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Game on February 4, 2019 at 10:04, 6 players
1. 187 pts GLOBEMAN
2. 162 pts sunshine12
3. 87 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eeghnst   H4    28    28   henges
 2. ?aegoor   I8    65    93   rootage
 3. ?aeehsy  11D    98   191   eyebaths
 4. acceimp  10C    35   226   camp
 5. ainnoru   J9    29   255   unhair
 6. abgostw  15D    50   305   bowats
 7. abeelln   K5    25   330   enables
 8. cinorst   B8    85   415   cistron
 9. dnoortw   8K    33   448   brown
10. degiptu   6B    68   516   deputing
11. ailortv   M6    76   592   violator
12. aejmtuy  A13    50   642   jay
13. diiotuv  C13    27   669   ti
14. aefilox   N8    56   725   wox
15. deefilo  L12    32   757   deif
16. adiinrt   8A    27   784   acid
17. defikor   L1    37   821   fiked
18. eilnotv   O2    65   886   vinolent
19. elmqruz  15L    48   934   fuze

Remaining tiles: lmqru

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6924 FileGLOBEMAN    0  5:33  -747  187     1.7493 sunshine12  0  7:36  -772  162 
  2.7493 Filesunshine12  0  7:36  -772  162     2.7332 roocatcher  0  3:30  -847   87 
  3.7332 Fileroocatcher  0  3:30  -847   87     3.7574 TWEEKS      0  1:06  -892   42 
  4.7574 FileTWEEKS      0  1:06  -892   42     4.7628 WEASEL      0  1:32  -892   42 
  5.7628 FileWEASEL      0  1:32  -892   42     5.7381 enzotiger   0  1:57  -892   42 
  6.7381 Fileenzotiger   0  1:57  -892   42            Group: intermediate
                                             1.6924 GLOBEMAN    0  5:33  -747  187 

On 1st draw, HENGES H4 28 --- HENGE a circular Bronze Age structure in England [n]
Other tops: THEGNS H3 28
Other moves: HENGE H4 26, HENTS H4 24, HETES H4 24, GHEES H4 22, GHEST H4 22

On 2nd draw, ROO(T)AGE I8 65 --- ROOTAGE a system of roots [n]
Other tops: ROO(T)AGE G8 65
Other moves: (M)OORAGE G8 64, (M)OORAGE I8 64, OREGANO(S) 6C 62, OREGA(N)O G9 62, OREGA(N)O I9 62

On 3rd draw, EYE(B)A(T)HS 11D 98 --- EYEBATH a small vessel for washing the eye [n]
Other moves: EYE(L)ASH 15D 97, EYE(W)ASH 15D 97, HAYSEE(D) 15F 94, EYESHA(D)E 14B 92, EYE(L)ASH J4 91

On 4th draw, CAMP 10C 35 --- CAMP theatrical [adj] --- CAMP to live in the open [v]
Other moves: AMP 10D 32, IMPEACH 4B 32, MACCHIE 4D 32, MAP 10D 32, PAM 10D 32

On 5th draw, UNHAIR J9 29 --- UNHAIR to remove the hair from [v]
Other moves: NORIA G3 20, HAIN J11 18, HAIR J11 18, REUNION 14H 18, EONIAN 14I 16

On 6th draw, BOWATS 15D 50 --- BOWAT a lantern [n]
Other moves: BOWS 15F 35, WABS 15F 35, WAGS 15F 32, W*GS 15F 32, SABOT B10 31

On 7th draw, ENABLES K5 25 --- ENABLE to make possible [v]
Other moves: BEENAH 4C 22, LEGIBLE 13G 22, BAL 14E 20, BAN 14E 20, BELAH 4D 20

On 8th draw, CISTRON B8 85 --- CISTRON a segment of DNA [n]
Other moves: CISTRON L1 80, CITRONS B4 76, CORNIST B5 76, CORTINS B4 76, CISTRON J1 71

On 9th draw, BROWN 8K 33 --- BROWN of a dark colour [adj] --- BROWN to make brown [v]
Other moves: BOORD 8K 27, BROND 8K 27, BROOD 8K 27, DOW A13 26, ODOR A12 26

On 10th draw, DEPUTING 6B 68 --- DEPUTE to delegate [v]
Other moves: DEPUTING O2 65, ICED 8A 27, EDIT A12 26, PUDGE L1 26, PUTID L1 25

On 11th draw, VIOLATOR M6 76 --- VIOLATOR one that violates [n]
Other tops: VIOLATOR M2 76
Other moves: OVATOR M8 26, VALOR L1 26, VIOLA L1 26, VIRAL L1 26, VITAL L1 26

On 12th draw, JAY A13 50 --- JAY a corvine bird [n]
Other moves: JAM A13 47, JAY L12 46, JAM L12 44, JEAT L12 44, JUTE L12 44

On 13th draw, TI C13 27 --- TI the seventh tone of the diatonic musical scale [n]
Other moves: OUTVIED C1 26, DIVOT L1 24, DOTIER 14E 23, IVIED C3 22, VOTED C3 22

On 14th draw, WOX N8 56 --- WAX to coat with wax (a natural, heat-sensitive substance) [v]
Other tops: WAX N8 56
Other moves: FOX 5C 53, XI N10 52, FOXIE L1 40, OX 5D 40, XI 5E 38
FOX 5C 53 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12

On 15th draw, DEIF L12 32 --- DEIF deaf (Scots) [adj]
Other tops: DELF L12 32
Other moves: FELID L1 29, FIELD L1 29, FILED L1 29, FLIED L1 29, ECOD 8A 27
FE 7C 22 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12

On 16th draw, ACID 8A 27 --- ACID a type of chemical compound [n] --- ACID sour [adj]
Other tops: ACRID 8A 27, DARING 7C 27, DATING 7C 27, DITING 7C 27
Other moves: ACINI 8A 24, ACTIN 8A 24, AFRIT 15K 24, FAND 15L 24, FARD 15L 24
FARD 15L 24 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, sunshine12

On 17th draw, FIKED L1 37 --- FIKE to fidget restlessly [v]
Other moves: KEFIR L1 36, OFFED 15K 36, FIKE 15L 33, FIRK 15L 33, FORK 15L 33
FORK 15L 33 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 18th draw, VINOLENT O2 65 --- VINOLENT addicted to wine [adj]
Other moves: VOILE 2J 32, ENTOIL O10 31, FIVE 15L 30, FIVE 1L 30, ENOL M1 29
FIVE 1L 30 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12

On 19th draw, FUZE 15L 48 --- FUZE to equip with a detonating device [v]
Other moves: QUIZ 2J 42, QUIM 2J 35, QUEME C2 32, L*Z N12 31, REZ N12 31
QUIZ 2J 42 TWEEKS, WEASEL, enzotiger

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