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Game on June 22, 2019 at 19:03, 2 players
1. 261 pts musdrive
2. 131 pts GLOBEMAN

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. abeipru   H3    26    26   upbear
 2. ademttu   G7    75   101   mutated
 3. ?aeosyz   F6    75   176   assez
 4. efnorrv  H12    45   221   fore
 5. elnnosv   9C    24   245   volets
 6. aeiiknt  F12    28   273   take
 7. adfinvy  15A    33   306   invade
 8. deinnot   4E    72   378   endpoint
 9. emooosw   M1    30   408   mews
10. ceinosy   1K    48   456   cymes
11. eghortw  14H    88   544   regrowth
12. ?aeggiu   K7    68   612   quaggier
13. eefnort   O1    86   698   softener
14. ciilopx   N1    49   747   exo
15. aailnop  O11    33   780   alpha
16. bciloqr  14A    37   817   qi
17. ailnnor   C6    74   891   nonviral
18. bcdhiiu   8A    35   926   hind
19. ciijlru   F2    26   952   jin
20. biloruy   5H    32   984   buoy

Remaining tiles: bciilr

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.8710 Filemusdrive    2  5:44  -723  261     1.8710 musdrive    2  5:44  -723  261 
  2.7413 FileGLOBEMAN    0  5:48  -853  131            Group: advanced
                                             1.7413 GLOBEMAN    0  5:48  -853  131 

On 1st draw, UPBEAR H3 26 --- UPBEAR to raise aloft [v]
Other moves: UPBEAR H4 22, UPBEAR H7 22, UPBEAR H8 22, PAIRE H4 20, PAREU H4 20

On 2nd draw, MUTATED G7 75 --- MUTATE to undergo mutation [v]
Other moves: MEAD I3 28, MUTATED 3G 28, MEAT I3 26, MAE I3 23, MATTED G7 22

On 3rd draw, A(S)SEZ F6 75 --- ASSEZ as part of a musical direction, fairly, eg assez lent: fairly slowly [adv]
Other tops: AS(S)EZ F6 75
Other moves: S(P)AZ F7 72, ZE(R)OS F10 72, ZE(T)AS F10 72, S(I)ZE F8 69, ZE(R)O F10 69
ZE(T)AS F10 72 musdrive

On 4th draw, FORE H12 45 --- FORE the front part of something [n]
Other tops: FERN H12 45, FOEN H12 45, FONE H12 45
Other moves: FOREVER 12D 34, FERVOUR 3C 30, ROVE H12 30, FOREVER 12B 28, FEVER 12D 24

On 5th draw, VOLETS 9C 24 --- VOLET a short veil [n]
Other moves: UNLOVES 3H 22, SLOVEN E1 20, UNLOVE 3H 20, EVETS 9D 19, NEON I3 18

On 6th draw, TAKE F12 28 --- TAKE to get possession of [v]
Other tops: KOINE D8 28, TAKI F12 28
Other moves: TAK F12 27, BEATNIK 5H 26, DOITKIN 13G 26, TAKEN 11G 26, TAKIN 11G 26

On 7th draw, INVADE 15A 33 --- INVADE to enter for conquest or plunder [v]
Other moves: DAVY E3 27, FADY E3 27, FONDA D8 26, VIFDA E2 26, NAVY E3 25

On 8th draw, ENDPOINT 4E 72 --- ENDPOINT either of two points that mark the end of a line segment [n]
Other moves: DENTIN B10 22, DUNNITE 3G 22, INTOED I1 22, NIED I3 20, PINNOED 4H 20

On 9th draw, MEWS M1 30 --- MEW to confine (one pl MEAWES) [v] --- MEWS stables converted to housing [n] --- MEWS to pass through a hedge [v]
Other tops: MOWS M1 30, WEMS M1 30
Other moves: WOOSE M1 28, MOOSE M1 26, OWES M1 26, OWSE M2 26, SOWM 5B 26

On 10th draw, CYMES 1K 48 --- CYME a flower cluster [n]
Other moves: SYNCOM 1H 42, SOCMEN 1J 39, EBONY 5G 37, COVYNES C7 36, INCOMES 1I 36

On 11th draw, REGROWTH 14H 88 --- REGROWTH a new or second growth [n]
Other moves: REWTH 5A 32, ROWTH 5A 32, WORTH 5A 32, WROTH 5A 32, THROWE 3A 31
WORTH 5A 32 musdrive

On 12th draw, (Q)UAGGIER K7 68 --- QUAGGY marshy [adj]
Other tops: UNAGEI(N)G K3 68
Other moves: GIGHE O11 33, GAU(C)HE O10 30, GEI(S)HA O10 30, GIGH(E) O11 30, AUGH(T) O11 27

On 13th draw, SOFTENER O1 86 --- SOFTENER one that softens [n]
Other moves: FOHN O12 42, FOEHN O11 36, TURFEN 8J 30, FROE L12 28, FEE 15L 26
FOHN O12 42 musdrive

On 14th draw, EXO N1 49 --- EXO excellent (Australian slang) [adj]
Other moves: COX 5C 42, PIX 5C 42, POX 5C 42, EX N1 38, EXO 2M 38
EXO N1 49 musdrive

On 15th draw, ALPHA O11 33 --- ALPHA a Greek letter [n]
Other moves: ALOHA O11 27, PHI O13 24, PHO O13 24, AA 15N 23, AI 15N 23

On 16th draw, QI 14A 37 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QIBLA 6B 36, BICORN B10 32, BICRON B10 32, QIBLA D11 32, BICOLOR D6 28

On 17th draw, NONVIRAL C6 74 --- NONVIRAL not viral [adj]
Other moves: NONRIVAL C4 62, BONA 5H 20, LION L9 20, LOIN L9 20, ROIN L9 20

On 18th draw, HIND 8A 35 --- HIND a female red deer [n]
Other tops: HUB B10 35
Other moves: BIND 8A 32, BUND 8A 32, BUD B10 27, CHAD 12A 26, CHIB 3B 26
HUB B10 35 musdrive

On 19th draw, JIN F2 26 --- JIN a supernatural being in Muslim mythology [n]
Other tops: JUN F2 26
Other moves: JUREL E1 24, CURLI B2 22, JAI 12B 20, JAR 12B 20, JEU E3 20

On 20th draw, BUOY 5H 32 --- BUOY to mark with a buoy (a warning float) [v]
Other moves: BOY B10 31, BUY B10 31, BLOWY M11 26, BLAY 12A 24, BRAY 12A 24
BOY B10 31 musdrive

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