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Game on November 25, 2018 at 01:53, 5 players
1. 224 pts GLOBEMAN
2. 83 pts sunshine12
3. 60 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?deiiuz   H8    50    50   iodize
 2. eeiklmp   G9    31    81   kep
 3. adehstu  I10    39   120   heads
 4. aelnotv  12H    28   148   zante
 5. aaejlms  14F    43   191   jess
 6. aemnott  15A    36   227   omenta
 7. aaeelnr   D8    68   295   lernaean
 8. aefgrtw   8A    30   325   reflag
 9. adeinxy  E11    47   372   yex
10. aglnoru  B10    26   398   granum
11. abceiou   K6    22   420   iceboat
12. acdioty   L1    33   453   cytoid
13. ?filotu   B1    74   527   fluorite
14. aellrsu   I2    61   588   laurels
15. binostt   M8    33   621   bonist
16. gimnopt   8K    39   660   embog
17. adoqrtv   H1    40   700   qat
18. inoprvw   1L    33   733   cowp
19. iioruvw   N6    23   756   vrow
20. dhinoru  13A    26   782   index
21. hiinorv   4A    24   806   honor

Remaining tiles: iiuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7119 FileGLOBEMAN    1 10:58  -582  224     1.7119 GLOBEMAN    1 10:58  -582  224 
  2.7589 Filesunshine12  0  3:35  -723   83     2.7589 sunshine12  0  3:35  -723   83 
  3.6793 Fileroocatcher  0  2:06  -746   60            Group: intermediate
  4.  -  Filechunk88     0  1:00  -778   28     1.6793 roocatcher  0  2:06  -746   60 
  5.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  1:29  -800    6            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  chunk88     0  1:00  -778   28 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  1:29  -800    6 

On 1st draw, I(O)DIZE H8 50 --- IODIZE to treat with iodine [v]
Other moves: (V)IZIED H7 34, DIZE(N) H4 32, DU(R)ZI H4 32, I(O)DIZE H4 32, I(O)DIZE H7 32

On 2nd draw, KEP G9 31 --- KEP to catch [v]
Other tops: KIP G9 31
Other moves: KEMPLE 13C 30, IMPEL G7 28, MILK G6 28, KEMPLE G5 27, KELPIE 13C 26

On 3rd draw, HEADS I10 39 --- HEAD to be chief of [v]
Other moves: HEAD I10 38, SHEA I9 38, HADES 14F 36, HADST 14F 36, HASTED 14F 36

On 4th draw, ZANTE 12H 28 --- ZANTE satinwood [n]
Other moves: LEVANTED 13B 26, NOVATED 13C 24, SOLVATE 14I 24, SOLVENT 14I 24, VALETED 13C 24

On 5th draw, JESS 14F 43 --- JESS to fasten straps around the legs of a hawk [v]
Other tops: JASS 14F 43
Other moves: JAMES J6 42, JAMS M9 36, MAATJES K9 32, MASSA 14F 31, MASSE 14F 31

On 6th draw, OMENTA 15A 36 --- OMENTUM a fold in an abdominal membrane [n]
Other moves: AMENT 11K 22, AMEN 11K 20, AMENT 13K 20, ATOM 15D 20, EM J14 20

On 7th draw, LERNAEAN D8 68 --- LERNAEAN pertaining to a swamp near Argos [adj]
Other moves: LANA 14A 22, LANE 14A 22, LARE 14A 22, LERE 14A 22, NARE 14A 22

On 8th draw, REFLAG 8A 30 --- REFLAG to give a new registered nationality to (a ship) [v]
Other moves: TAWA 14A 29, WETA 14A 29, AWEE C12 28, FAW C7 28, FEW C7 28

On 9th draw, YEX E11 47 --- YEX to hiccup [v]
Other moves: YEX 9C 38, AXE E11 35, AXED 13K 35, ANXIETY K7 34, DEXY 13L 33

On 10th draw, GRANUM B10 26 --- GRANUM a part of a plant chloroplast [n]
Other moves: GREX 13B 24, LUREX 13A 24, GORA 14A 23, GEL G13 22, ULEX 13B 22

On 11th draw, ICEBOAT K6 22 --- ICEBOAT a vehicle that sails on ice [n]
Other moves: COBAEA E3 20, *B* A11 19, BEDE 13G 19, BEDU 13G 19, OBA A11 19

On 12th draw, CYTOID L1 33 --- CYTOID cell-like [adj]
Other moves: CYTOID J1 31, EDICT 8K 30, CODIFY C4 29, INDEX 13A 26, DACOIT L1 24

On 13th draw, FLUO(R)ITE B1 74 --- FLUORITE a mineral form of calcium fluoride [n]
Other moves: FLOUTI(N)G F1 65, OUTFLI(N)G F1 65, FLO(R)UIT I2 63, LI(F)TOFF C3 43, FLYT(E) 2J 36

On 14th draw, LAURELS I2 61 --- LAUREL to crown with a wreath of evergreen leaves [v]
Other tops: ALLURES I2 61
Other moves: FALLERS 1B 33, FERULAS 1B 33, FULLERS 1B 33, URASE M9 27, LASER M10 25
LACERS 1J 24 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12

On 15th draw, BONIST M8 33 --- BONIST one who avows bonism [n]
Other moves: EBONS 8K 30, BISON M10 29, BIONTS M7 27, BIST M10 27, OINTS M2 27
BISON M10 29 sunshine12

On 16th draw, EMBOG 8K 39 --- EMBOG to bog [v]
Other moves: PICONG 1J 33, COMP 1L 30, MOOPING 4A 30, IMP C2 28, MOPING 4A 28
COMP 1L 30 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 17th draw, QAT H1 40 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: QUARTO 3A 30, QUOAD 3A 30, QUAD 3A 28, QUART 3A 28, QUOD 3A 28
QUARTO 3A 30 roocatcher
QUOD 3A 28 chunk88
COD 1L 6 BadBoyBen

On 18th draw, COWP 1L 33 --- COWP to overturn [v]
Other moves: CROW 1L 27, PIN J2 27, PIR J2 27, POWIN 4A 26, W*P A4 26

On 19th draw, VROW N6 23 --- VROW a Dutch woman [n]
Other moves: OW A3 20, V(R)OUW 5A 20, WE G13 20, WED 13G 20, MOW L8 19

On 20th draw, INDEX 13A 26 --- INDEX a type of reference guide at the end of a book [n] --- INDEX to provide with an index [v]
Other tops: HONOUR 4A 26, HOORD 4A 26, HOUND 4A 26
Other moves: DOURAH E4 25, HOD A4 24, HOND 4A 24, HONOR 4A 24, HOOD 4A 24

On 21th draw, HONOR 4A 24 --- HONOR to treat with respect [v]
Other moves: HI C3 22, HO C3 22, HOON 4A 22, HORI 4A 22, HORN 4A 22

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