREFY to dry up [v]
Other tops: FAERY A6 38, FORAY A6 38, REEFY A6 38
Other moves: FRAY A7 35, *F*Y A7 35, FAY A8 32, FEY A8 32, FOY A8 32

On 6th draw, ROWABLE 5A 86 --- ROW to propel by means of oars [adj] --- ROWABLE able to be rowed [adj]
Other moves: ROWABLE B1 84, WORKABLE 12E 84, ROWABLE K8 83, ROWABLE I2 65, BARLOW B1 51

On 7th draw, AJEE 13F 47 --- AJEE off the straight [adv]
Other moves: JOE 4D 44, JEE 13G 41, JA 4D 40, JNANA D1 40, JO 4D 40

On 8th draw, OVICIDE 11E 52 --- OVICIDE an agent that kills eggs [n]
Other moves: DATIVE D4 28, VOWED C3 28, DOVIE K10 27, IVIED K11 27, VIDEO K11 27

On 9th draw, SHULN L11 32 --- SHUL a synagogue [n]
Other moves: LUSH L9 28, RUSH L9 28, SHUL L11 28, SHUN L11 28, NOH B4 27

On 10th draw, URBANIZE 9G 83 --- URBANIZE to cause to take on urban characteristics [v]
Other moves: ZA 4D 48, ZEA A12 47, ZIN A12 47, BIZONE B2 44, ZA A12 44

On 11th draw, MOWS O6 47 --- MOW to cut down standing herbage [v]
Other tops: ONIUMS O4 47
Other moves: WINOS O5 44, MINOS O5 41, MINUS O5 41, MUNIS O5 41, MUONS O5 41

On 12th draw, F(A)CTION N1 84 --- FACTION a clique within a larger group [n]
Other tops: FICT(I)ON N1 84, F(I)CTION N1 84
Other moves: FICT(I)ON 4G 79, F(A)CTION 4G 77, F(I)CTION 4G 77, F(R)ACTION D3 76, F(U)NCTION K2 74

On 13th draw, NOLO 4B 23 --- NOLO same as nolo contondere, a legal plea which accepts punishment without conceding guilt [n]
Other tops: NONEGO 15J 23
Other moves: ANOLE 6A 22, EL O1 22, EN O1 22, EGO M12 21, OLEO 6C 21

On 14th draw, QADI 12A 48 --- QADI a Muslim judge [n]
Other tops: QAID 12A 48
Other moves: DALE 3C 32, DALI 3C 32, DALT 3C 32, QAID C7 32, LADE 3C 31
QAID 12A 48 kellybelly

On 15th draw, TOASTER 6D 75 --- TOASTER a device for toasting [n]
Other moves: STATEROOM 6G 65, ROTATES 3E 64, AEROST(A)T 2H 59, TAROTS 3C 34, TASTER 3C 34
TARES 3C 32 kellybelly

On 16th draw, UPLIFT 1J 36 --- UPLIFT to lift up [v]
Other moves: AM 10M 31, AM O1 30, AMI M12 25, IMPACT 3J 24, LIFT 1L 24
AM 10M 31 kellybelly

On 17th draw, THYMINE 2E 83 --- THYMINE a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: HYMNIC 3I 40, MYTHI 2G 38, MYTHIC 3I 38, MEITH 2F 37, HYENIC 3I 36
THE 2I 31 kellybelly

On 18th draw, AX 10M 61 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: AX 6A 51, NOX B4 51, GUANXI L4 44, XENIA 1A 41, NIX 8J 39
AX 10M 61 kellybelly

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