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Game on April 8, 2019 at 07:41, 2 players
1. 435 pts Chelsea
2. 331 pts fatcat

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?efilyz   H4    46    46   zizel
 2. abelsuy   9G    82   128   useably
 3. adiinor   4H    30   158   zonda
 4. aelopqr   5F    28   186   leipoa
 5. acgmoor   3I    32   218   coom
 6. deegnuy   M1    38   256   dey
 7. inorsst   K7    70   326   ribstons
 8. fgilmot  L12    30   356   foil
 9. aehistt  10A    66   422   atheist
10. bdijnor  A10    66   488   adjoin
11. ?aeptuv   F1    64   552   vapulate
12. eehrtuw   1H    42   594   thewed
13. acegmrr   C9    34   628   charmer
14. abegruv  14H    28   656   abusive
15. ainnrtu  15E    30   686   uranin
16. adefinw   8M    35   721   few
17. dgiknot  12C    26   747   roking
18. adgirtx  15N    36   783   xi
19. adeggrt   2B    22   805   aggrade

Remaining tiles: iqrt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7508 FileChelsea     5 12:34  -370  435     1.7508 Chelsea     5 12:34  -370  435 
  2.6561 Filefatcat      3 11:07  -474  331            Group: intermediate
                                             1.6561 fatcat      3 11:07  -474  331 

On 1st draw, ZI(Z)EL H4 46 --- ZIZEL the chipmunk [n]
Other tops: FEZ(Z)Y H4 46, FEZ(Z)Y H8 46, FE(Z)ZY H4 46, FE(Z)ZY H8 46, FIZ(Z)Y H4 46, FIZ(Z)Y H8 46, FI(Z)ZY H4 46, FI(Z)ZY H8 46
Other moves: FIZ(Z)LE H4 42, FI(Z)ZLE H4 42, F(R)IZE H4 40, F(U)ZIL H4 40, L*ZzY H8 40

On 2nd draw, USEABLY 9G 82 --- USEABLE able to be used [adv] --- USEABLY in a usable manner [adv]
Other moves: SLEAZY 4D 36, BELAYS 9C 32, BLUEYS 9C 32, ZEBUS 4H 32, BLUESY 9D 30

On 3rd draw, ZONDA 4H 30 --- ZONDA a hot, dry, dusty wind [n]
Other moves: RADON I3 26, ADO 10I 21, DONA I3 21, RADON I1 21, ANOBIID K6 20

On 4th draw, LEIPOA 5F 28 --- LEIPOA an Australian bird [n]
Other moves: EARL 8L 23, EORL 8L 23, PEAL 3I 23, OLPAE 5K 22, PYROLA M8 22

On 5th draw, COOM 3I 32 --- COOM to begrime [v]
Other moves: MAC 8M 28, MOC 8M 28, MOA 10J 27, MOO 10J 27, CLAMOR L8 26
MAC 8M 28 Chelsea

On 6th draw, DEY M1 38 --- DEY a former North African ruler [n]
Other tops: GEY M1 38, GUY M1 38
Other moves: UEY M1 36, DYE 10I 35, NY M2 34, EYE 10I 33, NYE 10I 33
GUY M1 38 Chelsea

On 7th draw, RIBSTONS K7 70 --- RIBSTON an apple [n]
Other moves: OESTRINS 7G 61, OESTRINS I8 61, TERSIONS 7G 61, STRONDS 1H 27, DEYS M1 24
STRONDS 1H 27 Chelsea

On 8th draw, FOIL L12 30 --- FOIL to prevent the success of [v]
Other moves: FIG 8M 29, FOG 8M 29, FIL 8M 26, FIT 8M 26, MOIL L12 26
FOIL L12 30 Chelsea
FIG 8M 29 fatcat

On 9th draw, ATHEIST 10A 66 --- ATHEIST one who believes that there is no god [n]
Other tops: ATHETISE 7A 66
Other moves: HESITATE 7A 63, SH*TT*D 1G 36, ETHS M11 35, HASTED 1H 33, HATTED 1H 33
SH*TT*D 1G 36 fatcat
HASTED 1H 33 Chelsea

On 10th draw, ADJOIN A10 66 --- ADJOIN to lie next to [v]
Other moves: JORDAN A6 42, INBOARD A6 36, RIOJA A6 36, JIAO A8 33, RIBAND A7 33
BRAND A8 30 fatcat
BID 8M 25 Chelsea

On 11th draw, VAPUL(A)TE F1 64 --- VAPULATE to flog [v]
Other tops: V(A)PULATE F1 64
Other moves: U(N)PAVED 1G 39, PAV(E)ED 1H 36, VA(M)PED 1H 36, UPHEAV(E) C8 34, UPH(E)AVE C8 34
J(I)VE 12A 26 Chelsea, fatcat

On 12th draw, THEWED 1H 42 --- THEWED muscular [adj]
Other moves: WHETHER C9 40, WRETHE 8A 39, THEW 11E 32, WRETHE D8 32, ETH M11 30
EHS 10I 29 Chelsea
VEER 1F 21 fatcat

On 13th draw, CHARMER C9 34 --- CHARMER one that charms [n]
Other moves: AMERCE 8A 33, CAREME 8A 33, MEAGRE 8A 33, RACEME 8A 33, CHARGER C9 32
CHARMER C9 34 fatcat, Chelsea

On 14th draw, ABUSIVE 14H 28 --- ABUSIVE characterized by wrong or improper use [adj]
Other moves: BAG 8M 25, BEG 8M 25, BRA M13 25, BUG 8M 25, ABS 10I 23
BAG 8M 25 Chelsea
BEG 8M 25 fatcat

On 15th draw, URANIN 15E 30 --- URANIN a sodium [n]
Other moves: RUTIN 15F 27, TRAIN 15F 27, UNTIN 15F 27, JURANT 12A 26, INTRA 15E 25
TRAIN 15F 27 Chelsea, fatcat

On 16th draw, FEW 8M 35 --- FEW amounting to or consisting of a small number [adj]
Other tops: FAW 8M 35
Other moves: FIEND 11E 33, WAIFED E8 31, FAD 8M 29, FADEIN E6 29, FED 8M 29
FEW 8M 35 fatcat
FAW 8M 35 Chelsea

On 17th draw, ROKING 12C 26 --- ROKE to smoke [v]
Other moves: JIRD 12A 24, KINGED N10 22, KIDGE N10 21, INDIGO E7 20, KINDA 2B 20
JIRD 12A 24 Chelsea
KIND E9 18 fatcat

On 18th draw, XI 15N 36 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: AX 15N 29, XIS 10I 25, XI G2 24, EXTRA 7H 20, AX 11C 19
XI 15N 36 Chelsea, fatcat

On 19th draw, AGGRADE 2B 22 --- AGGRADE to fill (a stream bed) with sediment [v]
Other moves: RE 11E 21, AGGRATE 2B 20, DIRKE E9 20, GRADATE 2B 20, GEED 2L 19
DIRK E9 18 Chelsea
DE 13N 14 fatcat

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